New York Bible Institute students; Christopher Cone will teach in both New York and Florida, and Mark McGinnis will teach in Florida. These speakers round out a roster of returning lecturers, such as Ray Pritchard, Larry Moyer, Mike Calhoun, and Wendell Calder, among many others. DAVIS COLLEGE Finally, the biggest update to our campus is our shared ser- vices agreement with Davis College! Though the college retains a small campus property in Johnson City, Davis recently transplanted a satellite campus onto our property. Davis College shares buildings, services, and resources with the Bible Institute but keeps its academic programs separate. Currently, there are six students enrolled in the program; they are relishing the close contact with Davis pro- fessors and the advantages and opportunities open to them by remaining on Word of Life’s campus. One student stated, “Being a Davis student is awesome. The classes are nicely spread out, and there is a good mix of free time and time to focus on homework.” Additionally, Word of Life alumni are eligible for discounts for Davis College online classes so please contact our admissions team if you are interested. Thank you for your continued support. We cherish the kind words and faithful prayers of our beloved alumni – the Word of Life legacy could not continue on without you! As our ministry grows and we look to the future, we are determined to honor our past legacy.
Roger Peace, ('94), Executive Vice President Bible Institute and Camps Roger Peace
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