Weight Loss for a Healthier You
Perhaps you have been told by a physician or healthcare provider: “You should lose some weight.”
Suppose you have tried numerous diet and exercise regimens only to “yo-yo” and regain the weight all over again. In that case, you may owe it to yourself to discover a non-invasive, highly effective weight loss procedure called the Orbera Intragastric Balloon procedure. The procedure is a comprehensive, non-invasive approach to weight loss that is easy on the patient and has proven highly effective in helping people lose weight and keep it off, said Dr. Mazen Albeldawi. Dr. Mazen Albeldawi is board-certified in Gastroenterology and Hepatology and serves as Section Head of Gastroenterology, as well as Medical Director of Endoscopy at NCH. “This procedure is the perfect solution for patients who are not eligible for or simply do not want to undergo gastric surgery, or perhaps they have failed to lose weight with diet and exercise,” said Dr. Albeldawi. The Orbera procedure, he said, “allows patients to lose weight successfully with minimal recovery and no scars. It’s not just about weight loss; it’s about your overall health and wellness. We’ve also seen vast improvements in patient’s blood pressure, lipids and sugar.” After losing weight with the Orbera procedure, patients have been able to markedly decrease, and in some cases, completely eliminate blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol medications. At NCH, the Orbera experience is a fully integrated six-month program, complete with consultations from the Nutrition and Psychology departments to maximize success and ensure those who undergo the procedure will benefit from it. Dr. Albeldawi has guided hundreds of patients through the Orbera procedure.
Dr. Albeldawi is the only Orbera “super user” in Southwest Florida. While insurance does not cover the cost, “this is a forward investment in yourself” and can pay for itself in a couple of years – even apart from the health and lifestyle benefits of losing 40 to 50 pounds, which is typical for Orbera patients.
“Because it’s a comprehensive program, many patients continue to lose weight after the balloon is removed. That’s what sets us apart,” said Dr. Albeldawi.
For more information or a consultation on the Orbera procedure, call (239) 624-8070 .
The Orbera procedure:
• Promotes long-term, comprehensive weight loss
• Eliminates persistent feelings of hunger
• Is outpatient and a minimally invasive procedure
Colorectal Cancer is Preventable, With Early Testing As you get older, you may want to give a thought to preventing colorectal cancer. The second deadliest cancer in the United States, colorectal cancer, or CRC, is particularly insidious, as it has no visible signs or symptoms until it is well advanced in the body. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, but if you are age 50 or older, every month is a month when you should be aware of the danger. For African Americans, the age to begin screening is 45, said Kunal Suryawala, MD. Board-certified in gastroenterology and hepatology, Dr. Suryawala added that anyone with risk factors, such as a family history of colon cancer or intestinal polyps, should consider being screened even younger. Dr. Suryawala met his wife, Kinjal, in medical school, and she is also a gastroenterologist, specializing in pediatric cases, so you could say the work runs in the family. He is passionate about the need for everyone in a risk group to be checked in order to rule out the presence of colorectal cancer. The most comprehensive and thorough screening is done via a colonoscopy, but if people don’t want to do that procedure, they can still get screened, said Dr. Suryawala. “Any screening test is better than nothing. The best screening is the one that actually gets done,” he said, so for those who prefer it, the NCH Gastroenterology Department will order stool-based sampling. The caveat is that if any positive test results are found, the next step is to get the colonoscopy after all. But early detection is key. “The best time to find CRC is when it’s asymptomatic,” said Dr. Suryawala. “If you wait too long, you have poorer outcomes, and it may be too late. When you find polyps early, you have a much better chance.” Don’t think that when you test once, you are done. It’s important to retest, at minimum, every ten years, and sooner, in one, three, or five years if polyps or pre-cancerous tissues are found. “CRC is a preventable cancer, but preventing it requires testing and retesting,” said Dr. Suryawala. “The tissue is the issue.”
To schedule an appointment for your screening, please call (239) 624-8070 .
Colorectal Cancer – CRC:
• Has no visible symptoms until it is advanced
• Requires periodic retesting
• Is preventable or treatable with early detection
MARCH 2021
5 NCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM | Helping everyone live a longer, happier, and healthier life.
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