Have Mynde brochure 2024

Chamber Choir at Carol Service

Queen's School Festival of Music winner Colette Hong (right) and runner up Grace Crook (left)


Senior School Music Our Senior School Music Department have had another successful year, which started with a magical Christmas Carol Service at Chester Cathedral, which included resplendent performances by our Chamber Choir, Junior Choir , and Queen’s Young Voices . A collection of hymns and Christmas carols ended the term beautifully, filling all those in attendance with Christmas spirit. The annual Queen’s School Festival of Music saw a rewarding day for pupils, as instrumentalists and vocalists competed for their category. This year encouraged whole school participation as House Choirs took to the stage to compete for the House trophy. Thompson House was triumphant, winning both the House Choir competition and the overall festival. External adjudicators were extremely impressed with the high standard of performances and awarded the prestigious Amy Underhill Trophy to Year 8 cellist Colette Hong (who also performs with the Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Academy Orchestra) for her rendition of Notturno by George Goltermann. In March, parents and staff were treated to a full programme of music and drama items at Cabaret . Both nights saw a variety of ensembles, including our newly formed Jazz Band and a particularly special performance from A level musician Zara Islip , who had composed her own piece of music. The musical talents on display were truly astonishing. Many of our girls from both Senior and Lower School sat their ABRSM graded music examinations this year, with phenomenal results. We can’t wait to see where their talent will take them in the future. The Music Department closed another jam packed successful year with a Summer Soirée , featuring solos and ensembles from Years 7 9, as well as performances from our Chamber Choir . The staff in the Music Department are grateful to have such highly skilled and enthusiastic peripatetic teachers who inspire and educate our talented musicians. Senior School Drama In March, our GCSE and A level Drama students completed their practical scripted examinations in front of an examiner. Year 11 pupils chose scripts ranging from ‘A Taste of Honey’, ‘My Mother Said I Never Should’, ‘Be My Baby’ , and ‘Two’. From the naive innocence of the pregnant teenage girls in ‘Be

Queen's School Festival of Music winners

My Baby’ to the dramatic confrontation between the landlord and landlady in ‘Two’ , all our GCSE pupils performed to an excellent standard throughout. A level student Toncsi Young performed a monologue from ‘The Permanent Way’ by David Hare for her practical examination, portraying a bereaved widow who had lost her husband in the Potter’s Bar train crash. Her performance was moving and thought provoking, as Toncsi conveyed the impact of this disaster on her character. In our Cabaret evenings, Key Stage 3 Drama students proved once again what exceptional talent they have. Parents and staff were treated to a Year 9 Drama Queen’s performance of ‘A Charming Affair’ and a Year 7 and 8 Drama Fun performance of extracts from ‘Blood Brothers’ . Not to be outdone, our Year 7 pupils demonstrated their dramatic and comedic talents in a



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