Introduction to Website Design and SEO

In fact, it’s so broad that there are entire books based around just a fraction of this subject matter. You could spend days learning about SEO, or about UX design and how to present your website in the best light. IT’S A BROAD TOPIC

With that in mind, we’re not going to try to go into every nuance and detail of this topic; we’d be crazy if we tried. Instead, we’re gearing this toward those who are just starting out with their business’s website and want to know the basics. Having a website for your business is more important than ever. It allows you to fully control your presence online, and how you present your business to others. If you rely just on Facebook, Instagram, or another social media platform, you’re rolling the dice; the algorithm for these platforms can change overnight, leaving you in the lurch.

With a website, you can curate content, present your business in the best possible light, and make your online presence something memorable. You can generate meaningful information for your customers, and also present new announcements on a regular basis. In this guide, we’ll go over the basics of setting up a website, what to keep in mind, and also how to optimize your website for SEO. We’ll also follow things up with a few resources that can help you expand your knowledge of websites further as you grow and expand your business.

Website Design and SEO for Businesses


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