King's Business - 1957-04

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Special 8-page Green Report

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Why Seventh-day Adventism Is N o t Evangelical

ED ITOR ’S NOTE . This month we are starting the first in an important series of articles on the Seventh-day Adventist system of religion. This never-before-published series has just been com­ pleted by Dr. Louis T. Talbot, chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and long-time (25 years) researcher into the cults and religions of our day. As a sidelight to this important series we’re printing part of a letter we received a few weeks ago from a woman who had been raised as a Seventh-day Adventist. Here’s her letter.

Sir s:

For men only see page 11

I was a Seventh-day Adventist for 29 years, but I became dis­ satisfied with so much unhappiness that my husband and I and our four children began going elsewhere in search for something better. Just the two older children and I were members. They got so they wouldn!t please turn page

VIET NAM see p. 48 More missions on pages: 12 / 13 / 3 2 / 39 y 40

continued from front cover

go to church any more. Then two years ago we were all converted and became members of a Conservative Baptist church. God has greatly blessed us as we labor for Him together. It is indeed wonderful to know that one is saved now and not have to wait till Jesus comes to know whether you will be or not. We have met with plenty of opposition both from my family and the SDA church. But God has seen us through every trial and given us the words to speak. It has meant real Bible study on our part in order to cope with the many questions and accusations that have come to us. The recent articles in Eternity have been disgusting to us. Someone sends a Review & Herald to me once in awhile and they still print the very things Eternity says they now deny. I have known some pretty disgusting things and beliefs that have gone on in the SDA church since I was 16. I only wish I had the nerve to leave it long ago. We children were always afraid to go against our parents' wishes. The Adventists are so filled up with Mrs. White's interpre­ tations that they will only read what she prescribes for them to read and seem afraid to read before and after to find the real meaning of a verse. I was impressed to speak to my brother and sister-in-law only recently. They seemed so unhappy. They said they have always felt empty . . . just like something was missing. The sister-in- law is now ready to step out, but my brother is afraid. They too were told that all they had to worry about was keeping the law and we weren't to have any feeling. If we did, it was spir­ itualism working in us. Believe me, you know when you are saved and have Christ as your Saviour and you don't need someone to tell you. Before two years ago I wouldn't listen to my husband when he read the Bible, until one day he read to me Galatians 5:4. I began to see the light and began to do some studying on my own. It's all so wonderful I want to shout His praises to all. (The writer's name and address is in our confidential files.—ED.)

For Dr. Talbot's 8-page report on SDA see page 23


Vienna, Dec. 31, 1956 W e, the undersigned, wish to state our approval and recognition of the interdenomi­ national Protestant ministry achieved by the Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, director of the European Evangelistic Crusade (Evangelische Europa M ission), among the many thousands of Hungarian refugees, who fled into Aus­ tria. He and his missionaries have performed a most definite and invaluable service for the cause of Christ among these homeless and destitute people. This Christian ministry has been evidenced in the following manner: $60,000 of food and clothing together with Christian literature has and is being distributed among needy Protestant refugees in Austria and suffering Protestants in Hun­ gary. The spiritual needs of the refugees have been met, in that Rev. Douglas Stewart has been responsible for the printing of 100,000 Gospels of St. John, 10,000 New Testaments and 200,000 tracts in the Hun­ garian language. This distribution and pur­ chasing of Scripture portions has been vitally important as present supplies of Bibles have been exhausted. Besides this, Rev. Stewart has completed and payed for a Hungarian hymnbook, to­ gether with music, with fifty of the best Protestant Hungarian hymns, taken from the Hungarian Reformed, Lutheran and Baptist hymnbooks. In dosing we wish to emphasize that a definite work has been accomplished by Rev. Douglas Stewart and his Mission in that they have laid a very important groundwork for the future spiritual and physical aid among the Hungarian refugees. Last, but most important of all, Rev. Douglas Stewart has been instrumental in rescuing individuals and families out of Hungary into the freedom of the West, at great personal risk to his own life. (signed) Prof. D. Trombitas Professor of Theology, Presbyterian Church Vienna, Austria Dr. S. Haraszti Vice Principal Baptist Seminary, Budapest, Hungary Karl Zedlacker, Director of Austrian Y.M .C.A. & Member Internatn’l Y.M.C.A. Helmut J. Goldschmidt Protestant layman and journalist Vienna, Austria TH E FOREIGN SERVICE OF TH E UN ITED STATES OF AM ER ICA To Whom it may Concern: This is to certify that I have personally observed and come in contact with the ac­ tivities of Rev. Douglas Stewart among Hun­ garian refugees. I have been very pleased to note that his work places its main emphasis on the spiritual needs of the Hungarians. Rev. Stewart’s missionaries have held evan­ gelical meetings wherever possible in the camps and have distributed, in addition to material aid, hundreds of thousands of Bible, New Testaments, Hymn Books, and tracts in Hungarian to the refugees. The great disillusionment which has fol­ lowed the years of Communist indoctrination is greatest among the Hungarians who were Prof. Dr. G. K. Ents Professor of Theology, Lutheran Church, Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria January 8, 1957

Copyright, 1957. Used by permission of Rev. Douglas Stewart. Newly arrived Hungarian refugee child looks to the West for hope, a home and freedom.

idealistic Communists. Rev. Douglas Stew­ art’s work has been directed toward filling that vacuum with spiritual values in the lives of these people. The need is great and I am glad that Rev. Stewart and his co-workers have done so much toward filling that need, (signed) David S. Lusby, Vice Consul Embassy of the United States of America From the very first day that the Hungarian Refugees began to stream across the frontier, the missionaries of the European Evangelistic Crusade have been giving physical and spir­ itual aid to these hungry and homeless people. I have and am per­

garian language I was able to gain their con­ fidence and to work more closely with them. The EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRU­ SADE is continuing to send physical and spiritual aid to the Hungarian,refugees who still continue to escape into Austria daily. HELP THESE COURAGEOUS PEOPLE NOW IN THEIR HOUR OF DESPERATE NEED. These are moments of crisis and momentous change and we cannot wait to help the thousands who are suddenly home­ less, sick, hungry and comfortless. THEY NEED YOUR HELP N OW ! As God directs and touches your heart, please send $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 or $100.00; but send it today and mark it "Hungarian refugees.” WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS AND WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR SUPPORT N OW ! Yours on behalf of the Hungarian Refugees,

so n a l ly supervising our relief ministry to the Hungarian refu­ gees. I h ave seen their appalling physi­ cal need, as well as th e ir n eed fo r the c o m fo r t o f G o d ’s W ord and the mes­ sage of salvation in this tragic hour; and since I speak the Hun- Dr. George A. Palmer, President of the Board of Directors Mr. Thornley B. Wood, Vice President Mr. Earle B. Daum Dr. Ralph S. Wright Dr. Lehman Strauss Rev. Douglas G. Stewart Miss Ethel O. Moote Reference Council Rev. Paul E. Billheimer Rev. George T. B. Davis Rev. John P. Forsyth Dr. J. H. Hunter Rev. C. H. C. Jackson Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. Dr. Herbert Lockver Dr. James McGinley Dr. F. J. Miles Dr. Palmer Muntz Dr. J. Winslow Smith Rev. Howard Sugden Dr. Louis T. Talbot

X ÿ t / Ç .

Douglas G. Stewart


HUNGARIAN REFUGEE FUND Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.3.S.

Director for North America

EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, INC. (Member Mission I.F.M.A.) 811 Westview Street, Dept. K, Philadelphia 19, Pa. Dear Sir: With a glad and willing heart I am enclosing I $................. to help alleviate the physical and spiritual I needs of the Hungarian refugees. Name Street I ........ City Zone State

APRIL 1957


and build a home where we can all be together?’ “ Buddy had expressed what we have often wished for and longed for but never prayed for, for we felt that it was not His will. “ Thank God, some day we will have our home and all be together— forever.” He was a man of vision and until the end of his life was ever planning and building and enlarging his min­ istry either on the campus or his schools or through his radio minis­ try. He was an active and faithful steward until the last. Several weeks before his home­ going in Leucadia, Calif., he had been carrying on his radio ministry from his bed where he had been confined because of a broken hip. On the very day of his death he had broadcast his usual nine o’clock morning message over station KGER and was heard to express a hope that he might be granted 10 or 15 more years of service. But God had other plans. And now that he is with the Lord and rejoicing in His presence, a telegram sent to his family over 20 years ago upon hearing of the death of his lovely daughter Helen, seems to be the message he would give to his friends and loved ones at this time in regard to his death: “ I urge the family and school to wear no garments of mourning and that we do not weep as those who have no hope. Thank -God we live this side of the open tomb. Our Christ lives. Let us try and forget our immedi­ ate loss . . . . Heaven will seem a little nearer and Christ will be a lot more real. Let us dedicate our­ selves anew to the work.” The memorial service for Dr. Brown was held in Siloam Springs in the Cathedral of the Ozarks, a building on his beloved campus. Here surrounded by loved ones, friends, faculty, staff and students whom he delighted to call “ his young’uns,” the service was held. His body was laid to rest in the mausoleum near by the campus of John Brown University. The im­ mediate family who remain are Mrs. John E. Brown, and the four living daughters, Mrs. Jean Smiley, Mrs. >Virginia Neal, Mrs. Mary Griffith, Miss Juanita Frances Brown, and John Brown Jr., now president o f the John Brown Schools. END.

John E. Brown by M ARTHA S. HOOKER

I n the evening of February 12th shortly after sunset, Dr. John E. Brown (Brother Brown) was called into the presence of his Lord and Saviour. And as the news of his homegoing was broadcast, the floodgates of memory were opened and friends both new and old be­ gan to recount the blessings that this life, so fully and completely lived for the Lord and others, had brought to their own lives. Truly many “ thanked God upon every remembrance of him.” John Brown was bom in Oska- loosa, Iowa 77 years ago. At 17 he and his brother left Oskaloosa and went to Bogers, Ark. to work in the lime kilns. This proved to be a move ordered by the Lord for during this very year John Brown received the Lord Jesus as his Sav­ iour in a Salvation Army meeting. With his conversion came the call to preach, and again the Lord was working out His own plan for this life when he was sent by the Sal­ vation Army to Siloam Springs to hold an evangelistic meeting. Soon his reputation as an evan­ gelist reached beyond the confines of his beloved Arkansas and for many years he was known as the leading evangelist of his day. With his evangelistic party, he held meetings in the smallest towns as well as the largest cities. It was during this period of evangelism that God gave the vi­ sion of a “ school on the hill” that would train boys and girls who like himself would otherwise be denied the privilege of an educa­ tion (his formal education ended after only a few years in grammar school). To make this dream come true, he and Mrs. Brown gave

their lovely home and adjoining land, and in 1919 a school that would train the “ head, the heart and the hand” became a reality at Siloam Springs, Ark. Today that school bears the name of John Brown University and at the time of Dr. Brown’s homegoing five schools and three radio stations (KUOA, AM-FM, Siloam Springs; KOME, Tulsa; KGER, Long Beach) stand as mon­ uments to this man’s vision and consecration. But John Brown belonged not only to the campus of his own schools but he was a friend of all schools that sought to train young people in the Word of God and send them out into the world fitted for service. His radio audience too felt that he belonged to them and many who knew him by his per­ suasive and sympathetic voice on radio felt bereft of a real friend. He was a family man and loved his home; a devoted husband and father of six children; but for the sake of the work to which he felt called of God, he had to make many sacrifices and forego the joy of being at home with his family. Dr. Brown relates this incident which illustrates a bit of the sacri­ fice he was forced to make in re­ gard to his home: “ It was one of the times when I was leaving home in service. The family were all to­ gether when Buddy (as John Brown Jr. was called as a child) begged me to stay one more day, and when I said, ‘But, Buddy, dear, Daddy has to go for if I do not these schools will suffer,’ there came the startling outburst that sad­ dened me beyond words, ‘Daddy, why don’t you sell these schools



A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

A man in Dallas, Tex. writes (see this month’s Reader Reaction) that our new monthly page for men only seems to be meeting a definite need. Says our Dallas reader: “ The page entitled ‘Men’ is the only page my unsaved friends have ever read aloud, voluntarily, to each other, in a serious mood.” Keep praying for this new fea­ ture. As far as we know there’s abso­ lutely nothing else like it anywhere. We have a feeling our Christian literature just hasn’t been reach­ ing unchurched men. They should be reached. They have a right to be reached. And with your prayer­ ful help we’ll continue this page to present the claims of Jesus Christ in a language men will read. Can you think of at least one family that would benefit from re­ ceiving T he K ing ’ s B usiness reg­ ularly? For only $3 you can give them a gift subscription starting with this important April issue. In addition to the page for men there are two big stories for children, poems, an article on prayer and Dr. T a lb o t’s hard-hitting, thoroughly documented, 8-page “ Green Report” on Seventh-day Adventism. We hope you’ll continue to help us get the message out. You may use the coupon below. Thank you. (P.S. N o need to send m on ey now: you r credit is good with us any­ time . ) 5

S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board APRIL

In the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven

Vol. 48, No. 4

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

MISSIONS HAWAII: Playground and Mission Field — Dorothy C. Haskin ............ 12 NEW FIELD FOR ORIENT CRUSADES — Photo Story ............... ..... 13 A REALLY PORTABLE PROJECTOR ......................... ................................ 40 VIET NAM: A Call tor 150 Missionaries — Gordon Smith ................... 48 ARTICLES JOHN E. BROWN — Martha S. Hooker ....................... .......................... 4 SHOULD A CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE CARRY ADVERTISING? ...... .. 10 FOR MEN ONLY — Those foreign cars ...................................................... 11 PRAYER AND MY ORPHANS — George Muller .................................... 16 WHY SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISM IS NOT EVANGELICAL — Louis T. Talbot ......................................................................................... 23 THE STRANGE MAGNETISM OF EASTER — Richard C. Halverson . 39 FEATURES PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ............................. 6 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller .......................... 7 READER REACTION ........................................................................... ............. 8 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ................... ................... .... 18 BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis ........................................................... 20 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ..... .................... . 22 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ............................. 31 OUT OF THE LAB: The Bible & Science — Donald S. Robertson ......... 32 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP — A Handful of Sunshine — Helen Frazee-Bower.......................... . 33 God is not Dead — Anne Hazelton ................................................... 34 SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES: ACTS (concluded) & ROMANS — Chester J. Padgett ................................................................................. 36 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ......................................... ..................... 46 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore 47 CHR ISTIAN EDUCATION OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. W ilder........................................................ 42 COVER There is nothing quite as forceful as the valid testimony of an eye­ witness. That's why we're taking the unusual step of printing a letter on our cover. A fter you've read it you'll want to read the special Green Report starting on page 23. And about that photo on the cover— the young man is from Viet Nam. There's a fascinating article about this land on pages 48, 49. — Photo : Gordon H. Smith

your name


S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor LUCY BARAJIKIAN; copy editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

LLOYD HAMILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

city \



□ Money enclosed

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editorial board: Donald G. Davis, Charles L. Feinberg, James 0. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Margaret Jacobsen, Chester J. Padgett, Donald S. Robertson, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton.

Gift order — $3 for one year

(Start with this April issue)

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R.. authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.






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APRIL 1957



"This is a fervent request that you will rescue my five children from great danger. The oldest is only 11. My husband cannot do any work because, during the communistic guerrilla warfare, their great cruelty and destruction drove him out of his mind, and naturally he is unable to help. I am struggling to provide the bare necessities of life for my little ones. With the greatest of difficulty I manage to secure just a loaf of bread, and this not every day. "W e had a small bit of property, but the communists destroyed it, and now we are in the streets. My chil­ dren have developed bronchial trou­ ble. I cannot send them to school because I do not have the money to buy them bread, let alone pay for their sch ooling , books, etc. (In Greece, there is a small registration fee for each child who attends school, which the very poor cannot possibly pay.) "Our poverty can hardly be imag­ ined, and whatever you can do for my children — food, clothing, any­ thing — you will save them and God will reward you.” Angeliki Belli Do you ever have to wonder when you will eat again, as this family does? In Greece, where one third of the population makes less than 25c a day, this situation is not uncommon. But can we be comfortable sitting in front of our full dinner plates, knowing that with only $1.00 we can provide 22 lbs. of surplus food to these gaunt, sickly, despairing ones? That with $6.00 we can ship i them a bundle of clothing; that with $15.00 a month we can provide home care for a child? Nor should we be content to stop there, but seek to bring God’s Word through gifts of Bibles and Testaments to the spir­ itually starved also. Ask the Lord what He would have you do, and write to the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Can­ ada write to 90 Duplex Avenue, To­ ronto 7, Ontario.)

LIVE Near a Christian College

A monthly column of names in the news

In Wheaton, 111., Scripture Press President Victor E. Cory has named Dr. Robert A. Cook vice-president and man­ ager of the distributing division. Cook, 44, president of Youth for Christ In­ ternational since 1948, resigned from that o r g a n iz a tio n the same day. Named to replace Cook at YFC is Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, 40. Engstrom has been with YFC since 1951; was book editor for Z on d e r v a n Publishing House for 11 years. Missions-minded Pastor Oswald J. Smith of The Peoples Church, Toronto, is making plans for a three-month tour through South America. He will hold evangelistic campaigns, deeper life conferences and missionary con­ ventions in the national churches of the larger cities of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. The meetings will run from September through No­ vember. In Los Angeles, Radio Director Al Sanders of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has announced that the Fed­ eral Communications Commission has granted BIOLA a permit to construct an FM radio station. Earlier in the year a Pentecostal church (Maple C hapel o f su bu rban G len d a le ) launched a new FM station, KHOF, | and long-time AM Christian radio station KFSG (Foursquare) will soon be broadcasting over a new FM trans- |mitter. The rush to FM started in Los Angeles when surveys revealed approximately one million FM sets in the area. The trend is seen as a desire of many to escape the weary round of TV programs for the high quality music most FM stations car­ ry. Missionaries and candidates will once again this summer (as they have since 1934) have the opportunity to become acquainted with the latest study techniques in foreign languages at the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Started by L. L. Legters and W. Cameron Townsend, the Institute has gained world-wide recognition for” its out- I standing work. This summer’s sessions will be held at the University of Ok­ lahoma, University of North Dakota, Briercrest Bible Institute and Turn- ! ours Hall Camp near London. Cata- ; logs and further information may be obtained by writing the Institute at Box 870, Glendale 5, Calif.

A special message from Dr. S. H. Sutherland President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Two years ago the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. purchased a campus site in beautiful suburban La Mirada (30 minutes by freeway from downtown Los Angeles). Approximately 25 acres are being subdivided, and the lots offered for sale to interested friends of BIOLA. These choice lots are adjoining the campus on the north. The lots are a generous 105 feet deep and range in width from 60 to 80 feet. (Those wishing wider lots may buy three lots with a friend and divide them to give a lot and a half width.) These lots are now available for friends of BIOLA who desire to live in the Christian environment of the school. Those desiring further informa­ tion may write to Mr. Russell All- der, Business Manager, BIOLA, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.



Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller LET'S PRETEND


L et’s play mother and children,” three-year-old Mark said to his mother. “ You be de mama; I be de daddy.” “ Okay,” Mommie agreed. “ But if you’re the daddy you will have to help me lift some heavy things be­ cause daddies are strong.” “ I help you.” And the little fellow disappeared for about 10 minutes. Suddenly Mother heard him clip­ clopping down the hall. “ How he loves to play in Daddy’s shoes,” she thought. Turning around as Mark entered the kitchen Mother noticed her old work shoes on his feet. “ I be de mama now. I have your shoes on. Okay? You be de little girl.” For better than an hour Mark had fun pretending he was Mother. And as she went about her work Mother remembered how Sharon, now 11, often played doctor and nurse with her younger brother. With bubbling enthusiasm, the dark haired child would say, “When I grow up I’m going to put on a doctor’s suit and be a doctor-missionary to the Afri­ cans.” (This dream still possesses Sharon but now she knows there is no magic “ suit” to don which will automatically make her a doctor.) Many a time Mother has heard Althea Jr. ask Ardyth to pretend she is sick in order to play “ nurse.” Games of “ let’s pretend” are very thrilling to children. Mother has often prayed that the stage of pre­ tense will develop into positive dreams and from thence into reality in the lives of her children. Walking in Mother’s shoes will not make Mark a mama. Nor will a white cap and apron make Althea a nurse. But dreams, coupled with preparation, can become reality. Could it be that “ let’s pretend” carried over into adulthood is the answer to hypocrisy in the church? Going to church out of a sense of duty, speaking the “ language” of the Spirit, giving an eye-dazzling offer­ ing, will never make a child of God out of anyone. Nor can one earn that coveted position by any set of man­ made standards. Salvation is a free gift — “ Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:9). After the position is attained through the grace of God, then we “ put on the whole armour of God” (Eph. 6:11). God help us to put first things first.

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J 7

APRIL 1957

Great Need!

Rev. F.V. Dabold Founder-Director Pray for the evangelizing of Uruguay, little known and long neglected field. Our faith work has established an Indigenous Church and includes the first Bi­ ble School in the country training National workers; also Radio, Col- portage and unique Prison min­ istry, etc. Doors are Open Many hungry hearts waiting for the Word, little opposition. Splendid group of full time | workers in the field. Hold up their hands— swell their number with your prayers and gifts. W rite fo r FREE new s letter today EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. BOX 70-K , FRESNO, CALIFORNIA


symbolize your writings. When you use government propaganda from the Food and Drug Administration you have severed relations with the Holy Spirit -—■at least insofar as your writ­ ing is concerned. Since you can’t stick to the “ King’s Business,” you can cancel my subscription forthwith. Knoxsville, Tenn. Gilbert L. Meredith Sirs: I’m disgusted that Christian men (?) could be so taken in by Satan! You have allowed the government to get the best of you when you printed such a monstrous lie. Livingston Manor, N.Y. Marjorie Gorton Sirs: It is nothing but a bunch of lies from start to finish, and why would a Christian magazine allow such a thing to be printed? I suppose it was for the 30 pieces of silver you received for it. Palmdale, Calif. W. L. Holst Neither the government nor anyone else pays magazines to print public service announcements. — ED. Sirs: The King Himself must have been amazed at the lack of discrimination on the part of the editors when they accepted for publication that villain­ ous and dastardly article condemning a Christian man whose only offense has been that of curing cancer. Palmdale, Calif. % Edith B. Wood Sirs: I would like to submit the follow­ ing questions: 1) Have you ever had a biopsy with the diagnosis of cancer? 2) Have you ever had surgery or X- ray or deep therapy? 3) Have you ever paid hundreds of dollars to med­ ical doctors and the same to surgeons in the hope of being cured or even improved in health as a victim of can­ cer only to grow worse continually, and after you had spent precious time and money to have specialists tell you they could do nothing more for you and send you home to die? 4) Have you ever taken the Hoxsey treatment and as a result found yourself brought back to health?

For Men Only

Sirs: The page entitled “Men” [ “ Beau­ tiful Girls & My Uncle Charlie,” Feb.] is the only page my unsaved friends have ever read aloud, volun­ tarily, to each other, in a serious mood. If you ha«e this article printed in tract form please send me 500. Dallas, Tex. Bernard E. Rouch Inwood Sign Shop W e are sorry but this article is not in tract form. For this months for- men-only feature see page 11. — ED. Love Sirs: I have been reading, “ Love, The G rea test T h in g In The World” (March Green Report). I have been in the blackest despair for several days, for it seems I have no love for my family and think surely they would be better off without me. I have five little children and one ex­ pected soon. Oh, how ashamed I am to be so weak to cry out against the pain. But the bottom of page 27, the last paragraph, has given me new hope —-a thread to hold to. (Name withheld) Sirs: The impact of this article on love has been tremendous upon my own needy heart. I have become more conscious of the fact of love in my life toward God and others because of my first missionary term in Formosa. But I realize I have hardly touched the surface after reading this article in K.B. Its plainness and practical­ ness make the application of perform­ ing love toward others easier to grasp and to apply. My own heart was pre­ pared for the message the article gave. I trust to get some more copies and share this v a lu a b le article with friends. Los Angeles, Calif. Adeline Gordon Extra copies of the March issue con­ taining this 8-page article on love may be obtained for 25c each or 5 for $1, postpaid. — ED. Hoxsey (cont'd) Sirs: Your masthead should more nearly


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725 E. Colorado Blvd., Glendale, CaIM.i 65 Central Ave., Mound, Minn.

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles ir> Hong Kong — Gateway to Asia A fourfold Ministry GOSPEL PREACHING Emmanuel Church holding regular services in English and Chinese in the heart of the Emmanuel Clinic with two doctors and a regular staff of nurses and evangelists, treating over 1,500 monthly. PRINTED PAGE BIOLA Book Room, a large evangelical book store in downtown Kowloon distrib­ uting Bibles and literature in English and Chinese. YOUTH CENTER Recently built in the New Territories. Primary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their children. Summer and winter Bible Conferences. Charles A. Robert', D.D., Superintendent For complete information and gifts, please | write to: Bible Institute of Los Angeles Colony and the Countryside. M ED ICAL M IN ISTRY

Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California





To all of these questions I can an­ swer “ yes.” In July of 1955 when all hopes were gone I was taken by plane to Dallas, Tex. to the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic and began taking those “ worth­ less pills” (quoting you). I began al­ most immediately to improve and feel better. My voice, which was prac­ tically gone due to cancer of the throat, has been fully restored. Can­ cer which had spread to my spine and lungs from the X-ray therapy is prac­ tically cleared up and I can sleep nights now instead of having to sit up in a chair and gasp for breath. I am now able to do my household duties and care for my ill husband and enjoy my social contacts—all these blessed realities due to the God-given miracle of the Hoxsey treatment. Worthless, you say! Not to the thousands of us who know by experience the wonder­ working of their quality. Many, many victims of the dread disease are now in their graves because they were in­ fluenced by the biased prejudice spread by the AMA and Food and Drug Administration, and this paid for by using our tax money to forward this wholesale murderous propaganda. Roseburg, Ore. Mrs. Alice Cochrane Sirs: I feel constrained to praise T he K ing ’ s B usiness , Moody Monthly and other good magazines which have warned people of the Hoxsey treat­ ment. It is surprising—to say the least — that born-again Ch ristian s could write such letters to you. In my experience as a Christian regis­ tered nurse I have found that Chris­ tians are very easily duped concerning care and treatment of the body. Why should this be so? Don’t they look to the Lord for guidance for the body as well as the soul? Christians should wake up and have a cancer check-up at least once a year and quit fooling around with money-making fads. Oberlin, Ohio Mrs. Madge Meyers, R.N. Worldliness (cont'd) Sirs: Send 100 copies of “The Christian & Worldliness,” by Ray C. Stedman. I want to use the copies in my Sun­ day school class. Spokane, Wash. Albert Arend This vitally important article is now in a beautiful 32-page booklet for just 10c each, postpaid. It makes a wonderful gift to pass along to your Christian friends of all ages. On or­ ders over $1 you may Order now and pay later. This special offer ends May 1 when the price will be 35c each. Write to The King’s Business, 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. — ED.

Biola School of Missionary Medicine Training With Purpose diversified > accelerated > accredited sr

Dentistry Four-month course. Ap­ proved by State of Califor­ nia Board of Dental Exam­ iners, Department of Voca­ tional and Professional Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and lab­ oratory work. Classes start in January.

Nursing Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, labora­ tory and hospital instruc­ tions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Ex­ amination and obtain the L V.N degree. Classes start in Septem­ ber and January.

Dispensary Four-month course. Gives training in laboratory anal­ ysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with com­ mon ailments. Classes start in January.

All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care-

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FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.

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APRIL 1957

Win them to Christ!

Reading time two minutes

Should a Christian Magazine Carry

ADVERTISING ? by Lloyd Ham ill, Managing Editor

ful ads in Ladies Home Journal. And most men carefully read the ads in Popular Science. Why? Well, for one thing the ads are often even more attractive than the editorial portion of the magazine, and sec­ ondly the ads are helpful. Can’t the same hold true for Christian advertising? As you look at the ads in this issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness remember each ad is helping to pay the bill for getting the gospel out in printed form. Then remember these same ads are telling about a service or a product to help you in your Christian living and witness or they are telling about a ministry that needs your prayer­ ful support. Maybe sometimes the ads are not so attractive. Christians for some reason have always been reluctant to spend money to present the gos­ pel of our Saviour in an attractive way. But today more and more Christian organizations are hiring trained advertising agencies to pre­ pare their ads. We think this is a good trend. Whenever you see an attractive ad in a Christian maga­ zine why not take time to write to the company and tell them you thought their ad was attractive. Do it! And pretty soon more of the ads in our Christian magazines will be attractive as well as helpful. And then go out of your way to patronize those concerns who do ad­ vertise in Christian magazines.

Do advertisements in a Christian magazine serve a helpful purpose or are they merely irritating in­ truders that gobble up precious space that could otherwise be given to spiritual articles? This is a good question. And like most good questions there is no simple answer. On the surface there are some mighty sound arguments on both sides of the question. But when we examine the basic facts the evidence is pretty heavy in favor of advertis­ ing. Here’s the reasoning behind this statement. To put it bluntly it costs a whop­ ping sum of money to print a maga­ zine nowadays. A $3 a year sub­ scription charge covers only a frac­ tion of the cost of producing a magazine like T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness . The deficit must come from donations or advertising or both. But a few folks object to advertisements because they take up so much space. Currently we are carrying about 35% advertising which means our readers get more than 30 solid pages of editorial material each month. It’s pretty difficult for the average person to thoroughly read more than 30 pages in any one magazine each month. Very few readers complain about ads in a secular magazine. Or the daily newspaper. Most housewives are highly interested in the beauti­

C h rist-cen te red Vacation B ib le School lessons to help guide young hearts to Christ. New Pioneer’s Guide gives daily minute- by-minute plans for correlating all VBS activities. Teachers’ and Pupils’ Books printed in full color, teach Bible truths to all ages. Pre-school and Primary pupils’ books pre-cut. Lesson-Correlated Visual Aid Packet for each department. Inviting and color­ ful—create greater interest and retention. Accessories and Advertising including new decorations packet and contest —all correlated to the one theme.

A t Christian Bookstores or use the coupon

r -G O S P E L LIGHT PRESS—i I Glendale 5, California, or Mound, Minnesota I | Dept. KB47 j Please send m e. I Q One “ Pioneering with Christ” S a m ple K it j @ $2.50 I □ One “ P ioneer L eader ’ s G uide ” — only 454 each 1 □ FREE illustrated descriptive brochure I Name_________________________________________________ I 1 Street_________________________________________________ 1 I City______________________ Zone____ State------------- | ■ Church ________________________________________________ I I Check one: I □ Pastor □ Supt. □Teacher □ Worker □ Other

X he most scarce, rare and precious thing in the world today is not uranium, electronic know-how or even correct theology. It is Christian character. Possibly there is no­ where on earth where the shining jewel of holy character is so valuable as on the mission field. Certainly there is nothing that veteran missionaries so anxiously look for in the new recruits as they come out, as the simple Chris­ tian virtues. They are by far the most powerful witness to the truth of the gospel that we have. — Elizabeth W . Strachan, Latin American Mission




Before coming to work for T he K ing ' s B usiness magazine four years ago I was managing editor of the largest auto­ motive magazine in America. It was in those days that the foreign car boom was just getting underway. Great Britain dominated the field. There was the noisy, thrifty little two-seater MG and the flashy, gas-gulping Jaguar. The French exported a few hopelessly under-powered Citroens and racing fans saw a good many of those brilliant Italian Ferraris. Then a couple of years ago the foreign car boom kicked up its wheels under a wide-open throttle. And Great Britain was lost somewhere in the swirl of things. Germany took firm command of the American foreign car market. And it was the amazing little beetle-like Volkswagen that did the trick. Fast on the VW success came the DKW and the Borgward. And from France both Simca and Citroen brought out models that literally stormed the American market. Continental automakers were goggle-eyed. They just couldn’t keep up with orders. Americans were gladly wait­ ing four to six months to buy a VW and then found that after driving it a year could sell it for about the same price. Sweden found that its ancient looking (Ford, circa 1939), but superb handling Volvo sold extremely well in America. Why this enthusiasm for foreign cars? To a lot of men the answer is fairly simple. Detroit long ago stopped building well-engineered cars. They simply turn out clumsy iron monstrosities whose only claim to glory is in their size, power and paint and upholstery combinations. It’s the biggest deception fostered on Americans since women started wearing engineered undergarments. And a lot of men are tired of it. Why drive a car ("17 glorious feet long” ) that requires an over 200 gas-hungry horsepower engine to lug it along when you can relax to the thrill of driving a beautifully engineered 35 to 80 horsepower car? Answer that question and I think you have the answer why so many men are buying foreign cars today. And I have a feeling that today a lot of men feel the same way about religion. Too many professing Christians seem to give the im­ pression that "size” is the thing that counts in a man’s relationship with God. Do it up big. The more times you go to church, the more committees you’re on, the bigger

your donation. These are to measure your righteousness. Some of us are beginning to wonder if the church isn’t getting like Detroit’s automobiles. Frankly size and activity and outward show never impressed me very much. What most men want to know is: Does the thing do the job it’s supposed to ? You’re not interested in religion for religion’s sake. You have no reason in the world to be interested in religion unless it gives you some positive help in obtaining a right relationship with God. You’re not interested in it to merely impress your fellow men. Or even your wife. Deception is no answer for the man who is seeking spiritual tmth. What can a man . . . one who really wants to know the truth . . . do? Not being a minister my advice may be unorthodox but here it is. And it’s worked for a good many men. Don’t expect to find the truthsitting in a church pew. Don’t expect to find the truthtalking religion with the men at work or your next door neighbor. Don’t expect to find the truth with the help of a continued series o f lectures from your good wife. If Christianity has any truth for you you’re going to find it in the Bible. I mean that. For my money I’d rather get my informa­ tion firsthand. Not a lot of warmed-over ideas and prejudices however well-meant. Most men I know have no quarrel with God. Christianity has just never been presented to them in a complete and clear way. The Bible is the only source-book of Christianity. And it’s written in a language anyone who can read can under­ stand. Nothing complicated here. Start today to read the New Testament completely through. Get your own copy. Mark it up. Outline it. But mostly read. Not just through once. Several times. Without preconceived ideas. Approach it just as if you’d never heard a sermon or argument or lec­ ture on religion. You’re here for one purpose only. Not to argue. Not to quarrel. You’re here to find out what the Bible says. That’s all. After you’ve read the Bible for yourself then it’s up to you to receive or reject Jesus Christ as being the way to God. Jesus Christ said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” He also said, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

APRIL 1957


by D O R O T H Y C . H A S K IN

HAWA II playground and mission field

D o save your money and take a trip to Hawaii! It is truly the tourist’s most delightful playground. I know. I’ve just been there. It is the paradise of the Pacific! God was lavish in His creation of the fleet of islands known as the Hawaiian Islands, with Honolulu on Oahu as the capital. You’ll enjoy the surf at Waikiki which laps mildly against the gold­ en sand. And for your convenience, expensive hotels cluster along the beach and shops sell a thousand curios stamped with the inevitable “Made in Japan.” There is so much to see . . . the flowered hedges blooming brightly . . . dusky-haired ladies wearing muumuus and pink plumeria leis . . . the flag raised over the Arizona in Pearl Harbor, the grave of 1,102 men . . . fishes adorned with span­ gles . . . huge machines crossing the pineapple fields as pickers load the fruit on their long arms . . . orchids blooming casually in the backyard. There are temples too for you to visit. The tourist is as welcome in any Buddhist or Shinto temple as a stranger is in a church on the mainland. In fact, guided tours in­ clude a visit to the Soto Temple which cost a half-million dollars to build. Other than the fact that it is architecturally different from the traditional church, no Christian could question the building’s fitness to be a temple of God. A wide green lawn sets back from the street the square building with its two round wings. Red steps lead up to the large entranceway. Inside, the auditorium is airy with comfortable benches. In front is the altar. There is a black lacquered table with assorted painted bowls. Behind it is a raised platform on which stands a gold table and several low stools. Gold lotus leaves bedeck both sides of the platform. Filigree gold strips hang 12

prayer pillow in front of them. Hanging above the altar were wide strips of red paper with Chinese fig­ ures on them. On the altar was the ugly squat idol, hits of mirror and sticks with red paper fluttering from them. There were a couple of bat­ tered tin pie plates with wicks burn­ ing in oil, old wax flowers covered with the soot from many pieces of offered incense. Beside it was an incinerator. Could God he wor­ shiped in that dirt and squalor? I went up the rickety stairs to a narrow porch. At the far end was another altar, a dirt-encrusted lac­ quered table with the usual assort­ ment of idols, grimy wax flowers, paper prayers fluttering in the breeze and incense burning in old pans. Inside was a narrow room with five carved, red tables serving as altars and on them an assortment of idols, sitting, standing, some with beards, all ugly. Hanging from the ceiling were paper lanterns and strips of red paper. In front of the idols were the usual dirt-encrusted wax flowers, the incense and can­ dles stuck into the tops of whiskey bottles. An old woman sat in a chair monotonously beating a gong to appease the spirits. How can these people, offering worship in this dirty temple, expect the God who . . dwelleth not in temples made with hands” (Acts 17:24) to hear them? They don’t! They worship evil spirits. They placate the spirits. God is a faraway deity. They know not how to draw near to Him. They know not of the Christ who is the Way. Here under the flag of the United States is heathen worship. Visit Hawaii if you can. You’ll find it not only a tourist play­ ground but also a crossroads of reli­ gions — the placid, fat, gold Buddha and the cross of Calvary meet there! Some would call it a mission field. A needy one. END. THE KING'S BUSINESS

from the ceiling as well as red tassels. And in the center of it all is the gold Buddha, weighing some 750 pounds. The priest of this temple is Rev. S. E. Hunt, a former Protestant minister who went to the Orient and was converted to Buddhism. With all the subtlety of a trained mind, he lectures each day to the tourists. He tells them that one reason he is a Buddhist is because of Karma which, he explains, is the law of reaping what one sows. Then he goes on to tell of a young man who told him that his sins had been for­ given by the Lord Jesus, and he replied that while he couldn’t tell if the young man’s sins were for­ given or not, he knew that he would still reap the consequences of his act. At the conclusion of his talk, Hunt explains that the Buddhists expect the dead to eat the food left to them exactly the way Christians expect the dead to smell the flowers at their funerals. He completely ignores the fact that Christians don’t expect the dead to smell the flowers and thus succeeds in con­ fusing the unthinking. Buddhism turns its best face toward the tour­ ist. But don’t stop there — find some­ one who can take you to the temple that is not dressed up for the tour­ ist trade. The one on River Street in the midst of the produce markets. Odd, as I walked toward the build­ ing, I sensed that it was a temple. Yet it didn’t look like anything I thought a house of God should. It was a narrow, two-story building badly in need of paint. The roof was of corrugated iron with paint flecking off it and the edges turned upward. That’s so the spirits will slide up and away from the temple! At the open door I saw for the first time in my life a heathen altar in its natural state. It consisted of a low pile of bricks with a soiled

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