North Lakes Christmas Brochure

starters Classic prawn cocktail creamy Marie Rose sauce with a touch of brandy, treacle and walnut loaf Honey roasted vegetable soup chive crème fresh – sourdough bread and smoked butter

Crispy goats cheese crottin chilli jam, dressed roquette Smooth chicken liver parfait damson chutney, sourdough crostini mains Roasted aged sirloin of British beef Yorkshire pudding and beef jus Seared Scottish salmon buttered spinach and hollandaise Turkey breast

stuffing, pigs in blankets, Yorkshire pudding and pan jus Crisp filo vegetable parcel winter vegetables and spinach leek and wholegrain mustard sauce All served with roast potatoes and family served vegetables desserts Thwaites Ale Christmas pudding Brandy sauce "Jens famous" sticky toffee pudding butterscotch sauce and vanilla ice cream Glazed vanilla crème bruleé ginger snap Selection of artisan ice creams and sorbets

Platter of British cheeses celery, grapes, chutney


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