King's business - 1942-06

June, 1942



publicized day of prayer (Jan. ,1) , backed by the personal example . of our President and responsible leaders. It was late—so late, but we are glad it came. However, our country—though solemnized— did not turn out in any large . numbers to our churches, and the f burden Of the prayers •were for victory—noi a cry for God’s for- , giveness! America needs more than a formal c a l l , We must have a great awakening.” Some of the specific, evils for which the nation needs to seek forgiveness are cited: “We never adequately evangel­ izad Japan! Thank God for some faithful witnesses to the Cross; but for the most part, since Japan was thirsting for out ' Western 1 knowledge, our missionary/effort took the form of institutionalism. . .- ! It is obvious that to educate . a pagan, and to send him out with unchanged,heart is tq have him ‘twofold moré the child of , hell’ (Matt. 23:15). . : “It was all right for greedy Americans to sell huge supplies to the Japanese to use on the poor Chinese, blit when these supplies are used on us, it becomes sinful and wicked! When did one law of morality apply to our. nation and another to the Chinese?” Offering unmistakable proof that Pearl Harbor need riot have been caught by surprise, Dr. Mason points out: “There is only one satisfactory ■ explanation: God permitted our usual efficiency to Slip that in thè , very first moment of this great war we might see that apart from Him there is no real safety. By : this tragedy God tried to shock America into a recognition of her sinful complacency and unrepent­ ant pride. . ! .. If America does not see God’s hand in Pearl Harbor, ! I tremble for us. Oh, Christians, pray that God will bring America to her knees!” ' • ’ > '• Imitation Not Enough Scattered among the none - too- friendly nations, there are thousands of Jews who fain would lose their uniqueness if they could, To do so would doubtless minimize persecution and advance individual progress. According* to a récent article -in Time magazine, the 500,000 refofm Jews in America have adapted them­ selves to the customs of this country, paying little or no attention to “Or­ thodox dietary laws!’ and often hold­ ing their sèrviees on Sunday instead of on the traditional Jewish sabbâth. But a few weeks ago Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, called “thè-most famous Reform rabbi,” took what was char-

Around the King s Table LOUIS T; TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief

ings and adult Bible classes were held in addition to the meetings on the sand for the boys and girls, . This work is carried" on, for the most part, by Bible Institute students under faculty direction, and the aim is to win the children on the beaches- and their families for Christ. - Due to war conditions and beach regulations, plans for the coming summer season cannot be definitely set forth at the present time. However, the workers are ready to go .as the Lord opens the way. The prayerful interest of readers of THE KING’S BUSINESS on behalf of the summer’s work is greatly needed. “Call unto me, and I . will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knoWest not” (Jer. 33:3). America-—to Her Knees! Startling and timely is the booklet by Clarence E. Mason, Jr., dealing with the Pearl Harbor Disaster!“ Every Christian ought to read it, and set about to do something concerning the truths that it proclaims. Believing that what America needs mpst is repentance, Dr. Mason de­ clares: ■' f . ; :“r cannot but feel that God al- ’ lowed the" crash of 1929 and the depression of the early 1930’s as a gracious danger signal to warn us of greater peril ahead if we did not repent. But did we repent? No, we complained and grumbled f about How a God that was good could stand by and watch us suf­ fer—as though He were the au­ thor of the sins which caused that time of depression. . . Instead of repenting, our country went on to, greater sin, . . We repealed pro­ hibition and tried to drink our­ selves sober! . .. We tried to spend ourselves rich, and fan up the greatest national debt in our his­ tory, while playing, politics with human suffering. We preached and practiced the gospel of plenty through scarcity, defying all the laws of God in nature, by slaugh- ,tering our pigs and i cattle and plowing under our wheat and cot­ ton when'millions were hungry. “It remained for the terrible shock of Pearl Harbor disaster fi­ nally to bring forth an adequately *Obtainable from the author, 211 No. Rosboro five , Atlantic d ip . N. at 15 cents a copy.

Antidote for Fear . Sometimes it takes life’s bitterest experiences to show up most sharply the rightness of the Word of God. The Bible is always to be trusted—always true-vbut sometirries these facts are •Seen most clearly through tears. ■ A young Canadian, Hugh. Percy Mc­ Kee, ; just twenty-one years of age this year, found Christ as his personal Saviour as a lad in the Sunday-school; thereafter his .life became one which was .“hid with Christ, in, God,” . In .course of time, he became a pilot- officer in the service of his country and was recently assigned to the task of flying a bomber carrying torpedoes. On EaSter Sunday, whilé “on an op­ erational flight” in the Mediterran­ ean,^ he went to be with Christ. The church paper, “The Gospel Wit­ ness,” speaking for thé bereaved but trusting .Christian family and others, /conies to this eloquent conclusion of the matter: “ In it all, he [McKee] trusted _himself to the Lord. In a letter 'home [w r i t t e n shortly before, ; his death] he harked back to the "Twenty-Third Psalm and said: - 0 ‘Notice e s p e c i a l l y the fourth verse: “Yea, t h o u g h I w a l k 1 through the valley of the shadow . of death, I will fear no evil: for . thou art with me.” ‘If,’ he wrote", . ‘that shadow should extend from here to 26 Delaware Avenue [his home], it is all .right.’ “It did. Kg “ It. is.” Children’s Seaside Mission The Children’s ’Seaside Mission, a summertime ministry of evangelism and Bible teaching sponsored by the Bible-Institute of Los Angeles, is again considering work among the children of Southern California beaches — as the Lord directs and as war conditions may permit, , - * .For, the past eleven years, the Lord has wonderfully blessed this work, es­ pecially the efforts of last summer in which many KING’S BUSINESS readers had a part by means of their prayers and .gifts. ' About a hundred children, young people, and adults gathered daily on the sand "during the two weeks pf last summer’s meetings. As a result, many decisions for Christ were made—chil­ dren and -adults accepting the Lord Jesus as Saviour or consecrating their lives t o , Him. Young, people’s meet­

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