#3 On Street (On Street) The common name assigned to the road segment.
The new Level of Service (LOS) Report fonnat has been developed by Tindale Oliver & Associates, Inc. It provides the most up-to-date traffic infonnation and evaluation of Level of Service for the Hillsborough County and State Road Systems.
#4 From (From Street) The crossing street or location at which the segment begins.
#5 To (To Street) The crossing street or location at which the segment ends.
#6 Juris: (Jurisdiction) Controlling government entity in which the roadway is located.
The following legend provides a description for each of the variables included in the condensed Level of Service Report. All of the data in the report is generated using the Transportation Inventory Management and Analysis System (TlMAS). Each variable is given a number and its field name as indicated below. (See Page 6, Column Headings for variables in the Inventory). #1 Link Id or Seg No.: (Link Id and Aggregated Segment Number) This field is provided as a means of relating data found in the report, To the source data files. Where the first character is "L", the number refers to the individual link Id number in the database. Where the first character is "A" the number refers to the aggregated segment numbers. Segments are aggregated for purposes of Level of Service analysis according to FDOT guidelines and to be consistent with previous LOS inventory reports. A complete listing of the segments including the individual Analysis Section numbers, (-11 0 pages) will be available for an additional charge from Plauning and Growth Management Department (272-5330). Plans are being made to have the entire database available on the Internet in the future. #2 Plan Area: Planning Areas. Planning areas are being employed as a tool to help evaluate how funds are distributed by geographical areas within the County (See attached map identifying Planning Areas).
#7 E+C Type: (Existing pins Committed Roads) This field provides the predominant number of lanes and facility type for the roadway segment. Committed roads are those roads that are included in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and are scheduled to begin construction within the next 2 fiscal years: U for undivided, D for divided, 0 for one-way, or F for freeway. #8 Exist Type: (Existing Road System/Type) In future reports this field will provide the predominant number of lanes and facility type for the number of lanes for the existing road condition. #9 FAC. Type: (Capacity Analysis Facility Type) These descriptions correspond to the 1985 and 1994 Highway Capacity Manual and/or the Florida DOT's Generalized Planning Service Capacity Tables. This field indicates the type of Level of Service table selected. Possible facility types are: 1 - Freeway 2 -Urban interrupted flow arterial
3 - Multi-lane urban uninterrupted flow 4 -Two lane urban uninterrupted flow 5 - Urban signal controlled collector 6- NotUsed 7 - Multi-lane rural uninterrupted flow 8 - Rural two lane uninterrupted flow facility
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