Have Mynde brochure 2024

A Queen’s community Pupils actively share their learning, ideas and insights with others in the School and the wider community, cultivating a culture of collaboration while at the same time deepening their collective understanding. Throughout the year, A level Business students worked as mentors with Year 9 pupils, helping them as they prepared their pitch presentations for the Tycoon Enterprise Competition . They shared the concepts learnt in Business Studies lessons, as Year 9 were tasked with developing a product idea, which they had to sell to raise revenue and gain first hand experience of managing a business. Year 4 were delighted to also gain insight from older pupils, as they travelled to the Senior School to receive a Geography lesson led by Year 11. Focussing on river features, the girls had fun exploring new vocabulary through an ‘escape room’ style challenge, before then creating their own drainage basins. In May, Year 3 enjoyed an exciting Roman Day that included a trip into Chester, as well as a visit to the Senior School, where they joined Year 10 Classics students to learn about Roman houses and make their own mosaics. Love of languages Pupils at Lower and Senior School have been enjoying sharing their passion for language learning. On multiple occasions throughout the year, A level French students visited the Lower School to teach Year 5 and 6 pupils French. They demonstrated French conversations and ran a carousel of activities, including tongue twisters and quizzes. It was a great opportunity for our A level students to share their love of the language, and for our Lower School girls to ask them about life at Senior School and plans after Sixth Form. A testament to the value of these collaborations is the SHARING THE LEARNING

A level French students teaching Year 5 and 6 pupils

success of Olivia Steele in Year 11, who, after being tutored in Greek by Caroline Johnson in Year 13, became the first student at Queen’s to sit the new Intermediate Certificate of Classical Greek examination, achieving a distinction. In the community As well as developing a collective learning environment

within school, the girls are eager to also share their knowledge and ideas with the wider community. Girls taking part in our Architecture

Architecture & Design Club

& Design Club received a commission from a local business to design a breakout room where clients can relax. They were given a brief that included considerations such as lighting, seating and décor, and were tasked with pitching their design ideas to the client. Year 2, 3 and 4 pupils were also keen to share their learnings with the community when they visited Upton Dene Nursing Home to sing alongside the residents. They enjoyed singing well known tunes such as 'Can't Help Falling in Love' and 'This Little Light of Mine' . Year 10 Religious Studies pupils immersed themselves in a day of ethical debate at Chester Cathedral’s ‘Christian Controversies’ revision conference. The sessions considered a range of issues, from the status of women in religion to the church’s response to sexuality, and gave the girls the opportunity to share their

insights with, and hear from, pupils from other schools.

Year 2 visiting Upton Dene Nursing Home

Year 3 enjoying Roman Day at the Senior School

Year 10 students at the Christian Controversies revision conference

Year 13 student Caroline Johnson tutored Olivia Steele, Year 11, in Greek


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