Have Mynde brochure 2024

Our pupils were highly commended at MGSMUN

QMUN 3 welcomed over 230 students

Queen’s has attended MGSMUN , and the positive and supportive atmosphere allowed everyone to get fully immersed into the debates, as well and meeting old friends and making new ones. Our team of highly committed delegates exemplify much of what is best about MUN, with Izabele Valantine and Gowri Shetty in Year 11 being Commended in the Special Commission on Women’s Rights and the Political Committee respectively, as well as Elizabeth Edwards in Year 11 being Highly Commended in the Human Rights Committee . MUNHigh In February, Queen’s represented Greece and Japan at MUNHigh , hosted by Manchester High School for Girls, with Year 12 student Maahi Chauhan having the honour of serving as guest chair in the Disarmament Committee . The intensive two day conference demanded exceptional stamina and perseverance from delegates, and a commendable effort was made by all who rose to the challenge. Special mention to Simran Sambhi in Year 11, who was awarded Best Young Delegate as Japan in the Disarmament Committee , and to Catalina Solan in Year 11, who was Commended for representing Japan in the Political Committee . ShrewsMUN To close a strong year of MUN, 13 students from Years 9 13 travelled to Shrewsbury School for the annual ShrewsMUN conference. The team included 10 delegates representing India and Yemen, as well as three students who had been invited to act as guest chairs. Beyond the formal proceedings, ShrewsMUN’s ever popular Saturday night disco provided an opportunity to foster new and

existing friendships with students from other schools. The highlight of Sunday’s general assembly was undoubtedly the debate surrounding the ad hoc Crisis Scenario, where our students seized the opportunity to articulate their view­ points before a larger audience. In a moment of pride for our delegation, Izabele Valantine in Year 11 was awarded the title of Best Delegate for representing India in the Health and Social Committee , and Simran Sambhi in Year 11 was Commended for her representation of India in the Security Council . "The positive and supportive atmosphere allowed everyone to get fully immersed into the debates."

Year 9 13 students at Shrewbury MUN


Year 10 13 students attended The King's School first MUN conference


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