LOS Report - Historical Data (1994-2020)

#10 Area (Area Type) Area type refers to a general description of the type of development surrounding a roadway. Area types include: I - Central Business District; 2 -Urban; 3 - Transitioning; 4 - Rural Developed; 5 - Rural. #11 I,eyel of Service (I ,OS) Standard - The generalized Level of Service standard for the particular roadway as adopted and documented in the jurisdiction's Comprehensive Plan. This standard represents the minimum (worst) level of service that can be allowed for the roadway segment under the jurisdiction's Concurrency Management System. #12 Length (Length) The length of the roadway segment specified in miles. This field allows for lengths in hundredths of miles and was derived from straight line diagrams and digitized county maps or inventories provided by jurisdictions and FDOT. #13 Number Signals: (Number of Signals ou the Segment) This field shows the number of signals that are assigned to the link based on the PM peak direction, away from Downtown Tampa. #14 K:100 (Planning Analysis Honr Factor) - The FDOT tables and software provide capacities and Levels Of Service based on the 100th highest hour which approximates the typical weekday peak hour during the peak season in developed areas. That is, traffic conditions as they would exist in the peak hour during which traffic counts are at their 100th highest level.

The growth rate is unique for each roadway segment and is based on the historic growth patterns for that roadway. ( In cases where the historic growth rate is negative, that is traffic volumes have decreased, a zero growth rate is applied). In cases where the calculated historic growth rate is greater than 10% per year, a 10% aunual growth rate is applied to account for traffic data that may create a skewed rate). #16 Maximnm V/C- The maximum volume to capacity ratio (max vIc) represents the maximum ratio of volume to capacity (at the LOS standard) that can be allowed on the roadway segment The Max VIC "standard" overrides the general Level of Service standard of the roadway for Concurrency purposes. The Max VIC standard was applied to roadway segments that were already deficient (already exceeded the general Level Of Service standard for that type of roadway) at the time the jurisdiction's Comprehensive Plan was developed. The Max VIC was established by dividing the existing volume at that time, by the capacity at the desired level of service standard. In cases where this calculation yielded a result greater than 1.0, a Max VIC standard was established for that roadway segment. If the calculation yielded a result equal to orless than 1.0, then 1.0 was established as the Max VIC. A Max VIC of 1.0 is the equivalent of the level of service standard for that roadway. The max vIc standards is established in the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan. #17 AADT (Average Annnal Daily Traffic) This is the field for the average aunual daily traffic corresponding to the analysis year and scenario documented within the database. For a base condition, this volume would typically be an AADT count volume. In the analysis of future year conditions, this field would contain the future year AADT for analysis purposes. (See Appendix A & B for historical traffic data of Connty and State Roadway networks, pages 29 and 35 respectively).

#15 Historical Growth Rate - A historic growth rate that is applied to older traffic counts to estimate the 1997-98 volumes.


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