Have Mynde brochure 2024

Have Mynde INSIDE Welcome pages 4 5 A welcome from the Headmistresses Celebrating Queen’s page 6 A recap of memorable moments Outdoor Learning page 7 Where learning knows no boundaries Careers page 8 Outstanding support and guidance Sharing the Learning page 9 Collaboration and collective understanding Music and Drama pages 10 13 Queen's shines bright Promoting Leadership page 14 Responsibility and resilience STEM page 15 Empowering girls to excel Art pages 16 23 A gallery of work from our talented artists Trips pages 24 27 Enriching education

Creative Writing

pages 28 33

Impressive words from pupils across the school Global Citizens Inspiring the leaders of tomorrow Giving Back pages 36 37 Supporting charities with Queen's kindness Beyond the Classroom pages 38 39 Opportunities to develop new skills Sport pages 40 43 Celebrating achievements Farewells pages 44 45 A tribute to our colleagues Alumni page 46 Queen's community Staff pages 47 48 Our amazing team at Queen's Results page 49 GCSE & A level results Destinations page 50 Where our leavers are heading pages 34 35

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