Have Mynde brochure 2024

Inspiring Queens As Head of Lower School, it gives me great pleasure to reflect on another year of life at Queen’s. WELCOME

Throughout the world, we are in a time of significant change not only politically, geographically and environmentally, but educationally too, and schools everywhere are having to consider the best way to prepare children for an unknown future. The 2023 World Economic Forum has highlighted the following as the five top work skills: cognitive skills, namely analytical and creative thinking, self efficacy in the form of flexibility and agility, motivation and self awareness, and finally curiosity and life long learning. For me, this is reassuring news because, at Queen’s, everything we do focuses on a rich curriculum which prioritises skills, both cognitive and personal. Back in 1897, ‘Have Mynde’ was adopted as the motto for Queen’s, and we continue to encourage our pupils to use their own minds, giving them the habit of reflection, and the power of consideration. A holistic approach remains at the core of our philosophy, and together with a rich tapestry of experiential opportunities, our pupils have exposure to learning within and beyond the classroom, which ultimately nurtures the green shoots of skills for life. Our co curricular provision continues to be first rate and, with day trips, residentials, Beach School, Forest Days and clubs, our children’s education extends so much further than the classroom. This year, we have considered how to travel more sustainably, and day trips to Liverpool have been successfully undertaken by making use of Bache Train Station just down the road. Our youngest charges have loved the adventure of train travel, and this has added to their lifeworld of experience. Added to this, our proximity to the centre of Chester has facilitated visits to the Cathedral, Storyhouse, small independent shops and supermarkets, fostering independence, responsibility and real life experiences for all our pupils. Our connection to the community remains the cornerstone of our life in Chester. This year, we have strengthened our connections with St Thomas of Canterbury Church; the warm intimacy of this space providing a comforting backdrop for our Harvest and Daffodil Services. In addition, our children have visited Upton Dene Nursing Home, and the joy of music has enabled our pupils to form meaningful relationships with the residents, learning the importance of compassion and respect. Music, art, drama and sport provide holistic creative and physical experiences. Our inaugural Summer Serenade provided our instrumentalists, choirs and soloists with a platform to showcase their talents. This year, the children submitted work to the National Gallery ‘Take One Picture’ competition a wonderful piece of felt work based on Henri Rosseau’s ‘Surprise’. Our performances of ‘A King is Born’, ‘Wiz Wham AlaKazam’, and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ provided every child with the opportunity to perform confidently. Finally, back in 1897 Queen’s girls played cricket, and, it therefore, shouldn’t

be surprising that alongside football, netball, hockey, swimming, tennis and athletics our girls will once again enjoy cricket as part of a plethora of sporting opportunities. In today’s world, a quality education extends beyond the classroom walls. At Queen’s, we strive to provide an education enriched by diverse experiences, preparing our pupils for whatever the future may hold.

Miss Iona Carmody Head of Lower School

"We continue to encourage our pupils to use their own minds, giving them the habit of reflection, and the power of consideration."


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