Have Mynde brochure 2024

Joanne embodies the true essence of a Queen’s girl – she loves a challenge, embraces every part of school life, and takes all opportunities for fun! She throws herself into opportunities for fancy dress and can always be relied on to take part in whole school activities. It is this boundless energy and enthusiasm, coupled with her kind and caring nature, that we will miss the most. With Joanne’s passion for dancing, singing and musical theatre, her new role as Head of Student Support at The Hammond is the perfect place for the next step of her career. We wish Joanne all the very best for her future and look forward to seeing her back here to watch all our musical productions!

speaking world. Madame Lagarde’s French café morning club was very popular among sixth formers, where they could discuss current affairs within the French speaking world. She is known for her love of music and dancing and would often encourage her students to dance while learning French songs. Emmanuelle loves to share her personal experiences and has always been passionate about travelling. She has a deep love of her home country and culture, which comes across in her teaching and has inspired so many of her students. Her positivity and resilience in difficult times has been a true inspiration to many colleagues and pupils. Emmanuelle starts a new chapter in her life as she and her family plan to spend the next year travelling abroad. We wish Emmanuelle the very best for the future and thank her for everything she has done for Queen’s.

Kim Humphreys Kim joined Queen’s in 2013,

serving initially as receptionist and quickly earning a reputation as the School’s ‘friendly face’. Kim’s warm and welcoming demeanour ensured that all visitors felt embraced by the School community. She became an indispensable part of the Office

Amy Marshall Amy has been an exceptional addition to our school community since joining us in October 2018 as a Teaching Assistant. She has had a significant impact on the Infant Department and Year 3, showing unwavering commitment to her role and providing invaluable support to every teacher she has

Team, known for her knowledge, adaptability and resourcefulness. Her exceptional performance led to a promotion as the Deputy Headmistress’ PA and she took on additional responsibilities as a point of contact for pastoral duties. Embracing these new tasks, Kim naturally evolved into a beloved ‘grandma’ figure among the students. In 2021, recognising her remarkable ability to connect with students, Kim transitioned into the role of a Pastoral Support Worker. Kim has transformed the Pastoral Hub into a comforting and inclusive space where students receive support. While Kim has completed ELSA training, her true success lies in her innate qualities as a compassionate and caring individual. Students trust and respect her, knowing they are genuinely cared for in her presence. Beyond her professional responsibilities, Kim embodied the essence of compassion and kindness in every interaction. She radiated warmth, understanding, and unconditional love, creating a safe space where people could freely express themselves and find solace in times of need. As Kim transitions into retirement, we carry forward the lessons she imparted – the importance of empathy, the power of connection, and the beauty of serving others with an open heart.

worked with. Amy’s involvement in various activities, particularly her dedication to teaching netball clubs and swimming clubs for the children, has been truly commendable. Alongside Mrs Bradshaw, Amy played a crucial role in establishing the Lower School Library, benefiting numerous children. Her active participation in school trips and Beach School activities, including her willingness to drive the minibus, reflects her genuine passion for outdoor education. Amy has been an outstanding team member and a reliable source of support for all the classes she has been involved with. While we will miss her dearly, we are confident that she will stay in touch. We hope that she will now be able to spend quality time with her family and two beautiful little girls.

David Clarke David joined Queen’s in 2019 as one of our cherished Minibus Drivers. He will be missed a lot, his great character and sense of calm when there is chaos all around. He is always there with a lovely smile and a caring nature, always happy to help. He is very well travelled, not only does he transport our

Emmanuelle Lagarde Emmanuelle has worked at Queen’s since April 2013, and over the years has dedicated a huge amount of her time organising memorable trips. Her most recent trip to Montpellier was an unforgettable experience, highlighting the value of trips in helping pupils develop their

children around, but he also drives for English in Chester up and down the country, and always has a great story to tell about his adventures. We wish him all the best for the next journey of his life. Thank you, Dave, for your commitment to the School and its pupils.

cultural awareness and linguistic skills. Emmanuelle has also created links with schools in Gabon and France, enabling students from both schools to work together on common projects that deepen their enthusiasm in the French­


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