King's Business - 1957-04

55 Features • 7 Great Departments Make THE NEW CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE Truly a Bible P lus a Biblical Library in One Volume (Edited by Rev. F. C. Thompson, D .D., Ph.D.) R E A D WHA T O T H E R S S A Y :

Justice G lenn Terrell, Form er Chief Justice of the Surprem e C ourt o f Florida: “ T h e in scrip tio n o ve r th e e n tra n ce of th e L ib ra r y of th e F lo rid a S ta te C ollege fo r W o m e n in Ta llahassee, F lo rid a , is: ‘T he H alf o f Knowledge Is to Know Where to Find Know ledge.' T h e N e w C h a in Reference B ib le is th e ‘W h e re ’ to fin d th e fullest s p iritu a l tru th s a n d to g a in th e m ost co m ple te kn ow le d ge of th e B ib le in th e easiest w a y. F o r th e past tw o years I ha ve used th e N e w C h a in R eference B ib le a n d I ha ve fo u n d it th e best of th em a ll.” Dr. R o b e r t G. Lee: “ T h is is to te stify th a t I ha ve used the Th o m p s o n C h a in Reference B ib le for several ye a rs in m y s tu d y of th e B ib le . I believe it is th e best on th e m a rk e t to d a y. I w ish th a t e ve ry reader of th e B ib le a n d e ve ry s tu d e n t of th e B ible h a d a c o p y of th is u n u s u a lly he lp ful B ib le .” Dr. J. A. H uffm an: “ I ha ve ne ve r seen so m u ch splendid help cro w d ed in to a single v o lu m e of the B ib le .” The Late Dr. J. B. Tidw ell: “ T h e N e w C h a in R eference B ib le is th e best ye t. I t has m o re helps th a n a n y o th e r B ib le .” Evang. Dr. W alter L. W ilson: “ T h is N e w C h a in R eference B ib le is b e tte r th a n I th o u g h t. I am u sin g it fre q u e n tly: in fact, d a ily , a n d fin d th a t the u n u su a l g ro u p in g of th e S crip tu re s is a w o n d e rfu l tim e save r fo r m e. I h a ve spoken of th e va lu e of it to m a n y othe rs a n d shall co n tin u e to d o so.” Dr. Charles E. Fuller: “ I w ish e ve ry pre a che r and teacher o f th e W o rd ha d a c o p y of th is m ost usable a n d lo gica l reference w o rk .” T he Late Dr. W alter A. M aier: “ I use th e N e w C h a in R eference B ible w ith co n tin u e d d e ligh t a n d w o u ld n o t be w ith o u t it. I re co m m en d it h ig h ly to pastors, teachers, students, a n d B ib le readers.” Dr. Harry R im m er: “ I feel th a t no s tu d e n t shou ld be w ith o u t th is splendid aid to B ib le s tu d y a n d in stru ctio n .” Dr. H. Fram er S m ith : “ I fin d th a t it surpasses th e m a ll fo r real pra ctica l helps. T o a n yo n e a e sirin g a b e tte r k n ow le d ge of the S crip tu re s I w o u ld say. exam ine th is w o rk before b u y in g a n y o th e r B ib le .” Rapidly Replacing Other Bibles —Has So Many More New Helps! 1. Unique chartshowing Origin and Growth of the English Bible. . jjg 2. The Outline Studies of Bible Periods, comparing Bib* Heal History with Coiitcui|K>rary Secular history. 3. The Analysis of the Bible as a Whole. 4. The Analysis of each of the CGBooks of the Bible. 6. The Analysis of every Chapter oi the New Testament. you to study the Constructive and Destructive Forces of Life, with the Bible verses printed out in full under such sub­ jects as Faith— Unbelief, Love—-Hatred, Courage—Fear, etc. 33. Life Studies, 6uch as Business Life, Home Life, Devo­ tional Life, The Surrendered Life, etc. - 34. Bible Stories for Children. A list of 56 stories to be read from the Bible itself. 35. Miracles of both the Old and New Testaments listed in Chronological Order. The Revised Version is given in the wide margin opposite the verses, wherever an im­ portant difference in meaning occurs.

6. The Analysis o f the Verses of the entire Bible. 7. The Numerical and Chain Itcfcrence.Systems. 8. Special Analysis of the Important Bible Characters. 8 . Contrast between- •’ e Old and New Testaments. 10. Th 'ropi

36. Parables of the Old Testament. Parables of the New Testament, listing those given in One Gospel Only, those given in Two, and those given in Three. , . 37. Titles and Names ofChrist; of the Holy Spirit; of God the Father; and of Satan. 38. General Bible Prophecies. 39. A List of the Prophets of the Bible. , 40. List of Judges of Israel and Judah given in Chronolog­ ical Order. 41. List of the Notable Women of the Bible. . 42. Mountains and Hills referred to in Bible, Hating the Scenes of Great Events. 43. Dictionary Material. 44. Tables of Time, Money, Weights and Measures. Eleven New Features Added in the Third Improved Edition 45. The Historical Bridge, covering interval between the Old and New Testaments. 46. Chart showing the History of the Apostles., 47. Harmony of the Gospels, citing references in different Go-pels whereevents are given. 48. Calendar of the Christian Era. 49. The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus, illus­ trated with well-known paintings. 50. Chart of the Seven Churches of Asia, described by John. 51. An Outline History of the Evangelistic and Missionary Work of the Early Church. 52. The prophesies Concerning Jesus and their Fulfillment, arranged Chronologically, with principal verses printed out in full. 53. Map Showing Approximate Distances from Jerusalem to Various Historical Points. 54. ChartShowing the Interior Arrangement of theTempie at Jerusalem.

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