THE LEARNING There is a fecking load of books out there that I never knew existed because I didn't have a problem. From Clare Pooley to Catherine Grey to Laura McKowen, women write about women, telling stories that are their stories, but often our stories . These powerful women have successfully put down the glass and live healthy happy lives. Each book I read made me feel better and further connected me to a world I NEVER wanted to be part of, the FECKING SOBER UNIVERSE. Learning empowers women to confront their relationship with alcohol, understand its impact on their lives, and make informed, positive choices . Through education and self-awareness, we build the tools and mindset necessary to navigate life's challenges without relying on alcohol. Ultimately, learning about sobriety means you equip yourself with the knowledge that helps you navigate the early days-weeks of sobriety, (not drinking, alcohol-free) whatever you decide to call it.
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