Have Mynde brochure 2024

1 House Captains: Dragons Poppy Binks and Zara Green, Unicorns Amelia Thane and Isabella Banham, Phoenix Charlotte Kermode and Tea Rutili, Griffins Philippa Rajadurai and Maisie Barlow 2 Heads of Houses (left to right): Lili Jones, Rachel Ho, Natalie James, Hollie Tempero, Tilly Jones, Sasha Hughes, Isabella Iles, Scarlett Toovey and Toncsi Young 3 Year 5 leading a Mental Health Day assembly



Responsibility and resilience PROMOTING LEADERSHIP At Queen’s, we value the cultivation of leadership skills from an early age, recognising the profound impact it has on shaping confident and capable individuals. This ethos resonates throughout our school community, starting from the Lower School and extending seamlessly into Sixth Form. In the Lower School, our girls embrace a myriad of esteemed roles, each carrying its own sense of responsibility and honour. From House Captains to Junior Safety Officers, Student Council members to Eco Committee representatives, our pupils eagerly assume positions where their voices are not only heard, but valued. The process of selecting House Captains exemplifies this commitment to leadership development, as candidates craft and deliver speeches before their peers. As our pupils transition to the


and forward thinkers of the future. Year 9 made use of this programme through the exploration of online learning and Massive Open Online

Courses (MOOCs), as well as short courses in research and presentation skills, and how to prepare CVs and job

applications. Year 10 expanded their focus towards leadership skills, academic discussion, emotional intelligence, and how to maximise high performance. LEAP also provides Queen’s girls with the opportunity to attend inspirational events and meet industry professionals. Our Year 8 and 9 LEAP pupils celebrated International Women’s Day at Storyhouse’s Women Schools’ Day , which involved talks from a range of female role models. Aligning with National Careers Week , this event allowed the girls to focus on their futures, as they received an introduction from Storyhouse’s CEO, Annabel Turpin, and attended interactive workshops and a Q&A panel discussion. Role models Our Lower and Senior School girls are eager to seize other opportunities that develop

Senior School, the opportunities for leadership continue, encouraging them to lead with vision, integrity, and empathy. Whether it's spearheading a co curricular club, participating in the Student Parliament, or assuming roles within the Head Girl Team, our pupils are empowered to make meaningful contributions to our school community. Natasha Latham and Marni Hugo proudly stepped us

Head Girl Natasha Latham and Deputy Head Girl Marni Hugo

leadership and allow them to be role models to other pupils. At the Lower School, girls have focussed on promoting kindness and positive behaviour, including discussing

as the new Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl after a rigorous selection process involving written applications, formal interviews, and engaging hustings videos. Additionally, our House Leadership Team, this year led by Toncsi Young as Senior Head of Houses, ensures that every pupil has the chance to lead and inspire.

Catalina Solan was awarded 'The Eagle Award'

strategies for avoiding conflict and negativity when online. In celebration of Odd Sock Day, the girls joined together to show that it’s okay to be different and to stand up against bullying. The day consisted of various activities that promoted kindness, including creating ‘kindness flowers’ and ‘caught you being kind’ cards for their friends. In preparation for World Mental Health Day , Year 5 also led an assembly on how to manage difficult emotions, which included useful tips, a short drama sketch, and a quiz for pupils to take part in. At the Senior School, Year 10 students enjoyed a team building day with the Royal Navy, with a range of activities showcasing their personal strengths. The girls enjoyed problem solving challenges and fitness and leadership sessions, and finished by building and launching their own rockets. The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is also an excellent opportunity for pupils to develop important skills and qualities, such as leadership, the ability to work in a team, and the ability to adapt to various situations. Year 11 student Catalina Solan is one of the many role models taking part in CCF and was awarded ‘The Eagle Award’ for demonstrating amazing commitment and progress in the Force.

The School saw a brief change in leadership for a day when Year 11 student Francesca Barnes won the remarkable opportunity to be Headmistress for a day. She

experienced a jam packed itinerary that provided her with an insight into the world of school leadership. It included leading the morning staff briefing, holding a Recognition Assembly, attending an Estates meeting for our new Astroturf project, and enjoying a Hot Choc and Chat session with Year 7 pupils. Our Leadership and Enhanced Academic Programme (LEAP) provides opportunities for Queen’s pupils to enhance their professional skills outside the classroom. This co curricular club helps girls develop key skills that will make them the leaders Francesca Barnes as Headmistress for the Day


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