Appendix D (continued)
d. It is located in a portion of an urban service area that has been designated as a Special Activity Center as defined in the Comprehensive Plan, or a Regional Activity Center as defined in the Comprehensive Plan, or on a High Transit Level of Service Roadway as defined in the current Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan in effect at the time of the application, plus any new HTLOS roadways created by increased bus service; e. It is characterized as a residential project or a high employment use, such as, but not limited to, office, industrial, hospital or college centers; and f. It makes provisions for shared access of existing curb cuts or provides for shared access to its curb cut that could reasonably be expected to be used in the future; and g. The density of the proposed Development other than change in use or expansion is not less than 1/4 of the density allowed by the existing land use; or h. The proposed development meets all the above criteria except d. and e. above and would result in an impact of less than 150 average daily trips on each Deficient or Potentially Deficient Regulated Road Segment.
Trip Distribution Requirements: In determining the boundaries of a development's impacts on the roadway system, the applicant must demonstrate the following: 1. For the issuance of development orders, the standards for Levels of Service shall be applied to all regulated roads within one quarter (1/4) mile, or the nearest regulated road when none are within one quarter mile, of any point on the proposed development boundary. 2. For those regulated roads identified in Section 4.02.03.D.1. above, the development's area of influence is as determined by the table below. Each access point shall be identified as a center of radius. There shall be one area of influence for each access point, based on the maximum radius indicated in the table below. The standards for Level of Service shall be applied to all segments of those roads identified in Section 4.02.03.D.1 that lie in whole or in part in the development's area of influence. 3. Intersection Review: The developer of any development which would, during the build-out period of the project, result in net trips equal to or more than ten (10) percent of the total traffic on an AADT basis, on any link that lies in whole or in part within the project's radius of development influence and connects to a major intersection, shall provide a detailed analysis of the critical volumes in the intersection, and may be required as a condition of approval to provide intersection improvements.
Proposed projects net daily trip generation
Maximum radius of development’s area of influence Address only the segments of regulated roads that are directly accessed by the proposed project.
201 - 500 501 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 20,000
0.5 miles 1.0 miles 2.0 miles 3.0 miles 4.0 miles
Over 20,000 5.0 miles The County Administrator may find a development's area of influence to be different than the maximum radius indicated in the table above if conditions or circumstances warrant.
Roadway LOS Report – Rezoning/Concurrency Reviews
July 2005
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