King's Business - 1957-04

Out of the

A Penny a Day ' (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity)} Will give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? For information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND, INC. Founded in 1929 ' 430 East 141st Street - New York 54, N.Y. >John Binns, Pres. James E. Bennett, Treas. Rev. John Ernest Brown, Field Rep. S T O P S M O K I N G Banish The Craving For Tobacco! The easily applied method explained in 'TH E SMOKING HABIT" by Wodehouse will enable you to quickly and positive­ ly rid yourself of the Tobacco Habit. Read this book through. You'll enjoy it, and if you don't give up smoking, you get your money back and no questions asked. Postpaid only $1.00. NEW LIFE, Dept. KB-46, Rowan, Iowa Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Weep No More t was the day before Thanksgiving in Brooklyn, New York. But in the home of Mrs. "X ," a recent refugee from Europe, there seemed to be little cause for thanks­ giving. H er husband was ill and little by little declining. She herself was down with a severe flu. Their lovely little daughter looked pale and undernourished. Illness and want stared thèm in the face. T his was the situation when a Friends of Israel representative called upon this sorely tried family. Quickly food and necessary med­ icines were provided, and tears of despair gave way to a smile of hope. 3 imilar incidents take place daily in the many cities across the world where our workers minister spiritually and materially in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. I ou too have an opportunity to show the true heart of Christian America, to help the helpless, and to proclaim the matchless Gospel of salvation and love. Christian friend: " The Master hath need of thee.” Please write to: THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. Rev. Victor Buksbazen, General Secretary 728 K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar 1066 Avenue Rd., Toronto 12, Ontario Sample copy of ISRAEL MY GLORY, out­ standing missionary publication, sent free to all who love the Lord and His cause. HO. 9-5883 HO. 9-5883 ( f ê a b u f t OR IENTAL RUG on CLEANERS

Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Biola Bible College

The Relative Nature of Time

T he theory of relativity has led some scientists to what seems to the average man s ome r a t h e r far fetched conclusions. One of these is that speeds close to the speed of light cause space and time to contract. If these conclusions are true, it would mean that a clock in a space ship traveling close to the speed of light would run slower than one on the earth. Not only will the clock run slower but the crew will age at a slower rate compared to those at home. A recent Scientific American article indicated that some relativists had estimated “ That if a space ship trav­ eled to the nearest star and back in 17 years, its clocks would show an elapsed time of only 14.5 years, and its occupants would have aged by only this amount.” Now these are startling conclusions and are not held by all scientists. In fact, they have been rather heatedly discussed. Such discussion has led the scientist to look for some way to determine experi­ mentally whether or not time can be compressed in this manner. Recently Dr. Crawford of Univer­ sity of California obtained some evi­ dence that bears on this question. This evidence was obtained from studies of a sub-atomic particle called a mu meson which disintegrates when at rest in less than two-mil­ lionths of a second. These sub-atomic particles can be thought of as very minute clocks which measure time in millionths of a second. Some of

these mu mesons are formed by the collision of cosmic rays with atomic nuclei in the atmosphere high above the earth’s surface. Many of them that are formed in this manner travel for more than 10 miles before they disintegrate. If while traveling this distance, they were disintegrating at their at-rest rate, they would only get less than one-third of a mile before disintegrating. The conclusion is that they can travel farther because their rate of disintegration is slowed as a result of their high speed and they can therefore get farther before dis­ integrating. This evidence would tend to support the idea that speed will cause time to contract. This evidence emphasizes the rela­ tive nature of time as well as the fact that time is somehow intimately asso­ ciated with the physical universe. In the light of these discoveries, it is of more than passing interest to the Christian that the God of the Bible does not appear to be limited by time. In fact, it is strongly implied that the Creator is not limited by time in exactly the same way that He is not bound by the physical uni­ verse. This is to be expected because of the intimate relationship between time and matter. Since God is outside of both, it is easy to see why “ . . . one day is with the Lord as a thou­ sand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3:8). To a timeless God every moment of time, past, present and future, is now. END.

I n Seoul, Korea this month the Oriental Missionary Society (with headquarters in Los Angeles) is celebrating its 50th anni­ versary in that land. As a result o f its work there the society today has nearly 500 churches, 310 students in the Seoul Bible Seminary, 55 trained chaplains in the Korean Army, 2,500 children in its 19 orphanages, 700 lepers in its two leper colonies, three widows’ homes, two babies’ homes and is train­ ing 14,000 children in weekday classes in the churches.



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