Vision_Voeux 2022

Meilleurs Voeux Å Best wishes


3 Christmas craft ideas

Are you in the mood for cra [ ing? Here are a few ideas to help you decorate your home for Christmas. 1. String tree Cut a triangle out of cardboard and wrap a string around it un ঞ l it’s completely covered. Make sure to glue the string at the beginning and end to keep it from unrolling. Decorate your tree with pompoms, sequins or ঞ ny mul ঞ colored beads to give it a fes ঞ ve look. 2. Paper Santa Paint almost half the surface of a white paper plate red. Draw the red paint down one side of the plate, crea ঞ ng a rounded, tapered edge to form Santa’s hat. Color everything else beige. Then, draw Santa’s eyes and nose. For the fi nishing touch, glue co ‚ on balls all over the bo ‚ om of Santa’s face and around the edge of the hat to make it look like his beard and hair. 3. Winter landscape Glue a large black circle in the middle of a colored piece of cardboard. Glue a white half-moon on top to hide the bo ‚ om of

the circle. This will create the snowy ground and night sky. Glue two bo ‚ le caps on top of each other in the middle of the landscape to form a snowman. Draw a face on the bo ‚ om of the top cap and bu ‚ ons on the lower one. Then, make Christmas trees out of green and brown cardboard and glue them to each side of your snowman. Finally, if you want it to look like it’s snowing, sprinkle white confe ম in the sky. Now, all you have to do is display your work!

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !

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2832 Laurier (Carrefour Lalonde), Rockland, ON • • 613 446-4686 MEUBLES R. LALONDE FURNITURE INC.

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