King's Business - 1957-04


Outline helps and questions for personal and group study

S O I S T H E T R E E I N C L I N E D ”


Young minds, like young trees, need to be trained early in life. Many youngsters in out-of-the- way farm areas are isolated and without the guidance of either a church or a Sunday school. How­ ever, their lives need not become

Acts (concluded) & Romans


Study Questions on Chapter 28 (Continued) 1. What is the benefit of Christian fellowship? (v. 15.) 2. What s p e c i a l c o u r t e s y was i shown the apostle by the captain of the guard in the prison in Rome? (v. f 16.) Why? i 3. How is Paul’s love for his own people and his desire for their salva­ tion evidenced? (v. 17.) 4. How was Paul received by the Jews in Rome? (w . 17-22.) 5. When Paul spoke to the Jews again what was his theme? (v. 23.) Study Questions on Chapter 28 (Continued) 1. How was Paul’s teaching re­ ceived by the Roman Jews? (v. 24.) 2. What was Paul’s attitude toward the unbelieving Jews? (w . 25-27.) 3. What decision did the apostle make about the Jews? (v. 28.) 4. How long was Paul in Rome as a prisoner of Nero? (v. 30.) 5. What liberties were granted to Paul in Rome? (v. 30.) 6. In what activities did the apos­ tle engage during this period? (v. 31.) I ntroduction To R omans Today we begin a study of the book of Romans. It would be well for you to read the book through at one sit­ ting, if possible. As you read keep pencil and paper handy and make a record of the major impressions re­ ceived through your reading. Try to discover the main theme or emphasis of the book and seek to find the development of the book, that is, the outline. This is Paul’s greatest writ­ ing and the most complete treatment of the theme of salvation to be found anywhere in the Bible. The theme of Romans is “ Salva­ tion.” The outline is as follows: I. The introduction (1:1-15)


misshaped, since the American Sunday-School Union, with the assistance of Christian friends, sends missionaries to these neglected areas to organize and maintain Sunday schools. Children attending Sunday school are directed early in life to “ the Holy Scrip­ tures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation” . Will you help us “ train up a child in the way he should go” ?

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