Board Converting News, January 13, 2025

Welch Packaging Names Jessie Agostino Chief Financial Officer Elkhart, Indiana based Welch Packaging Group, Inc., a family-owned and operated manufacturer of custom cor- rugated packaging, announced that Gesumino “Jessie”

Agostino has been named as Chief Financial Officer. He has prior ex- perience in a family-owned, entre- preneurial business with multiple nation-wide locations and will be responsible for finance, accounting, banking, risk management and legal functions. Jessie was previously CFO at

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Jessie Agostino

Schurz Communications, Inc., beginning in internal audit and progressing to corporate controller before becoming CFO. At Schurz, he was responsible for all financial func- tions, including financing, strategic planning, capital allo- cation, forecasting, budgeting, accounting, reporting and business analysis. He also led the IT and risk management groups. “Jessie brings a wealth of financial and business acu- men to Welch Packaging,” said M. Scott Welch, President of Welch Packaging. “His rich entrepreneurial and leader- ship experience will serve Welch and our constituents well as we continue to deliver the ultimate corrugated experi- ence to customers.” AICC Breaking Down Boxes Releases Episode, ‘Learning From The Past’ AICC, The Independent Packaging Association, an- nounced the release of a special new episode of its pod- cast, Breaking Down Boxes, “Learning from the Past.” It offers a unique retrospective on the paths that led several industry leaders to their current successes. Listeners can hear the origin stories of Greg Tucker, President and CEO of Bay Cities; Charlie Hodges, who retired as President and CEO of Hood Container in late 2024; Jerry Frisch, President of Wasatch Container; and John Bird, Chairman and CEO of JB Machinery. Each guest shares the unexpected twists and turns that paved their way into the packaging industry, providing invaluable in- sights and inspiration to newcomers and veterans. “Four individuals each as unique as the path each fol- lowed into the industry,” said AICC President Mike D’Ange- lo. “Hearing these origin stories reminds me of why Break- ing Down Boxes is so popular with AICC members.” Breaking Down Boxes continues to serve as a resource for AICC members, offering a platform for shared experi- ences, challenges, and triumphs within the independent packaging sector. Listeners can tune in on major podcast platforms or at 800.959.0880

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