King's business - 1942-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1942

throned, then the Spirit can work, and one can have love, joy, and peace.” Another student, who was grad­ uated from the University a year ago and has been in the home mission field, came back last summer to add her testimony to others who had been in the Bible League: “While I was on the campus, instead of finding my Christian life growing cold as I had feared, I came to know more of the love of Christ and of the peace and joy which He gives, and I never cease to marvel when I think of His good­ ness to me. Truly Bible League has . been used by the Lord for the spread­ ing of His Word to those on the cam­ pus who know Him not. And as Bible League has grown, its purpose has become even stronger. Yesterday I visited the new home of Bible League, and as I saw how wonderfully God had answered prayer and is providing for every need, one thought came to my mind, ‘This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.’ He has done ‘exceeding a b u n d a n t l y above all’ that we. could ask or even think.” Summarizing the aid the Bible League furnishes, another young wo­ man, who is a graduate of the Uni­ versity and is taking graduate work, comments: “The Bible League affords us students who have already become firmly anchored in the ‘Rock of our Salvation’ many channels of Christian service in an unlimited field—the University campus. To the student who is as yet a ‘babe in Christ’ the Bible League provides the strong meat of the Word with the able help of God-fearing teachers; w a y s a n d means of trying our spiritual strength through gospel teams, visitation work, and the like; and satisfying Christian fellowship with joyous and sincere Christian young people. Since the most important choices of life are usually made during the college period, it is not difficult to recognize and appreciate the contribution made by an organization of this kind.” These are but a few of the scores of spoken and written testimonies the Bible League young people have given during the last few years. And the stories of the Lord’s dealing in these and other lives,, if told in full, would be a stirring record of the grace and power of God. Indeed, hundreds of students have been touched by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God that has been faithfully proclaimed in the Bible classes at the League. And hundreds more young lives have been contacted for the Lord through the Bible League activities. An inter­ collegiate Bible Conference also has been sponsored by the League for the last three years at the spring vacation season, at which time 112 to 150 col­ lege and high-school students have gathered from some twenty-five dif­

ferent schools. Some of the neighbor­ ing schools have Bible Clubs which have become a f f i l i a t e d with the League. Thus the influence of one group of devoted Christian young peo­ ple has grown and spread throughout northern California for the glory of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued, from Page 203] There is just one way to root this Spirit of self-centeredness out of eco­ nomic life, and that is to eliminate it from religious life. Our people must look to Christ—and not to themselves. They must trust to His finished work upon Calvary—not to their own works —for their salvation. They must rec­ ognize that salvation is the gift of God. Jesus did it all. Jesus paid it all. By grace are -we saved, through faith, and not by our own accomplish­ ments. Faith in the hearts of men produces all of the values ^necessary to the maintenance of Christian civilization. Love, self-sacrifice, humility, devo­ tion, consecration—these are the qual­ ities which Americans must have in order to survive in this struggle. But these qualities cannot be man-made; they are Christ-given. Americans will never again possess them, unless they return to the “Faith of the Fathers,” and trust Christ for the regeneration • President Roosevelt recently re- l quested suggestions for a name for the present war. He thought it ought to have a name of its own, rather than simply to be called “The Second World War.” Suggestions flooded his office from all parts of the country. After considering them all, the President declared that, to his way of thinking, the struggle ought, to be Our Li tera Gifted as an orator, but outstanding chiefly as a humble, fervent, lover of the Lord Jesus Christ, Dr. Lee dis­ cusses in the present book seven sub­ jects, each markedly different from the other: “ Glory Today for Conquest Tomorrow,” “Sin,” “ ‘The Influence of a Christian Home,” “The Bigness of Barnabas,” “Christ the Door to Salva­ tion and Liberty,” “College Students Conquering w i t h Christ,” “Fading Words.” of their hearts and lives. "THE SURVIVAL WAR": Glory Today for Conquest Tomorrow By Robert' G. Lee

called “The Survival War.” Christian patriots, who understand Bible proph­ ecy, will agree that this name is admirably fitted to the present situa­ tion. The last war was called “the war to make the world safe for de­ mocracy.” But dictatorship rose tri­ umphant after the war. No student of the Scriptures can believe that truly permanent democracy is likely to come out. of this, or any, war. Some individuals suggested to the President that this struggle should be called “A War to End War.” Others suggested, “The War for the New Or­ der.” Starry-eyed visionaries tell us that an everlasting order of world­ wide peace and prosperity will follow this struggle. Like all right-thinking Americans, the President hopes that better conditions may come out of the War. But he is happily under no illusions or delusions as to what the war is all about. He knows-that it is not a war “to bring in a new era.” It is ar war for survival—for survival of liberty and Constitutional democracy. It is a war for defense—for defense of our homes and churches and liberties. It is a war—not to create a new order —but to preserve what is left of the old order. It is hot a crusade to create something new. It is an endeavor to keep what is left of our Christian her­ itage. Christian patriots, whose minds are guided by the revelation of God, will feel that the Scriptures support the position that this is, plainly and sim­ ply, a war for survival. They will be earnest in prayer that God may guide the minds of the President and Con­ gress further along the channels of His truth; that they may recognize that, while the war can result in con­ serving what remains of our Christian heritage, only the coming of Christ Himself can usher in the new order of peace and righteousness. Let us pray that the President and Congress may come to join us in our prayer: Come quickly, Lord Jesus. ture Tab l e Each chapter is helpfully outlined, and brightened with illustrations and poetry, and of course all is written in the distinctive style that has won for its author just Commendation. 158 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Atonement By Loraine Boettner The author of The Reformed Doc­ trine of Predestination and of The Inspiration of the S c r i p t u r e s has added this third volume in the state-

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