LOS Report - Historical Data (1994-2020)

Appendix D ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES STANDARDS / LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) STANDARD (Adequate Public Facilities requirements in the Hillsborough County Land Development Code, Sections 4.02.02. and 4.02.03) A. Regulated Roads.

Manual. The current edition of the Hillsborough County Roadway Inventory and Level of Service Report will provide a basis for Average Daily Traffic (ADT). These daily counts are to be used in traffic studies for Concurrency Application Review. Any counts, especially those older than two years, can be updated using the above mentioned acceptable traffic analysis techniques, which may include more detailed analysis involving peak hour counts. Alterations to capacity on the State Highway System beyond ranges established by agreement between the County and FDOT shall require FDOT review and approval. C. Concurrency Information Requests. Hillsborough County shall provide the public, upon request, information on existing and anticipated capacities and levels of service of all services addressed by the adequate public facilities regulations. Sec. 4.02.03. Required Determinations for Roads. A. If the proposed Development will not create a Deficient Regulated Road Segment, or place trips on a Deficient Regulated Road Segment, it will be allowed under concurrency. B. A proposed Development that will create a Deficient Regulated Road Segment, or place trips on a Deficient Regulated Road Segment will be allowed under concurrency if: 1. The necessary road and/or transit improvements to provide the capacity necessary to ensure the adopted level of service will be maintained, are under construction, or will be under construction within the next two fiscal years from the issuance of the Certificate of Capacity. The determination of the construction schedule shall be based on the fiscal year of commencement of actual construction and the fiscal year of project completion shown in the Schedule of Projects of the adopted Capital Improvements Element of the

1. For the purpose of issuing Development Orders, the minimum peak hour, peak direction level of service standard for regulated state and county roads shall be the level of service in the Transportation Element of the Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan in effect at the time of the application, including the LOS standard designated therein for High Transit Level of Service (HTLOS) Roadways. HTLOS roadways are those roads with an existing Transit Level of Service (TLOS) of "Dā€ or better, on which buses operate at least 12 hours per day and arrive every 30 minutes or less during peak periods. For the purpose of issuing development orders, HTLOS roadways shall be those roadways listed as such in the current Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan in effect at the time of application, plus any new HTLOS roadways created by increased bus service. 2. If a developer chooses to provide for additional transit services which would allow application of High Transit Level of Service (HTLOS) standards for roadway capacity, then one of the following must apply: 1) either the developer would cause HARTline to agree to provide a HTLOS on the roadway segment; or 2) the developer would agree to provide funding for both capital and operating needs for at least 10 years or until HARTline agrees to assume its operation; or 3) until sufficient roadway capacity exists to meet concurrency without the HTLOS. B. Measurement of Road Capacities. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Tables of Generalized Daily Level-of-Service Maximum Volumes will be used to determine initial highway capacities. The measurement of capacity may also be determined by substantiation in the form of engineering studies signed by a licensed Professional Engineer. Traffic analysis techniques must be technically sound and justifiable as determined by the County and described in the Concurrency Management System Administrative Procedures

Roadway LOS Report ā€“ Rezoning/Concurrency Reviews

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