Have Mynde brochure 2024

1 Year 1 girls seeing

Cinderella at the Storyhouse

2 Year 2 at

Chester Fire Station




Enriching Education At Queen’s, educational trips and visits are vital extensions of classroom learning. These experiences offer pupils the chance to explore new cultures, historical sites, and outdoor adventures, fostering independence and valuable life skills. Read on to discover just some of the enriching opportunities our pupils have enjoyed this year.

With the wide variety of amenities on our doorstep, Lower School pupils have enjoyed taking lessons out of the classroom on many day trips. Reception had a lovely visit to Chester Zoo , with the girls able to maximise the time spent seeing as many animals as

make clay pots inspired by the Beaker people. In March, the girls also enjoyed their first residential trip to Tattenhall Conway Centre . From team building to marshmallow toasting, tree climbing to zip lines; it was a delight to see them engage in activities that pushed them out of their comfort zones. During a trip to the World Museum , Year 4 had an interesting time as they explored the Ancient Egyptian gallery, made some sketches of the artefacts, and took part in a mummification workshop. In March, pupils embarked on an unforgettable trip to Kingswood Residential and Outdoor Activity Centre , where they had a wonderful time developing their independence, communication and teamwork skills. From archery to caving, climbing to teambuilding challenges, our girls embraced every opportunity with gusto. To further their research into rainforests, Year 5 also visited Chester Zoo and participated in a workshop on the internal structure common to all rainforests. The girls put their knowledge to the test as they had to complete various tasks and challenges. They also enjoyed a day of culture in Liverpool and visited various museums as part of their work on Ancient Greeks. They explored the World Museum ’s ‘Greek Gods’ expedition, discovering even more about Greek mythology, and found several depictions of Ancient

Reception pupils at Chester Zoo

possible. Their energy and excitement propelled them forward through guided tours of the enclosures, seeing giraffes, penguins, otters, snakes, and so much more. Year 1 had a magical trip to the Storyhouse in December, where they enjoyed the production Cinderella, adding a sparkle to their lead up to Christmas. In the summer term, the girls also enjoyed a day exploring Chirk Castle, where they saw the dungeons and medieval rooms of Adam's Tower. They studied medieval dresses and had lots of fun trying on knights' helmets and shields. A trip to Chester Fire Station gave Year 2 the chance to explore a fire engine and learn about the role of a firefighter, even having a go at trying on some firefighting kit. They also enjoyed a trip to the Liverpool Museum in October, where they had a tour of the ‘Bones and Stones’ exhibition and learnt about smaller creatures during a fascinating ‘Bug’ talk. Taking a step back in time, Year 3 had a fabulous day of Stone age to Bronze age exploration at the Weaver Hall Museum , where they had the chance to see and handle lots of exciting artefacts and

Year 3 at Tattenhall Conway Centre


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