March Edition 2021 | BEAUTY GLOBAL NETWORK

Goals Goals Goals. Aren’t we tired of this word? Are we not pressurizing our minds too much to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves? Ask yourselves honestly, have you been able to achieve the goals. If yes, I congratulate you. But if the answer is a no, then don’t you think you need to change this business. If you have been doing same things you will get the same results. So to change the results, change the ways of doing it. Let’s try a new approach. Let’s make habits instead of making goals. If you plan to reduce your weight up to 10 lbs, make a habit of working out daily, going for a walk, or gym and try to be consistent. Don’t focus on losing weight, focus on being consistent in working out. If you plan to write a book, don’t try to find a slot of 4-5 hours when you can write, as you will never get that, instead fix a time and write daily. If you plan to read 50 books this year, forget about 50, start with reading just 1 page or two pages, and do it consistently. Success is nothing but a series of disciplined habits. Neetu The Navigator says

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