LOS Report - Historical Data (1994-2020)

#22 LOS (Aggregated Segment Peak Hour, Level of Service) Level of Service is a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally described in terms of such factors as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort and convenience, and safety. Aggregate Level of Service refers to the Peak Hour, Level of Service on multiple links that have been combined through the use of an (Analysis Section) number. #23 DefSeg: (Deficient Segment) - A roadway segment with a "y. . in the "Def Seg column" is considered deficient from a Concurrency viewpoint. Such a segment is estimated to be serving more traffic in the during the 100th highest hour than the LOS standard adopted in Hillsborough County's Comprehensive Plan would allow. A "c" in the "DefSeg colnmn" indicates that the segment is within 5% of becoming deficient and an "M" is reported where Level of Service is deficient and the max VIC is greater than I resulting in available capacity being greater than 1. The maximum vic (see definition ofMAX VIC) for the roadway is considered in determining if the roadway is deficient for the Concurrency Management System. #24 Peak Honr Avail. Cap:( Peak Hour Available Capacity)- Has been defined to identifY how much additional traffic the segment can accommodate, i.e., Standard Capacity Volume minus estimated Peak Hour Volume with the adjusted allowable VIC factored in. Project trips reserved as part of Concurrency applications are nill reflected in the Peak Hour Available Capacity figure.

#18 Daily Capacity: (Daily Service Capacity) Daily Service capacity represents a daily capacity value equivalent to the peak hour service capacity divided by K100. Service capacity is the maximum rate offlow at which persons or vehicles can traverse a point or uniform segment of a lane or roadway and maintain the performance standard as measured by speed for interrupted flow facilities and VIC ratio for uninterrupted flow facilities. #19 Pk Hour Volume (Peak Hour Yolnme) The two-way 100th highest hour traffic volume determined by (AADT x KIOO). #20 Service Capacity: (Peak Hour Service Capacity) Peak Hour Service Capacity is the maximum rate of flow at which persons or vehicles can traverse a point or uniform segment roadway and maintain the performance standard as measured by speed for interrupted flow facilities and VIC ratio for uninterrupted flow facilities during the peak hour. This capacity is not adjusted by the Maximum VolumelCapacity ratio. #21 Y:SC Ratio (Volume to Service Capacity Ratiu) - The Volume to Service Capacity (V/SvcCap) Ratio is the ratio ofthe peak hour two-way volume to the peak hour service capacity. The adjusted volume to capacity (VIC) ratio is calculated be dividing the estimated volume by the Standard Capacity Volume. The resulting ratio gives an indication of how close the roadway is to reaching the maximum allowed capacity. Since a ratio of 1.0, indicates that the volume is equal to the capacity (at the desired level of service standards) a vic ratio less then 1.0 indicates that additional traffic can be accommodated. A vic ratio greater than 1.0 indicates that the volume has exceeded the capacity of the roadway at the desired level of service standard. This ratio is not adjusted by the Maximum VolumelCapacity I Ratio.


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