where are they now? WILL CAMPBELL '92
How did a guy from North Philadelphia end up as a superintendent of a school system in Minnesota? I believe my journey as a Bible Institute student in Schroon Lake, New York, gave me a foundation that has kept me “steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that my labor is not in vain”.
During my time at Word of Life is where I learned the importance of scripture memory, Bible study, Christian fellowship, and worship of the Lord. I also met lifelong friends who are serving the Lord all around the world. After nearly completing my one-year study at the Bible Institute, I was a camp counselor at The Ranch. One of my campers wrote me a letter, thanking me for being a part of leading him to the Lord and telling me how much he’d miss us. He closed his letter with that powerful verse from I Corinthians 15:58. It was during that time that I knew the Lord was calling me to a life of working with our youth. Following my time at Word of Life Bible Institute, I enrolled in Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The following three summers, I continued to work at youth camps as a camp counselor and camp director. I majored in elementary education and graduated from Tennessee Temple. Upon graduation, I started to work in the public schools of Chattanooga, teaching 3rd and 7th grade. I then moved my career across the border to Georgia where I taught 5th grade. Feeling the calling to leadership, as I had an opportunity to do in camp years ago, I accepted a position in Gainesville, Georgia, where I worked for 13 years as an assistant principal and then principal. In 2017, my wife of 20 years showed me a text about a superintendent’s position that came open near her hometown in Minnesota. Initially, I had no desire to apply for the job nor move to Minnesota. However, as the Lord would have it, we moved from the South in June 2018, heading over 1,200 miles northward with our three children to start a new chapter in our lives. I am now serving as Superintendent of Rush City Public Schools in Rush City, Minnesota. Simplistically, it’s amazing how I have put 28 years of my journey in a few paragraphs. However, I know that my year at the Bible Institute was the most impactful year of my life. It put me on the path to my calling, my wife, children, ministry, and family. I look forward to visiting the campus in the near future to see the changes that have occurred in the years since I attended.
Campbell Family Get in touch with Will Campbell: Email | wcampbell@rushcity.k12.mn.us Office Phone | 320.358.4855 Twitter | @rush_campbell
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