Have Mynde brochure 2024

Outstanding Support and Guidance We pride ourselves on having a fully embedded careers programme across all curriculum areas at Queen’s. From university guidance to careers advice, our Academic Lecture Programme and alumni visits, these opportunities offer invaluable lessons and inspiration to pupils planning for their next steps. CAREERS

Queen’s girls start preparing for life after school early on, with programmes on offer to all pupils, from Year 7 to Year 13. As pupils make their steps towards further education, the School provides many opportunities to help them make informed and confident decisions. Year 10 began thinking about their next steps as they attended the UK University & Apprenticeship Fair in Liverpool. There, they spoke one­ to one with admissions tutors, universities, and employers, as well as attending seminars on topics such as ‘Why take a degree apprenticeship’ and ‘How to choose a course’. This year also saw the return of our annual Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) evening, tailored for aspiring medics, dentists and other healthcare science applicants who can expect to face interviews in their application process. We were fortunate to welcome the help of alumni and parents, whose support was extremely valuable in providing interview tips and advice to the girls. As part of our University and Post 18 Applications Programme , Year 12 attended the UCAS Universities Fair in Manchester, which hosted around 140 universities from across the country, as well as a range of employers offering apprenticeships or opportunities on graduation. This event is a vital opportunity for pupils to speak directly to universities, employers, apprenticeship and gap year providers. It also gave them the chance to attend seminars on Student Finance, Personal Statements, and specific subject talks. Year 12 also benefited from an informative session on Gap Years as part of the School’s QUEST programme. Delving into the benefits and potential pitfalls of taking a year out before university, the girls discovered how such experiences can enrich their CV or Personal Statement, as well as the diverse opportunities it presents, from internships and volunteering, to immersive travel experiences and skill development. Academic Lecture Programme Our Academic Lecture Programme is a key part of our Sixth Form provision, as we invite leading academics to speak to Year 12 pupils, giving them a flavour of university style lectures and broadening their horizons. This year we welcomed academics from a variety of fields, including world famous fertility expert Professor Baron Robert Winston , who spoke about his work on fertility treatments, and leading medical researcher Professor Stephen Hughes , who gave pupils a fascinating insight into the development of treatments for life threatening conditions. We also welcomed expert criminologist Paul French , whose talk covered the purposes of punishment, and Sarah Louisa Phythian Adams , an alumna of Queen’s, who spoke about the economic value of cultural activities such as live music events. This year’s programme concluded with talks from PhD researchers Courteney Fisher , who explained how the computer game Tetris can be used to modify memories, and Francesca Nannetti , who spoke

about using electricity to stimulate and change brain activity. The School also invited Vishal Mistry , a third year undergraduate student, to give an insight into the mental models used to devise solutions to complex problems. Inspiring role models At Queen's, fostering alumni relationships isn't just a tradition, it's a cornerstone of career development. Beyond providing insights into specific industries and professions, alumni serve as living proof of the possibilities awaiting ambitious students. This year, the Careers Department welcomed a variety of alumni to speak to pupils. Alumna Liv Jones ’17 , an award­ winning journalist at the Telegraph newspaper, connected with aspiring writers in Year 11 and 12, offering valuable insights into her vibrant career and the journey she took to get there.

Alumna Alice Pym with Year 12 students Farrah Smales and Lucy Vaughan

Deanna Coleman speaking to Year 12 students

Deanna Coleman ‘16 , now immersed in the world of Sustainability in New York with a US airline, regaled Year 12 students with tales of her life at St Andrews, including a year studying in Hong Kong, and her Master’s degree at Columbia. Year 12 students Zara Islip and Grace Crook were fortunate to engage in a one to one discussion with alumna Jessica Jones ‘19 , who spoke with them about their aspirations and shed light on the myriad of career paths available to those taking an Arts subject at university. Alice Pym ’15 returned to inspire Year 12 students Lucy Vaughan and Farrah Smales with her thriving career in Physiotherapy. With a particular interest in neuro and stroke rehabilitation, Alice emphasised the importance of work experience for vocational courses. And finally, alumna Elizabeth Wood Bowyer ’15 , a Performance Engineer at Williams Formula, spoke to Year 12 student Kirsten Robertson about how her roots in the School's Combined Cadet Force (CCF) ignited her passion for engineering. Multiple Mini Interviews provide tips and advice to students

Year 12 students at the UCAS Universities Fair

Our Academic Lecture Programme is very popular among pupils

Year 10 at the UK University & Apprenticeship Fair


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