King's business - 1942-06

June, 1942



“Come, and let tis return unto the Lord,’.’ is the wide-open, the only available, way out. < “Let., us ireturn unto the Lord” in penitential confession of all .our own' sinS and shortcomings. Without any reservation, let us prostrate ourselves before the Throne of All Grace, im­ ploring. God to pardon us for pur •iniquities, to rid , us, to strip us of everything that is displeasing in His sight. Let us hide nothing, avoid noth­ ing, deny nothing. “He that covereth his sinS.shall nòt prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsàketh them shall have mercy.” “Let us return unto the Lord” in humble yet earnest supplication and intercession. This is the hour to test the, prayer-answering promises and powers of Jehovah. “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty, things; which thoti knowest not;” is still; in the Bible. À ( Moses prayed, and the1Lord_ deliv­ ered an entire people out Of the’ bond­ age of Egypt. Elijah pleaded, and God revived an entire nation. . Wesley prayed, and God turned the hearts of a world toward righteousness. Let us pray also., God will hear and answèb The name of our holy Redeemer will be glorified. Satan will be overcome. Souls will be saved. Saints will be sanctified. .“Let us return unto the. Lord” ' in sincere dedication of self and sub-' stance. Penitence and intercession are not genuine until they result in and are followed by surrender of the will and service to the work of God. “Be­ hold, to obey; is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” is still the way to the ear, the heart, the .good pleasure, thé blessings, -of - the Eternal. ' " ’ . ? In God’s merciful, compassionate, ■ powerful hands, we Christians are the ' standard bearers. § ^ ( - The Prosperity Promised If we meet the Lord’s conditions, He Will forgive our sins. Satan will be rëbuked and vanquished^ The peace, of God will once more flood our very beings, and we shall again stand a c ­ cepted and acceptable in His sight. Oh, for the forgiveness of our sins, for the blotting out of our. transgressions, for the washing away of otTr iniquities! Oh, for the Lord to turn over to .a clean page; and give us a new start! Oh, for America on its face ih peni-/, fence, then on its feet in the fullness of pardon! Our land will then be healed. Oh, God grant it, for Jesus’ sake! ' In this hour of. crisis, in this hour of uncertainty, in this hour of self; denial, in this/hour of blood, oh, America, -“Let us return untò the Lord,” for He and He alone-will save us. and save our land. .

The house .of God is half filled..The Sabbath is desecrated. /The marriage vows are annulled. Social diseases have become a burdensome, murder­ ous, maddening problem.’ Soul-win­ ning is a lost art. Intercessor^ are conspicuous by their absence. Souls, souls, multiplied multitudes of; them, are hastening down the broad way to hell. Many of our preachers are mod­ ernistic, and most of those who still claim the'fundamentals of faith as their belief are lukewarm. ; A million and inore men, snatched out of the noímal, productive, nation- upbuilding walks of life, trained to maim, to kill, to destroy, many of them .to saturate some foreign/soil 'w ith their hearts’ blood, is the bitter answer. Pearl Harbor is the bloody answer; Nation-wide blackouts are the bleak answer.. God is using Hitler to remind America of the religion of the Pilgrim Fathers, the founders of this marvelous land of ours. The Penitence Required The Word of God is clear. The re­ quirements. of heaveñ áre definite.

HOW GOD IS USING HITLER / [Continued from Page 205] vakia, without saying too much. It was only when the Hun battalions caihe in sight of the English Channel that the lion-bestirred himself. It may be I am wrong. I am a Jew. My hope, the hope of my poor people, tinder God,. is in; the victory of the Allies. America is my beloved mother. God give her triumph, over all her foes! But England waited an uncon­ scionably long while. God was largely out of the picture. It was freedom, commerce, open sea lanes. ■ • What happened in America? Again. German rationalism wedded to French immorality,: this ; .time enhanced by English indifference, dampened the fires, and forces of religion and godli­ ness. Drunkenness, ' irreligi'on, licen­ tiousness, pornography on s t a g e , screen, magazine, stand, library shelf, .radio, let.loose a plethora-of filth that swamped the decency, the honor, the patriotism of young and old. God is forgotten. Christ is dethroned. The Bible lies about gathering dust.

T m S o Mappy

to have the lovely certificate from the C O R R E S P O N D E N C E SCHOOL in the study of Bible Beginners’ Course', and your fine letter is sincerely appreciated.” — -A. E. P., Pasadena, Calif, i

“ The Spirit-filled life of Lesson 12 in the Bible Beginners’ Course is wortn wading through the entire course. W e .never really know the Word; do we? At least I learned hoW to appreciate i Corinthians 8 :2 'better than I, had before.” 7 —M . L. V., Tucson, Ariz.: :“ I Wish to thank you kindly for the service you have ren­ dered and genuine interest you have in your corresponding students.”— L., Pearl Harbor, T . H. Dear Reader: Make your summer months count for Christ. Let us have :thé opportunity of helping you through a systematic study of GOD’S WORD. •Tour request will bring a free Prospectus describing the nineteen courses offered. (See page 234.) , C o rd ia lly y ou rs in H im , CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL : The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

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