King's business - 1942-06



June, 1942

THE PRAYER-LIT FLAME OF REVIVAL [ Continued from Page 210] came a great lifting up. God assured me that He would be With me and uphold me; that no opposition should prevail against me; that I had nothing to do in regard to this matter but to keep about my work and wait for the salvation of. God.” Still other problems, too numerous to describe, were to be solved by prayer in Finney’s later work as Pres­ ident and teacher in Oberlin College and in the evangelistic campaigns in­ terspersed through these years. The winter of 1857-58 was the time of the great prayer revival that stirred the Northern States. It started in a prayer meeting in the Fulton Street Dutch Reformed Church in New York City where Joseph Lanipher began praying for a revival. “A -divine influence,” affirms Mr. Finney, “seemed to pervade the whole land . . . It [the revival] was carried on very much through the instrumen­ tality- of prayer meetings and person­ al efforts. The ministers did not op­ pose it; but the general impression seemed to be, ‘We have had instruc­ tion enough until we are hardened; it is time for us to pray.’ In answer to prayer the windows of heaven were opened and the Spirit of God poured out like a flood.” •Newspapers in New York City and elsewhere devoted whole issues to the revival news. During the first year of the revival it was estimated that five hundred thousand souls had been converted, and a million before the revival ran its prayer-shaped course. While Finney was preaching in Bos­ ton during this time, Theodore Parker, the Unitarian preacher, did all in his power to block the revival wheels. Finney sought a private conversation with him but was denied the priv­ ilege. Many people, deeply convicted under Finney’s preaching, would go to the Music Hall and listen to Parker and lose their sense of impending soul doom. Finney knew but one way to solve the problem—the prayer-way. Forty Christians met in the vestry of the Park Street Church and prayed for God to overcome the evil being done by the Unitarian divine. They prayed until they obtained the witness. “I have it,” cried one man, “God hears our prayers!” From that hour the tide changed. Parker became ill and fled from the The article “NICOTINE KNOCKOUT” or the “SLOW COUNT” by Gene Tunney, printed in the Reader’s Digest, has been reprinted by permission. Copies may be ob­ tained from the Christian Service Press, P. O. Box I74K, Moline, III. 100 for 50c; 1,000 for $3.50.



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city to Europe in search of .health, which he could not find. He never again returned to Boston, for he died in Florence! Solemnizing indeed’ were many of the deliverances that protected the Lord’s soul-saving work. In many cases opposers of the gospel were broken down by the Holy Spirit’s ^power and were mightily saved; in , other instances men chose to harden their hearts and were supernaturally blocked in their efforts against the gospel. For all who reverently examine the record of Charles G. Finney’s half century of soul-winning, at least one conclusion is inescapable: God might­ ily—and repeatedly—poured forth His Spirit in answer to believing prayer. Said President Fairfield of Oberlin College to the first graduating class after Finney’s death (which had oc­ curred on August 16,1875): “From that burning and shining light, in which for so long a season we were per­ mitted to rejoice, a thousand other lights have been kindled.” God’s man, empowered by God the Holy Spirit, had been indeed a “light” in his generation. But it was prayer— the means of grace that is within every Christian’s grasp—that caused that light to kindle a mighty flame of revival that swept tens of thou­ sands into joyful salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Is prayer less effec­ tive for this generation?

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