King's Business - 1957-04

I F ; "Conjunction—a particle used to introduce a conditional sentence.” (Dictionary def.)

IF: Christian young people would take a forward step to­ wards missionary service, we are convinced that the Lord would continue to lead many of them out into the harvest fields!


I F ; more churches had an aggressive missionary program, more Christian people would be familiar with the needs of our generation and of the opportunities to serve! IF: more of the Lord’s people were familiar with Missions, there would be more prayer, more giving, more going where the "harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few.”

S o M a n y " I f s ” !

. . . while time is fleeting and men are dying. Let us take the “ IF" out of our personal dedication; out of our Church program, and with David "serve our generation by the will of God." Information will be sent to young people who are seeking the Lord's will for life service.

I F : more missionaries went out, more of the "unreached” would be reached with the Gospel, for "how shall they hear without a preacher?”

Our bi-monthly periodical " SUDAN WITNESS’ ’ and other literature will be sent free on request.

Sudan Interior Mission

Rev. G. W . Playfair, General Director

Dr. M. A . Darroch, Home Director

405 Huron Street, Toronto, Ontario

164 West 74th Street, New York 23, N.Y.

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