#5 Fecking Exercise YOUR body will thank you for this particular feck.
EXERCISE The type of exercise doesn’t matter all that much. It can be aerobic, yoga, or a gentle jog around the local park but what is important is that YOU DO IT. Any exercise is going to work wonders for your brain and your mental health. I have found by walking daily for 35-40 minutes I feel fitter, less stressed and more in tune with myself than any glass of vino ever fecking made me feel. I know, e xercise releases endorphins, amazing feel-good chemicals, into your brain and they are fecking brilliant at making us all feel better. I know when I finish my brisk walk I feel tremendously clear and in good spirits which is the endorphins kicking in. And for those who drank to escape depression or anxiety, exercise is a wonderful way to feel good naturally and be in tune with your own body which in fairness is a hell of a lot easier when you are not three sheets to the wind on a school night.
"When I think back to getting sober more than six years ago, I know there are many reasons I was successful: I had a supportive family. I had the tools and resources to go to treatment. I had the necessary mindset. And I knew I was better off without alcohol in my life. But when it comes to maintaining my recovery for the past six years, there is another aspect that I know without a doubt has played an enormous role in keeping me sober: staying active and making exercise a priority. It’s no secret that exercise is known to improve mood and increase certain brain chemicals. But for me personally, it’s been more than that. Being active provides both an outlet and a goal to work toward. I know for many in recovery, it’s served that same purpose. "
Beth Leipholtz October 8, 2019 (to read Beth's full article click here
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