Stories shared by Camp Directors… A Unit Leader who was engaging with a camper about Ephesians 2, explained that before salvation we are “dead in our transgressions and sins.” She illustrated it by saying before Christ, we were at the bottom of the lake, lifeless, until Christ saved us. Another camper, overhearing the discussion, said, “I think I’m still at the bottom of the lake.” The Unit Leader was able to explain the Gospel, and she accepted Christ! A Youth Leader shared how often they see their teens arriving at camp with apprehen- sion and, with their struggles back home, “carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.” But only a few days into camp, they are laughing, communicating, making friends, and sharing what they are learning. A camper told her counselor that although she was saved, she didn't go forward because she was dealing with a lot of sin. Her counselor shared Biblical truth, and it gave her hope. In the weeks since going home, the camper has stayed in contact with the coun- selor and reports a desire to please the Lord with her life. She is consistently doing a Quiet Time, attending youth group, and has been reconciling with her parents. God’s presence was evident at each of our camps during the summer of 2019. The theme, Renegade , was about turning away from the world and living like Jesus, for Jesus, and with Jesus. Total attendance at the New York and Florida camps was 12,601 . We rejoice that 1,068 campers trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior and 6,204 made dedication deci- sions. We had the joy of giving scholarships to 1,920 young people through the Life Change Camper fund. JASON HEADLEE '01 Summer Camp Review
Jason Headlee
Jason Headlee serves as the Dean of Ministries/Director of Camps and Events at Word of Life Bible Institute. He graduated from Word of Life Bible Institute in 2001, then Cedarville University in 2003. He returned to work at the Bible Institute in 2004 where he met his wife, Jen. They have two sons, Lucas and Connor, and love serving together as a family.
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