King's Business - 1957-04

Your DVBS is only as good as the material you

Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College


fication was as follows: “ It was 90 percent beer cans, about 3 percent soft-drink bottles, and about 3 per­ cent whiskey bottles. The balance consisted of general litter.” It was estimated that had there been no beer cans or liquor bottles the job would not have required more than a half hour. “ The real eye opener was that soft-drink bot­ tles with a two or three cent return value are a rarity on the roadside, while the valueless beer cans form the overwhelming bulk.” The group recommended that if we are to clean up our roadsides, “ the biggest single step would be to make the liquor people package their wares in a container with a three cent return value.” If the soft-drink industry can do this, why can’t the hard-drink industry do the same? Education — A Nation's Strength From one of the nation’s leading newspapers comes the following editorial: “Americans have ob­ served National Education Week, 1956, in a time of international crisis. This crisis has underlined urgent responsibilities not only for the educators but for the entire community. These responsibilities concern the fitting of free nations to withstand both intellectual and physical attack from the new autoc­ racy of communism. “ The simplest question this chal­ lenge poses for Americans can be put this way: Shall United States schools seek to turn out more phys­ ical scientists, more engineers, more specialists of all kinds, or shall they aim at turning out more indi­ viduals schooled in the humanities? “ There is an answer to this which is easy to state but harder to achieve. That answer is ‘both.’ The White House Conference on Educa­ tion brought out the probability that the Soviet Union would train 1,200,000 engineers and physical scientists between 1950 and 1960 while the United States was train­ ing only 900,000. In the Atomic Age this could mean the difference between free-world security and insecurity . . . .” END.

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CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. 1507 N. Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa.

N. Paul V. Gupta General Director

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APRIL 1957


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