Glass Recycling Pilot Advances In Pennsylvania Prism Recycling, Erie, Pennsylvania, has developed a drop- off pilot program for glass recycling in Erie County, Penn- sylvania, through a public-private partnership between the Erie County Recycling program, the Erie Area Council of Governments, CAP Glass Recycling and the Glass Recycling Foundation. The Glass Recycling Foundation,Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a nonprofit that was established to help support pilot projects to overcome barriers to glass recycling. In late 2018, Erie County officials had announced that contracted haulers in the area were removing glass from single-stream recycling. Establishing A Partnership Prism first worked to establish a public-private partner- ship pilot project involving local government and the glass recycling and container manufacturing industries.Through a series of discussions with partner organizations, the Glass Recycling Municipal Drop-Off Pilot Project Public-Private Partnership for Erie County started. The Glass Recycling Foundation reports that the pilot project “aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of public- and private-sector collaboration to establish an efficient means to collect large volumes of glass,bringing it back into the regional glass recycling supply chain and support local and regional economic development serving as a model for other mid-size communities.”

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2 March 1, 2021 Recycling Markets


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