Craven: Concussions

“Hi, my name is Giselle Camm and I am 43 years old. I came to Craven one year ago to accomplish two personal goals. Goal One was to work toward getting back to a healthy weight, ordered by my doctor in-the-know about my family’s history of heart disease. Goal Two was to help protect myself from injury before I ventured into goaltending for our small town women’s rec hockey team, learning how to play goal at my seasoned age. Here now, a year later, I feel absolutely invigorated and wondering what all I can accomplish. I’m excited that my teammates joined in for hockey- tailored training together with me too. Working with Jill Gallays and the Craven training staff has been truly inspiring and motivating for all of us. My continuing development in strength and fitness has kept me safely on the ice and allowed me to have so much fun sliding around in goal I could never have imagined. Thank you, Craven!” - Giselle C. CLIENT SPOTLIGHT Giselle Camm


MICHELLE KEENE Michelle Keene has been playing competitive soccer and basketball for many years. She has competed at a number of provincial and national events, as both a player and coach. She started her post-secondary education at Medicine Hat College where she was a member of the collegiate basketball and soccer teams. She was named Outstanding Female Athlete in 2008-2009 and received Academic Athletic Awards each year. Her passion for basketball continues through coaching. She previously coached at Holy Cross High School for 8 years and recently transitioned to coach with the provincial program this summer. She continues to play soccer competitively, traveling to club Nationals for the past three seasons with SK Impact FC. The teamwill be competing for a spot at Nationals again this season, which will be hosted in Saskatoon over the Thanksgiving weekend. Make sure to keep an eye out for the event and come to support your local teams!

CALLCRAVENSPORTSERVICES IFYOUHAVEAQUESTION Call If: • You have back pain at the end of the day • You have trouble enjoying time with family due to pain • You have limited mobility at work • You have trouble bending or reaching • Your joints are stiff or swelling • Suffering with pain from an old injury Get Answers For Your Aches & Pains. Call: 306.934.2011

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