JohnstonPT: Helping Arthritis Pain


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THE IMPORTANCE OF STAYING ACTIVE DURING WINTER MONTHS Justbecause it iswinter, itdoesn’tmeanyouhave tostay indoors! It iseasy towant to stay in,nestledup inblankets,while it’ssnowyandcold.However, remainingactive in thewintermonths is justas importantasremainingactiveduringanyotherseason!The winterpresentsseveral funactivities thatcandoubleasworkouts.Evensomethingas smallas takingawalkaround theneighborhoodorbuildingasnowmanwithyourkids can give you the amount of daily exercise you need. At Johnston & Elevate Physical Therapy, we can design specialized treatment plans for anyone who may need a little extra push in staying active during the winter. Contact us today to learn more! 9 5 2 1 9 6 5 1 8 6 5 7 6 8 4 5 1 7 2 8 5 4 9 8 7



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What are the benefits of exercising during the winter? It is an undeniable fact that dailyexercise isan importantpartofstayinghealthyandpromotingwellness. Itseems easier to get up and exercise when it is warm out, but there is actually evidence to support the benefits of working out in the cold. Depending on the type of workout, exercising incolderweathercanactuallyhaveamorepositiveeffecton thebody than exercising in the heat. According to a study titled “Exercise in the cold,” found in the JournalofSportsSciences, temperatureshoveringaround50degreesFahrenheitare optimal for high or moderate intensity workouts. Conversely, low intensity workouts arebetterperformed indoorsduringcoldermonths,assufficientmetabolicheatmay not be generated well enough to offset the cooler environment. Exercise also helps loosens muscles that may become stiff in the winter months, making iteasiertomaneuveraround. Additionalbenefitstowinterexercising include: • Sunlight intake. Vitamin D is important! Many people lack Vitamin D in the winter, due to a scarcity of desire to venture out in the cold. However, simply stepping outside can have positive effects. Sunlight can act as a natural mood booster, which may even increase motivation to exercise. • Absence of heat/humidity. Too much heat or humidity can sometimes feel suffocating. During colder months, this isn’t an issue. In fact, exercising in the cold can feel invigorating, as the crisp air can increase your energy. You run out of breath easier when it is hot and humid, so when that is taken away, you may be 8 1 4 n° 315825 - Level H rd 6 4 7 7 9 3 8 5 9 4 3 5 1 2 2 8 4 9 7

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n° 329837 - Level Hard



able to work out for longer periods of time. • Immunesystemboost. According to theCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention, even just a few minutes of outdoor exposure during the winter can help prevent against both bacterial and viral infections. Avoiding falls in the winter: While exercise in the winter is important, icy walkways unfortunately pose a higher risk of falling. This can lead to a higher risk of injury, suchasstrains,sprains,and tears.AtJohnston&ElevatePhysicalTherapy,wewant to make sure you stay as balanced this winter, so you can enjoy doing activities the activities of the season without fearing a harsh fall! If you’re looking for ways to get moving in the winter, Johnston & Elevate Physical Therapy can help. Contact us today to find out how we can help make your winter season as enjoyable as possible! 3 5 8 2 9 8 4 6 9 5 8 1 6 4 5 6 8 3


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n° 3996 - Level Hard

n° 34745 - Level Hard

INGREDIENTS • 1 cup walnuts, or nuts of choice • 1 1/3 cup pitted dates* • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract • 3-4 tbsp cocoa or cacao powder • 1/8 tsp salt (optional) • mini chocolate chips (optional) • chia seeds or shredded coconut (optional) DIRECTIONS 7 5 2 6 9 7 2

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Blend all ingredients in a food processor (or halve the recipe and use a single serve blender or mini chopper). When making a full recipe, a food processor is preferred over a blender as ingredients process more evenly and the results are less sticky. Once blended, transfer the dough to a sandwich bag and smoosh into one big ball. Break off pieces and roll into smaller separate balls. Dip in melted chocolate or roll in cocoa powder or shredded coconut or coconut flour. Alternatively, you can form bars or evenly roll out the dough and cut into shapes with cookie cutters! *Tip: If your pitted dates are super hard, just soak them in boiling water for a half hour. 9 8 2 1 4 3 9 8 5 1 2 3 6 2 4 7 n° 329149 - Level Hard




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n° 312259 - Level Hard |

on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing the codes below : 825 n° 329837 n° 3996 n° 34745

n° 329149

n° 312259

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