Have Mynde brochure 2024

1 Cadets at Easter Camp 2 (Left to right) Mrs Walker, Indiya Abel, Emma Shortall and Mrs Keville at Buckingham Palace




Co curricular benefits Our extensive co curricular programme provides pupils with opportunities to boost their confidence, develop new skills, expand knowledge, and meet new friends. Girls are also encouraged to run clubs themselves, further developing their leadership and organisational skills. Combined Cadet Force

was almost an amphibious one! Weapons cleaning was understandably an indoor activity this time, helped by copious amounts of Easter chocolates and great tunes. RAF cadets Emma Yang, Olivia Steele, Catalina Solan and Violet Walsh were delighted to attend a flying experience day at RAF Woodvale , where they had an airborne trip in a Grob Tutor Aircraft, taking to the skies above Stockport. Year 9 cadets are building up to their 1 Star Camp at Altcar Army Camp , with Year 10 Army cadets Harriet Bentham­ Smith, Ellie Pond and Polly Turner acting as Assistant Directing Staff (ADS). Cadets will take part in Army and RAF Summer Camps , as well as a new addition this year for our senior cadets, Patrols Camp at Warcop Army Camp . Mrs Dawson Duke of Edinburgh Award This year saw Mrs Walker taking over from Mrs Simpson as Duke of Edinburgh Manager , and many pupils across the School have signed up for their Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh award programmes. All expedition participants took part in training sessions held within the School grounds this March. Bronze students completed their practice expedition in April, with the Silver and Gold students completing their practice expeditions in May. This was followed by the qualifying expeditions in June. In May, Mrs Keville and Mrs Walker also had the opportunity to travel to Buckingham Palace , to celebrate with the achievers of the Gold Award, which included Indiya Abel , as well as alumnae Amy Agnew and Emma Shortall . It was a wonderful day where they were able to listen to inspirational guest speakers, walk around the grounds of the Palace and meet the Duke of Edinburgh. Our pupils have volunteered their time with a variety of organisations this year, including charity shops, libraries, coaching, and animal sanctuaries. It is a delight to see how our girls are supporting their local communities across the region. New skills have been gained in areas such as sewing, cooking, music, drama and sports, all of which reflect on the talented community we have at Queen’s. The students continue to complete a broad range of activities for the skills section of the award, including climbing, dancing, horse riding, hockey and netball. Our Gold Award students have also been completing their residential part of the award, in places across the UK and Bavaria! The award has allowed young people to evidence their

The School has seen a full programme of parade nights, trips and camps this year, with lots of promotions to go with it. In August, before the start of the academic year, Army cadets Cora Turner and Emma Johnson gained places on the sought­ after Bavaria Multi Activity Week , where they rafted, canoed, climbed and scaled mountains through heavy rain and brilliant sunshine in Sonthofen, Germany. Our Cadet Link Teacher, otherwise known as Captain Dawson , joined as their climbing instructor. In November, Queen’s cadets represented the contingent at the Chester Remembrance Parade , giving pupils the opportunity and honour to remember the service and sacrifice of those who have defended our freedoms. A Shooting Range weekend at Kinmel Army Camp near Colwyn Bay was fully subscribed with a mixture of Army and RAF cadets. As well as live firing the cadet rifle, which for some was the first time, they completed a navigation exercise and learned about the art of military camouflage. Both days ended with a full clean of the rifles in lovely sunshine – a rare treat! Kirsten Robertson continued the active year in February, with a week skiing with the Combined Cadet Adventurous Training Unit . In March, Our Year 9 cadets completed their two day Bronze Level National Navigation Award in the Clwydian Hills. They learned navigation techniques such as catching features, pacing, using bearings and measuring distances, as well as emergency procedures and how to be respectful of the countryside.

Easter Camp at Altcar Army Camp combined both RAF and Army cadets, giving our newly appointed Sergeants a chance to utilise and develop leadership skills. After heavy and prolonged rain, the final nighttime assault on the ‘village’

Cora Turner at the Bavaria Multi Activity Week


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