LOS Report - Historical Data (1994-2020)


Hillsborough County Public Works staff has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information shown in this document; however, makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the use, accuracy or interpretation of the data herein. Traffic count data has been collected by persons or agents other than Hillsborough County and cannot be guaranteed by Hillsborough County. This report makes extensive use of statewide default values and is intended for generalized analyses and initial problem identification. It should only be used as a guide and reference, and should be supplemented with a more detailed study, signed and sealed by a professional engineer, to more accurately determine the level of service (LOS) and/or operating conditions for use in traffic analyses. As new information becomes available, this report will be updated. Before relying on this data, the user should visit the Hillsborough County Development Services Department located at 601 East Kennedy Boulevard, 20th Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602, to review the official records of the agency, and confirm that the data is current.

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