Campus Updates ROGER PEACE '94 This has been a year of dramatic, positive change and transition for the Bible Institute! It’s been my pleasure and my passion to lead the growth of an institution dear to many of our hearts.
RECONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION This academic year on our New York campus, we built a new women’s dorm, Adirondack Hall, totally renovated Hungary Dorm, andwe are anticipating the completion of a brand-new sports complex in July of 2020. These changes, in addition to the Bollback Student Life Center and the recently reno- vated and repurposed Field House, transformed and mod- ernized the campus. In Florida, we introduced new chairs and lighting in the Harry Bollback Performing Arts Center, built new cabins to house more female students, installed a new dock, and transformed the youth camp dining room into a new student lounge called the Lyon’s Den. We plan to construct more cabins for student housing and a recre- ation center with a pool and snack shack for students and campers. We pray that God will continue to provide funding for the ongoing construction on both campuses! Walk with Roger Peace, President of the New York Bible Institute, as he takes you on a tour through the building site of the Institute's newest dorm, Adirondack Hall: WOL.IS/ADKHALL Check out a recap of the Adirondack Hall ribbon cutting ceremony here: WOL.IS/DORMRIBBONCUTTING STUDENT LIFE On both the New York and Florida campuses, classes are well into the first semester, and many students have already been on Open Air Evangelism and involved in other min- istries. One hundred and twenty-five New York students
requested our staff to disciple them one-on-one, and Student Life also chose to introduce discipleship groups to campus. We hope the option of group discipleship allows for us to meet a greater range of needs and decrease any perceived awkwardness. In Florida, many students chose disciplers, and every student has been welcomed and hosted in a faculty or staff member’s home. It seems as our campus grows, the desire for discipleship and community grows right along with it. The sincerity and enthusiasm of our students inspires and blesses us every day. ENROLLMENT Between Florida and New York, we received 531 students in first and second year, which increased overall enrollment by 7.5%! Statistically, this is an enormous answer to prayer. This number places us close to the highest growth of all Christian colleges in the country! This is largely due to our wonderful alumni... a majority of students cite encourage- ment from Word of Life alumni as their reason for choosing the Bible Institute. Additionally, our admissions counselors will also go on tour to attend a series of North American Coalition for Christian Admission Professionals (NACCAP) college fairs, and they are thrilled to meet prospective students! GUEST LECTURERS We’ve added a few new scholars to our guest lecturer list: Stephen Bramer, Nicolas Ellen, Wayne Slusser, Corey Abney, Todd Ahrend, and Rhome Van Dyck will teach our
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