LOS Report - Historical Data (1994-2020)

Appendix D (continued)

Sec. 4.02.05. Submittal Requirements and Review Procedures


Mandatory Determination 1. Application. An application for a mandatory determination of capacity shall be submitted concurrently with either a Preliminary Plat or Preliminary Site Development Plan submittal, and shall contain the information required by the Development Review Procedures Manual, Sections 4.1.4 and 4.1.5. A determination of capacity shall only apply to those specific land uses, densities and intensities as described in the application. Review and Determination Applications shall be reviewed as provided in the Development Review Manual.

D. Extension of Certificate of Capacity 1. The two-year Certificate of Capacity may be extended, concurrent with extension of the proposed development’s construction plan approval in two-year increments if a request is made to the Administrator at least 30 days prior to the termination of the original approval. 2. The extension shall be for the original site use and configuration only. Approval for extension will not be granted if the project is not in compliance with all current requirements. 3. The holder of a Certificate of Capacity may cancel the Certificate at any time. That development’s reserved capacity will then be returned to the system for use by other developments.


C. Duration of Capacity Reservation Approval 1. Upon determination that capacity exists to meet concurrency requirements in all elements applicable to the proposed development, a Concurrency Certificate of Capacity shall be issued at the time of Preliminary Site Development Plan Approval. The Certificate shall be good for a period of six months or until construction plan approval is obtained, whichever is sooner. If construction plan approval is not obtained within the allowed period, the Certificate will expire and a new determination of capacity will be required at the time of construction plan review. If a construction plan has been submitted, but not approved, Hillsborough County may consider a 3-month extension of the Certificate of Capacity. 2. The Certificate of Capacity is good for a two-year period upon construction plan approval. 3. At issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the Certificate of Capacity becomes permanent. 4. A Certificate of Capacity shall run with the land.


Appeals The Administrator’s decision may be appealed to a Land Use Hearing Officer in accordance with the requirements of 10.05.01. (Ord. No. 01-26, § 2, 9-12-01)

Sec. 4.02.06. Optional Determination


Application 1.

An application for an optional determination may be made at any time. The application shall contain all information as required under Mandatory Determination. The reviewing entities and time frame shall be the same as those required under Mandatory Determination. A determination that capacity is adequate does not convey the right to reserve the capacity needed for the proposed development. Capacity is only reserved under a mandatory review.



Review and Determination 1.


Roadway LOS Report


January 2003

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