King's business - 1942-06



Jufte* 1942

DAILY Devotional Readings

5. Certain Uncertainty “Not that we are sufficient .of our­ selves to think any thing as of dur- .selves; but our sufficiency is of God” (2 Cor. 3:5). . The great thing about being in tune with God’s will—you don’t know -what is coming, but you know it Will be the best thing, if you are perfectly ready and willing for it. That “ certain un­ certainty’' is what makes" a great life. —Selected. 6. Bitter Waters Made Sweet “And he cried .unto the Lord; and the Lord showed him a tree, which when he had past into the waters, the waters were made sweet” (Ex. 15:25). Do not ask Him whether He will lead thee to Marah or to Elirii. Do'ifot ask for the Elinas of life. If thou must pass through Marah, fear not, for fie will show thee a Tree, whichj when thou shalt cast it into the waters, shall make the bitter waters sweet. One thought of Calvary Will riiake any water ..sweet.—Amy Carmichael. 7. When Lights Go Out “I* Jesus . . . am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star” (Rev. 22:16). The lights of London town were; out, Because an enemy was feared; „ , . Then to the Children’s wondering eyes, The shining stars of heaven appeared. Sometimes the lesser lights of earth, Our daily tasks or pleasure’s lure, Shut from our eyes the light of truth, That shall for a ll of time endure. A blackout may be God’s own way To turn our blinded eyes to Him; For heavenly truth the brighter shiries, Wheri all the earth-born lights grow dim. And if the Bright and Morning Star Through every day and night shines clear, It matters not to hearts; that trust, If other lights should disappear. —Lillian M-. Weeks. 8. But Prayer “Peter therefore was kept' in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him” (Acts 12:5), That is a fine turn in felicitous phrasing where, after describing all th e . precautions which Herod had taken to guard the Apostle Peter for the judicial m u r d e r which was planned for the following morning, *it is simply added, “But prayer.” That “but” was m i g h t i e r than all the prison bars and quaternions of sol­ diers, and the sequel was Peter’s'de-. liverance. Let prayer be the keynpte

f will be exalted in the earth? (Psa. 46:10)., ' / . / . - . • Whate’er my God ordains is; right! His will is ever just; Howe’er He orders now my cause, I will be still and trust. He is my God; Though dark iny road, He holds me that I shall not fall, Wherefore to Him I leave if all. • —Selected. Nor Height, nor Depth “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life . Nor height, nor depth, nor any other Creature, shall be able,-to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Roiri. 8:38, 39). Sometimes it is right to sit down and -corisider all the possibilities, to ■exhaust in imagination' ali the perils that might confront us from whatever quarter, from man or deVil, as the Apostle Paul did when he penned the last section of Romans 8 . And then, after enumerating them } all, horror piled upon horror, danger upon dan­ ger, he concludes that,, real and ter­ rible though they be, their power to harm is simply nil, fot they cannot separate him from the love of God Which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. ... . The. future, even the immediate fu­ ture, is not dark for us Whb know God. —Bishop Frank Houghton. 4.

1. Wings of Prayer ‘ “ Men ought always to pray” (Lk. 18:1). . - , . ■ / If burdens are to be changed for pinions, they must all b e .brought to the Lord in prayer.' It is not enough .to bring. only -.the big difficulties to Him, trying to .manage the small ones ourselves. This cuts the wings of prayer. Life is made up of some big but very many little things, and His love wants 1 ,o share them .all. . . . Sometimes it is the little things that quicken faith arid cheer Us most. —Mrs. Howard Taylor. 2. The Secret Place “Thou shalt keep’ them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues” (Psa. 31:20). . .... Some of life’s sorest .wounds have been inflicted by the , tongue, „The thoughtless word,' the unkind 1 criti­ cism, and cruel fault-finding! Who has not suffered from the tongue wound? Haye we learned that .there is a place—a secret placer—where we may'- hide, and where the Wound ceases to hurt? In that secret place .there is a .Presence that sweetens the bitterness and heals the wound.' —HI W. Maliis. I: 3. Trust “Be still, and know that I ana God:' I will be exalted among the heathen,

Why. I, Love America/. Many, requests are being received for reprints of the one-page article in last month’s (May) issue of THE ;/ /KING’S BUSINESS % ■ By Hyman Appelman One reader, in ordering extra copies, states: ‘ ‘Since I read and reread to my family these thrilling reasons for Mr. Appelman’s love for America, those words have been ringing through my head in most of my waking moments, and I wish I were able to .broadcast them. I long to get them before the people of our city.” ■ / Reprints maybe obtained at the rate of 15 for 10 cents ; or 100 for 50 cents. Address: THE K I NG ’ S BUS I NE S S 558 So. Hope S t Los Angeles, Calif.

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