fossils are a sobering reminder of the destructiveness of sin: the creation is under a curse and it desires to be set free (Romans 8:19-22). I take great joy both in seeing God’s glory in these evidences of long-gone animals and in exposing His glory to my students through teaching and research. WE HAVE NO REASON TO BE SCARED OF SCIENCE. If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a Christian paleontologist, it’s this: we have no reason to be scared of science. I meet Christians who are afraid to go to museums or watch documentaries or encourage their kids’ love of dino- saurs because they don’t know what to do about evolution. But here’s the thing, we know the truth (Hebrews 11:3). We can be confident that nature will agree with what God’s Word says because God’s Word is true on every topic it discusses. This foundation of truth gives us the boldness we need to learn and explore. My beliefs don’t stop me from doing science, in fact, they encourage it! A Christian doesn’t need to fear the next fossil discovery because nothing can ever refute God’s inerrant and infallible Word. Instead of fearing the next fossil discovery, Christians should be enthralled by it! Everything God made shows His glory in its intricacies and beauty. That’s what gets me excited even though I don’t have all the answers. Not having all the answers also keeps us humble. Being honest about what we don’t
know allows us to figure out what to explore, and it stops us from getting prideful and arrogant. WE CAN BE CONFIDENT
especially because they wanted me to teach paleontology and geology courses and start a geoscience program. I was hired in the summer of 2016 and have been teaching there ever since. Teaching at TMU has allowed me to continue my research and even involve students in paleon- tology research projects. Through this change, the Lord demonstrated His goodness to us in giving us a daughter (Iris) and bringing us to Santa Clarita Baptist Church where I now serve as the youth pastor. I can testify to the joy that we have experienced during this busy time through the Lord’s provision and faithfulness. IT’S EXCITING TO BE ABLE TO DISCOVER A FOSSIL AND REALIZE IT GIVES US A GLIMPSE INTO A CREATURE WHICH GOD MADE TO PUT HIS GLORY ON DISPLAY. I praise the Lord that He allows me to study His creation. It’s exciting to be able to discover a fossil and realize it gives us a glimpse into a creature which God made to put His glory on display in a way we haven’t experienced in our modern world. At the same time,
BECAUSE GOD’S WORD IS TRUE ON EVERY TOPIC IT DISCUSSES. When I look at my life now, I can’t help but be thankful to the Lord who has been so gracious to me. I can look back and see how He orchestrated my life so that I would be used for His glory. He has been faithful to grow me and continually conform me to the image of His Son, sanctifying me in the truth; His Word is truth (John 17:17).
Matt Mclain
Dr. Matthew McLain graduated from Word of Life Bible Institute in 2009. He attended Cedarville University, where he received his B.S. in geology. He then moved to Southern California to pursue his Ph.D. in earth sciences from Loma Linda University. He is a member of the Geological Society of America and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. His research interests include vertebrate paleontology, specifically projects involving dinosaurs and pterosaurs, and he has authored and coauthored several publications in peer- reviewed journals. He and his wife, Jessica, have three children, Alaric, Cody, and Iris.
Email: MMCLAIN@MASTERS.EDU. Office Phone: (661) 362-2359
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