10xD Magazin #8


Specifically, the researchers are transferring the following ty - pes of data: • Vital signs from medical devices including heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, and temperatu- re. This allows constant monitoring from medical professio- nals remotely. • High-resolution ultrasound and x-ray imaging to obtain more diagnostic information and detect issues early. • Images can be quickly transferred and interpreted by radio- logists around the world. • Two-way audio and video for telemedicine consultations. Doctors can visually assess patients and communicate in real- time. • Electronic health records to seamlessly share medical his- tories, allergies, medications and more. This prevents dange- rous medical errors. By leveraging Starlink‘s capabilities, the researchers enable re - al-time monitoring, rapid expert consultation, and data-driven decision making. Rather than relying solely on limited on-site medical personnel and equipment, they can tap into expansi- ve medical resources through data sharing. This allows them to mimic an ICU environment and optimize patient outcomes even in the remotest locations on Earth. The implications are far-reaching, from expedition groups and research stations to rural communities globally as well as NGO and disaster re - sponse units that want to exchange their data with the HQ. Kai Müller Medic Chief Expedition Officer >< This of DigiHealthStart.NRW, a project funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, with the aim to sha - pe, bridge and transform NRW’s Digital Health Ecosystem. DigiHealthStart.NRW is the central product of the project „Digital Health Ecosystem NRW – Focus Start-ups 2025“ un - der the direction of Prof. Dr Sebastian Merkel, holder of the junior professorship „Health and E-Health“ at the fa- culty for Social Sciences at the Ruhr University in Bochum. To the website: www.digihealthstart.nrw article comes with support

Jochen Klenk

>> Die Qualität von KI-Anwendungen hängt allerdings stark von der zur Verfü - gung stehenden Datenbasis ab. <<

10xD - Digital Health Magazine

10xD - Digital Health Magazine



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