128. Brighten the Corner-Famous White Sisters in a spirited album containing favorites like I'm Going Higher, Near to the Heart of God, No One Understands, 9 more.
127. K o re a n O r phan Choir on Tour Young ambassadors sing: Sweet Hour of Prayer, God Be With You, How Great Thou Art, The Lord is My Shepherd, 11 more.
117. His Name Is Wonderful— Haven of Rest Quartet: Nearer My God, Precious Lord, Old Account was Settled, Blessed be the Fountain, 13 all-time favorites.
80. P in n a c le s of Praise — Bill Pearce, and Dick Anthony Duets with the Concert Orches tra of London: Saved, Saved; Only Jesus; Jesus Led Me; 8 others.
121. The Mickelson Touch— Paul Mickelson and his Orchestra, deeply spiritual music: Beneath the Cross of Jesus, My Task, Swing Low, 8 more outstanding favorites.
129. Lord of Glory —The far-famed Revival- time Radio Choir, with piano and organ: Under His Wings, Wonderful Savior, Great Physician, 17 soul-stirring hymns.
106. To God Be The Glory — Tedd Smith — Piano. Don Hustad—Or gan, heard regularly on the Billy Graham broad cast:^ God BeThe Glory, God of our Fathers, etc.
S y m p h o n y I n B r a s s
uttMftimun« m minurun SALVATIOitUMT t miaun 126. Symphony in Brass— The Salvation Army, N.Y. Staff Band and Male Chorus: Onward Christian Soldiers, Just as I am, To God Be The Glory, many more.
33. H is Eye Is on the Sparrow — Ethel Waters sings: His Eye is on the Sparrow, Deep River, In His Care, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Stand By Me, 6 more.
130. S p iritu a ls — Frank Boggs: Lily of the Valley, Go Down, Moses, Climbin’ Up the Mountain, Jacob’s Ladder, Every- time I Feel the Spirit, 14 all-time favorites.
131. J. T. Adams a n d T h e M en O f Texas— A ringing tenor voice brings new depth to 12 outstanding hymns: WhenTheRol! IsCalled.Up Yonder, Amazing Grace.
92. Chimes At Dusk —Lew Charles at the sil ver-toned Maas Chimes, bearing messages of joy, inspiration in: Living for Jesus, Jesus Shall Reign, Tis So Sweet, 16 hymns.
6 5. Decade of Deci sion-Music from Billy Graham’s film classics featuring Georgia Lee, Redd H a rpe r, E thel Waters. Frank Boggs. 12 more favorites.
6 3 . Y e s te rd a y ’ s Voices— Paul Harvey narrates. Actual voices, sermonsof Dwight Moody, Ira Sankey. Billy Sunday, W. B. Riley, George T ruett, etc.
5 1. B e y o n d t h e River — Melody Four Quartet: I’ve a Home Be yond the River, Coming Again. Still of the Night, Peace in the Valley, When I’m With Him, 7 others.
132. Solitude — The Dick Anthony Choristers, outstanding male voices: Jesus, The Very Tho’t of Thee, Nearer, Still Nearer, Hiding in Thee, plus 9 other hymn classics.
133. Music To Live By —The famous Lorin Whitney speaks through the great Robert Morton Pipe Organ: No Longer Lonely, Art Thou Weary, Only Trust Him, 12 in all.
[ Listen to them in your own home fo r 10 days I ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT OBLIGATION J Five of these favorite albums of Christian music— any five you choose— can be yours to listen to FREE for 10 days.
Without committing yourself to anything whatever—without agreeing to buy any thing at all— you can listen to these valuable recordings in your own home. As you listen, you’ll see for yourself how this wonderful sacred music can lift and inspire you. Then you can either return them to us within 10 days or add them to your record library at the unusually low cost of $2.67. (Regular retail value of the 5 albums is as high as $24.90!) This special offer also brings you, after 10 days, membership in the Family Record Club, with all its wonderful advantages. As a member you get your choice of inspirational records announced in the FREE Monthly Club Digest. And, after you've made your first 5 regular purchases from the Club, you get 1 album free for every 2 you buy. Think of the many hours of listening pleasure and spiritual refresh ment in store for you. Think what these albums of praise, prayer, faith and inspi ration can mean to your loved ones! You’ll have access to recordings of hymns, gospel songs, spirituals and other well-loved sacred music, performed by such dedicated Christian artists as The White Sisters, Ethel Waters, Paul Mickelson, Haven of Rest Quartet, Lew Charles, Don Hustad and Tedd Smith, Frank Boggs, Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony, The Korean Orphan Choir and many more! SEND NO MONEY. Just tell us which 5 albums you want, by number. When they arrive, listen to them for 10 days. During that time, you decide whether you'll keep them or not, and whether you want to continue as a member of the Family Record Club. If your answer is yes, pay $2.67 for 5 albums valued up to $24.90, and your membership will become effective at once. If your answer is no, return the records to us, and all charges will be cancelled. FILL IN, DETACH AND MAIL THIS MONEY-SAVING COUPON! FAMILY RECORD CLUB/WACO, TEXAS Please send me the 5 Word Record albums listed below, for 10 days examination, without charge or obligation. I understand that, after 10 days time, I can either return the records, or pay $2.67 plus a small postage and handling charge (retail value up to $24.90). I also understand that, if I do not return the records in 10 days, I’ll automatically become a member of the Family Record Club, and that I’ll agree to buy 5 albums of my choice (more than one hundred to choose from) during the next 12 months at the regular low retail price ($3.98 for High Fidelity; $4.98 for Stereo) plus handling and postage. There after, I am entitled to get one album FREE for each two I buy through the Club. PLEASE SEND ME THE FOLLOWING f 5 ALBUMS: (list by number) L (please print) NAM E___ Enroll me in the AD DR ESS □ REGULAR HI-FI □ STEREO DIV. C ITY ZO NE STATE 051034 Regular long playing (33’/3 RPM) players use High Fidelity albums. Stereo players use either. (To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 58)
136. Easy Listening —A thrilling sermon in music by outstanding or ganist, Les Barnett: He Leadeth Me. God Be With You, Blessed Assurance. A treasury of favorites.
134. In P e rs o n — Alan McGill sings a new challenge to seek and worship Christ: Lead Me Gently Home, Jesus Paid It A ll, The Unveiled Christ, plus 9 favorites.
135. Old Time Reli gion —The unforgettable voice of Bob Daniels, sup ported by the Ralph Carmichael Orchestra and Chorus. 13 all-time favor ites from by-gone days.
1 0 7 . H a n d f u l s of M usic —Joe and Marion Talley with the DickAnthony Choristers: I Never Walk Alone. When The Saints Go Marching In, SavedbyGrace, plus11.
86. P r a i s e T h e A lm igh ty — Lutheran Hour Choir: The King Of Love My Shepherd Is, 0 Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly, Jesus Lover of My Soul, 9 others.
137. B eside S till Waters — Lew Charles At NBC Pipe Organ: Old Rugged Cross, Sweet Hour of Prayer, 16 hymns for reflective listening, music for meditation.
6 8 . G reat Stories From th e B ib le— Wendell Loveless relates familiar Bible stories for children. Inspiring, en tertaining, enlightening. Realistic sound effects.
1 0 4 . H y m n T i m e Sing-A long —Jerry Barnes and Kurt Kaiser Singers: 18 fa m ilia r hymns for family singing: Blessed Assurance, Won derful Words of Life.
9 8 .1Found The An swer-Jack Holcomb, favorite tenor of hymn- loving people, sings: Open Your Heart, I Found The Answer, If I Gained The World, 10 popular hymns.
HOSPITAL INSURANCE FORNON-DRINKERS! Special reduced rates for those people who do not drink. New policy gives one months FREE hospital insurance each year. Stop paying the same rates as the drinker! He is sick and hurt more than you, and is keeping your rates high. Complete information on the amazing new NON-DRINKERS policy will be sent to you. FREE and WITHOUT OBLIGATION. . . . No agent will call on you. Tear out this ad right now. . . . Send your name, address and year of birth to: Central Security Life Insurance Co., Dept. AE25 1418 West Rosedale, Fort Worth 4, Texas. W A N T E D ! ! Used cars (or use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re tail value. W rite: ASSISTANCE TO MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif. HO. 9-5883 766-2479 (ßalult ORIENTAL RUG on CLEANERS Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. SY. 7-5173 HOWCANTHE JEWknowCHRIST This 75-year old mission was found ed to bring a Christian witness to the Jew. Every day in many cities in the U. S. and Israel a staff of dedicated workers make their way along the streets in business and residential areas to engage Jews in conversation concerning Messiah - Jesus. Children are gathered for club meetings and are won to the Saviour. Radio messages reach millions of Jews every week, in North America and Israel. The results — the Lord says, "Sow the seed . . . and I will give the in crease." Will you share in this seed sowing ministry? A copy of the A.M.F. Monthly will be mailed to you free if you write today to: Archie A. MacKinney, Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III.
T h e K i n g © B u s in e e e E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairmwi MARCH, in the year of our Saviour
Vol. 55, No. 3
Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-four
Established 1910
Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home
k t i t k FAITH'S SURE FOUNDATION — William Culbertson ........................ 8 THE RESURRECTION — Reuben A. Torrey ........................................... 10 SAINT'S ALIVE — W. Arnold McNeill .................................................. 14 CAN CHRISTIANS LAUGH TODAY — Ralph Heyne .......................... 16 DIVINE PERFECTION — John G. Belle« ............................................. 17 OPERATION: MISSIONARY TRIAL — Phill Butler ........... _ .............. 18 JUDGMENT TO COME — Sir Robert Anderson ................... .............. 20 BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE — James Benfer.................................. .......... 22 EXCUSES I HAVE HEARD — Mrs. James Smith ................................. 24 CHILDREN SHOULD BE SEEN . . . NOT SLURRED .......................... 26 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REVIEWS ....................... - .......................... 28 MORMONS AND THE NAVAJOS ........... ................................................ 42 SWIFT KICK FOR JUVENILE DELINQUENCY — Jenkin L. Jones .... 46 THE MORAL COLLAPSE OF OUR COUNTRY — Paul Harvey ......... 49 CONSIDER THE LILIES — Helen Frazee-Bower .................................... 52 LOCO LOPEZ — Edward V. Dolan ............................................................ 53 MEMORIAL TO A SAINT — William Eitzen ........................................ 54 HOW V.B.S. MATERIALS DEVELOPE ....................................................... 56 Fedum MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .................... 6 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 32 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore ....,................................ 34 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ...................................... 35 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................................... 36 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....................... 39 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................... 40 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................... 41 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ..................................................... 51 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ......................................................... 55 CoiUNIU PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ................................................................................ 4 READER REACTION ..... ...................... ..................................................... 5 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ...................................................................... 33
— All Rights Reserved —
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
JANE M . CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS —- "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 55S So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/'
MARCH, 1964
Oak Park, Illinois, has evaluated the first Missionary Health Workshop held recently on the campus of Whea ton College, as a “ tremendous suc cess.” Many of the questions related to physical and emotional health of missionaries were discussed, covering such subjects as: personality and physical evaluation, minimum stand ards, ethics, financial responsibility of mission boards for health mainten ance, and furloughs. Thirty-eight mis sion boards and 14 countries were rep resented at the workshop. C. Chester Larson, Sunday school executive secretary of the Evangelical É F r e e C h u r c h o f A m e r ic a , has ac- B cepted the position Southwest Unit- et^ States Christian tmmSk Education Consul- Canada as an authority on the Sun day school movement, having served in a number of capacities of leader ship on Sunday school boards. In his new position, Mr. Larson’s responsi bility primarily will cover the greater Los Angeles area. Rev. Herbert E. Kyrk, secretary of Home Missions for the Evangelical FreeChurch of America, has an nounced the appointment of Rev. Roy Cummings, Turlock, California, as a home missions evangelist. In addition to holding family crusades in congre gations, Mr. Cummings will work with children and youth in week-day services. L a r r y Love, out s t a n d i n g Bible teacher and associ ate evangelist with the Billy Graham Crusade Team, re cently accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Evan gelical Free Church of Wheaton, Illi nois. The church is strategically located at one of the key crossroads of America. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., announced that the In dian states of Andhra Pradesh and Assam will host conferences for na tional pastors this spring. Among the speakers for the conference are Dr. Paul S. Rees and Dr. Richard C. Halver son. Dr. Love tant for Scripture Press Publications, Wheaton , Illinois. Mr. Larson is known t h r o u g h o u t the United States and Mr. Larson
Mr. Ronald Widman, a graduate of the Christian Education department of Biola College, La Mirada, Califor nia, has been elected to serve as pub lic relations director of the Southern California Directors of Christian Edu cation Association. The SCDCE is pri marily a service organization, bring ing together ministers and directors of Christian Education from many evan gelical denominations throughout the Southern California area. “ Largely through the impact of SCDCE, the Southern California area exercises strong national leadership in the field of evangelical Christian education,” says Mr. Widman. Dr. Dick Hillis, general director of Overseas Crusades, Inc., and Bob Ed wards, director of career conferences,
NOW! Trainteachers inal departments with new“how-to" filmstrips
h a v e a n n o u n c e d th a t the Overseas Careers Conference will be held this month at the Uni- versity of Southern California. The pur- pose the Confer- young people to the many career oppor tunities which are
Need more trained teachers in your Sun day School? This all-new ROYAL COM MISSION Series of nine full-color sound filmstrips will help to train your Sunday School staff to teach God’s Word more effectively to every age-group. The 25-minute introductory, SO HIGH A CALLING, shows how Bible teaching can be eternally worthwhile and why thorough trairiihg is so vital. Reserve this challeng ing filmstrip for a FREE showing in your church soon! Eight dramatic-story departmental film strips show how to organize and teach in specific departments . . . how to adapt Bible content and teaching methods to pupils’ needs. A special Discussion Guide gives detailed plans to get maximumbene fit from each filmstrip in four discussion sessions emphasizing many important facets of teaching. Available now: Set No. I INurtery/ Beginner), $16.50; and Sel No. 2 (Primary/Junior), $ 16.50. Coming soon: Young Teen/Senior High and Adult/Cradle Roll sets. Ask for complete information about these sparkling new filmstrips today! See and hear these new leather training filmstrips at your Christian bookstore or write . . .
Dr. Hillis
available overseas in missionary serv ice and in secular and government agencies. Interested persons should write to Overseas Careers, 265 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, Calif. Eric S. Fife, convention and mission ary director of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, has announced the 7th In ternational Student Missionary Con vention to be held Dec. 27-31, 1964 at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. The new Assembly Hall of the University, where the convention will be held, is one of the world’s most unusual structures. Among the speak ers for the convention are Billy Graham, Arthur Glasser, Eugene Nida and Clyde Taylor. Dr. Russell L. Mixter, chairman of the Department of Biology at Whea ton College, has announced that ele mentary teachers (grades 1-6) may earn four hours of credit or audit courses offered at the Summer Insti tute in Biology and Geology at the Black Hills (South Dakota) campus of the College. Only twenty elemen tary teachers and principals can be accepted in the Wheaton College proj ect. For further information, write to Dr. Russell L. Mixter, Department of Biology, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. J. Raymond Knighton, executive direc tor of the Christian Medical Society,
SCRIPTUREPRESS i---------------------------------------- SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS
■ Wheaton, Illinois I Please send me:
KBF-34 j
□ Brochure about ROYAL COMMISSION Teacher Training Filmstrips ! □ Introductory film strip, SO HIGH A CALLING, ! for FREE showing on __________________ o r ___________________ | | Name_______________________________________ j j Address____________________________________ i I City________________ State__________Zip # ___ j ! Church & Address__________________________ j j Position inchurch__________________________ j 4
THE KING’S BUSINESS is a splendid magazine. I used to take it years ago, then let my subscription expire and just neg lected to re-subscribe. I saw it again at a friend’s home and wondered how I had gotten along without it so long! Mrs. M. E. Lawson, Odessa, Washington Many thanks for giving the world such a wonderful true Christian magazine such as THE KING’S BUSINESS. I truly enjoy mine —- from the monthly features to each fine article. Mrs. Bertha Peterman, South San Gabriel, Calif. KB IN JAPAN I have had THE KING’S BUSINESS sent to my son the past two years while he was stationed in Japan, and he surely did enjoy reading it. He had the pleasure of passing it on each month to a missionary serving in Japan. Thank you so very much for publishing such a fine magazine. Mrs. Charles Wilshire, Exeter, California CULTS CRITIQUE Our prayers with thanksgiving for you and your great work in all of its phases. THE KING’S BUSINESS continues its richness throughout. I have often had questions regarding some of the present- day cults. The authentic forthright presen tation without bitterness, in THE KING’S BUSINESS, is a real blessing to help others. Mrs. H. F. Gilbert Having read the article “SDA’s: A Change of Tune?”, (August, 1963) I would like to add this: No, there is no change. The real teaching of these siren songs does not change. The reason is that they are authored by Satan. At first I was wondering why you would use an entire KB page with Saturdayite dates. Then I came to the last of the article. Here the fatal lying heresies of this Move ment which claims to be fundamental are mentioned. The SDA’s deny and distort every single Bible doctrine. W. L. Kennedy, Santa Ana, California QUESTION BOX It was with great pleasure that I re ceived my “ first” copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS, and I must say that it was like meeting with an old friend again, since it had been nearly ten years since I had formerly subscribed. I found your articles very interesting indeed, together with the wonderful fea tures, including Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. However, I was rather disappointed to note that the Sunday school helps had been discontinued. They had been of such value to me in teaching my class. William J. Lewis, New Brunswick
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MARCH, 1964
a message from the editor
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T h e S u r g e o n G e n e r a l ’ s report is in and it constitutes a clear- cut indictment o f the cigarette as by far the most outstanding cause o f lung cancer and bronchial disorders. The committee o f eminent physicians is to be thoroughly commended for publishing such a devastating and forthright condemnation o f cigarettes in the face o f the extremely unpopular reaction which such a report inevitably would produce. According to a recent LIFE magazine article, "Tobacco is the nation’s fifth largest cash crop, raised by 750,000 farm families in 21 states. It is an eight-billion-dollar- a-year business with almost three and one-half billion dollars o f its revenues going for taxes. It is a rather critical situation for multiplied thousands o f families whose livelihoods are dependent upon the tobacco industry and for an unknown number o f com munities whose main source o f revenue comes from taxes on tobacco.” O f course it is always a difficult problem for thousands o f people to readjust their whole economic lives and livelihoods and it will take the best brains o f this country to effect a change without working extreme hardships on many o f these good Amer icans. But another factor must be considered. What about the seventy million smokers whose very lives are seriously affected, not from an economic point o f view, but from a life and death consideration? Furthermore, what about the untold millions o f children and young people now who are too young to smoke, as well as the untold millions o f yet unborn children, whose lives will be blighted and shortened in the years that lie ahead if this whole nefarious tobacco business is allowed to continue and thrive unchecked? Were it not for the depraved condition o f human nature it would seem strange indeed that any company o f men would desire to continue to produce a product which has no value whatever to human life or well-being but which instead only increases misery and the untimely death o f its victims with the passing o f the years. All o f this goes on for the sake o f the "almighty dollar.” O f course, there are many products in the United States quite valuable to the general welfare and happiness o f our people which sometimes result in accidents and death. But it is the misuse o f these products which brings about harm and danger to
MAY WEPRAY FORYOUR REQUESTS? Send to Priyer Time, The King's Business megt- zine. 558 So. Hope, Los Angslts 17, California.
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the individuals involved; the products themselves are innocent o f blame. Most assuredly this cannot be said o f the cigarette. The Christian public should be more than a little ashamed o f the fact that it was left to the secularists to bring together the weight o f evidence against this sordid business. In essence, this is a moral problem and Christians everywhere should be alert to the great moral issues o f the day. Some years ago it became apparent that it was not popular to speak out against the cigarette habit; therefore the leaders o f the great denominations in large measure, stopped the crusade on this particular issue. Once again the church has failed to speak out in behalf o f righteousness and morality, as well as to proclaim the great spiritual truths found in the Word o f God to our people. Another condition in this country demands as thorough an investigation as did the cigarette industry. This has to do with the liquor traffic. Through the years many studies have been pro duced which reveal that the liquor traffic is just as deadly in its results as is the cigarette, if not more so. Warnings have been issued by individuals and groups against the evils o f drink. It would be a wonderful thing if the great denominations would now unite in a great voice demanding that the Surgeon General o f our country appoint another committee o f equally prominent physicians and surgeons to make an intensive study o f the many life-destroying and evil facets o f the liquor industry and to bring in as comprehensive a report concerning this damnable blight upon our country as the present committee has in its report on the cigarette industry. The lives which are annually destroyed either as a direct or indirect influence o f the liquor habit, the multiplied thousands o f homes which are vitally affected or com pletely destroyed by this terrible scourge, the untold number o f children left as wards o f governmental agencies because o f alcoholic parents, all testify to the consummate evils which derive from the entire liquor business. It is strange that although there have been numerous suggestions as to how the liquor industry can be controlled nobody seems to want to control it as in the days o f prohibition. News commentators and writers o f various types shudder at the thought o f recurrence o f prohibition. Is there no united voice in our country today which will give the truth concerning the value o f prohibition during the years it was in force in our land? All we hear are perversions o f the truth o f that situation. The liquor interests have so completely brainwashed the present generation that it seems impossible to get the truth out much less to have it believed by a sizeable portion o f our citizenry. Granted, there was a great deal o f illicit trade in liquor during those years, but government records show that today there is vastly more illicit trade than there was then in spite o f the fact that the country is wide open for the liquor interests to ply their devilish business. Long forgotten statistics could be unearthed which would reveal the vast good that came to the country during the days o f prohibition in spite o f the (continued on page 51)
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MARCH, 1964
Dr. Willia
T he B ible is not a talisman to the evangelical Chris tian; it is not a book of magical formulas which, properly pronounced, produce weird and occult results. The Bible is the objective, historic revelation of God in human language. The evangelical accepts the Bible’s own testimony of itself that it is the supernatural, the inspired Word of God. Yes, God used men to write it. He did not outrage their personalities. Differences in their styles are appar ent. But He moved holy men to write what is indeed and in truth His Word. Gaussen has expressed it: “ It would . . . in our view, be holding very erroneous language to say . . . certain passages in the Bible are man’s, and certain passages in the Bible are God’s. No, every verse without exception is man’s; and every verse without exception is God’s, whether we find Him speaking there directly in His own name, or whether He employs the entire personality of the sacred writer.” IS BELIEF IN INSPIRATION NECESSARY? But is it important to believe in verbal inspiration? The old line, rose-water modernist, who was essentially a rationalist, answered, “No.” The positivist who denies the validity of any knowledge save that derived through sense experience, says “No.” The neo-orthodox, despite all his lip service to certain doctrines, must in all logic say, “No.” Truth must be experimental, it can have no objective, historic meaning to him. The true Bible believer must answer, “Yes.” Man, if he is to know right from wrong, if he is not to get lost in the labyrinths of human speculation, if he is to gain heaven, must have a clear word from God; divine revela tion is an imperative. Reduce the issue to its bare essentials, and there are only two basic attitudes that can be taken about divine revelation: (1) It is impossible because there is no God, or because God doesn’t care; or (2) It is possible because there is a God who does care. Moreover, it is our deep conviction — based on the Scriptures and corroborated by experience — that a man desperately needs some authoritative word from God. True religion is not the stumbling, faltering, blun dering guesses of men who evolve a man-made faith; it is the revelation of the great God. Just because God —•in keeping with His own character and purposes — chose not to give this revelation all at once is no reason to mistake it for the blunderings of men: progress in divine revelation is never from error to truth; it is always from seed to fruit, from little to much. But remember, that even the embryo, even the little is precious truth, not to be discarded, but to be regarded as foundational and fundamental. LIGHT FROM GOD Into the darkness and depravity of man’s condition has come light from God. God spoke to Adam and Eve. Abel understood the message of God and obeyed. Enoch conversed with the Almighty. God led Noah. The God of glory appeared to Abraham. Jacob saw the face of God. Moses met God and became His chosen revelator. Joshua received his instructions from Jehovah, Othniel, Ehud, Barak and Deborah, Gideon, Jephtha and Samson received God’s commands. Samuel from his youth heard God’s voice. David and Solomon knew His presence. Elijah and Elisha followed God’s commands. Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Jere miah, Habakkuk, Daniel, Obadiah, Ezekiel, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi wrote His word. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter and Jude gave His mes sage to the sons of men. And how else can men know about God? True, "the MARCH, 1964
invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made , even his eternal power and Godhead” (Romans 1:20). True, “ the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). But such knowledge at best is partial. The grandeur of the Creator only intensifies the questions concerning sin, death, salvation, eternity. We need the supernatural reve lation of God. Only the Lord can reveal these truths about Himself: . . the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God . . . we received . . . the spirit which, is of God; that we might know” (I Corinthians 2:11, 12). If the Lord has not so revealed Himself, then we are doomed to the uncertain quest of discovering Him as best we may; we have no authoritative voice in the trackless jungle of the conflicting opinions of men. So the Bible as God’s inspired, inerrant Word is necessary to assurance. Can a man be sure? Don’t say that it does not matter. There is too much at stake. Our happiness now and our blessedness in a dark, mysterious, foreboding future beyond this life are both involved. Is certainty possible? It most certainly is not, if all that we have to go on are the ideas of men, even good men. CHRISTIANITY IS ROOTED IN CHRIST The Bible-believing Christian has a foundation to his faith that is worth more than money can buy. For Chris tianity is based on observed facts which may be tested historically. We are not following some will-o’-the wisp. Christianity is rooted and grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ — who He is and what He did. These facts are set forth in the Bible. No one should be misled. Apocry phal stories, ancient traditions, new dogmas which are unsupported by the Bible are all to be refused. The Pro testant heritage that the Word of God is the final rule of faith and practice underlines the fact that God has given us an objective revelation of truth. While that revelation, to the degree relevant and possible, should be experienced by Christians, their experience of it has absolutely nothing to do with either its trustworthiness or its finality. Moreover, that revelation by the grace and operation of God is available in written form to most Christians. The Word of God is not in the sepulchral mutterings of a special priesthood; it is written. And it presents objective, historical truths which are the warp and woof of the Christian faith. The Word of God, inspired, in fallible, inerrant in the original autographs, is a price Men need the supernatural revelation of God. The al ternative is to blunder along without any sure word from heaven. The alternative is to continue in the dark with out hope, for there are truths utterly beyond our experi ence, and there is no other sure way to know them. We can know for sure; we have the objective revelation of truth which can be tested. You are not sure? While nothing can quite take the place of your own joy of soul as you respond to God’s speaking personally to your heart from His holy Word, there are corroborative evidences. Dr. R. A. Torrey used to list some of them this way: the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ; the fulfilled prophecies; the unity of the Book; the immeasurable superiority of the teachings of the Bible; its indestructibility; the character of those who reject the Book; the influence of the Book; the inexhausti ble depth of the Book; the fact that growth in knowledge and holiness finds us growing toward the Bible; the direct testimony of the Holy Spirit. Available in printed form from the American Tract Society, Oradell, New Jersey. 9 less gift from God. WE CAN BE SURE
by Dr. Reuben A. Torrey
T HE RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ from the dead is the corner-stone of Christian doctrine. It is men tioned directly one hundred and four or more times in the New Testament. It was the most prominent and cardinal point in the apostolic testimony. When the apostolic company, after the apostasy of Judas Iscariot, felt it necessary to complete their number again by the addition of one to take the place of Judas Iscariot, it was in order that he might “ Be a witness with us of his resurrection” (Acts 1:21, 22). The resurrection of Jesus Christ was the one point that Peter emphasized in his great sermon on the Day of Pentecost. His whole sermon centered in that fact. Its key-note was, “This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses” (Acts 2:32, cf. vs. 24-31). When the Apostles were filled again with the Holy Spirit some days later, the one central result was that “with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.” The central doctrine that the Apostle Paul preached to the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers on Mars Hill was Jesus and the resurrection (Acts 17:18, cf. Acts 23:6; I Cor. 15:15). The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the two fundamental truths of the Gospel, the other being His atoning death. Paul says in I Corinthians 15:1, 3, 4, “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our
sins according to the Scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” This was the glad tidings, first, that Christ died for our sins and made atonement; and second, that He rose again. The crucifixion loses its meaning without the resurrection. Without the resurrection the death of Christ was only the heroic death of a noble martyr. With the resurrection, it is the atoning death of the Son of God. It shows that death to be of sufficient value to cover all our sins, for it was the sacrifice of the Son of God. In it we have an all-sufficient ground for knowing that the blackest sin is atoned for. Disprove the resurrec tion of Jesus Christ and Christian faith is vain. “ If Christ be not risen,” cries Paul, “ then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain” (I Cor. 15:14). The doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the one doctrine that has power to save any one who believes it with the heart. As we read in Romans 10:9, “ If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” While the literal bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the corner-stone of Christian doctrine, it is also the Gibraltar of Christian evidence, and the Waterloo of infidelity and rationalism. If the Scriptural assertions of Christ’s resurrection can be established as historic cer tainties, the claims and doctrines of Christianity rest upon an impregnable foundation. On the other hand, if the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead cannot
be established, Christianity must go. It was a true in stinct that led a leading and brilliant agnostic in Eng land to say, that there is no use wasting time discussing the other miracles. The essential question is, Did Jesus rise from the dead? adding, that if He did, it was easy enough to believe the other miracles; but, if not, the other miracles must go. Are the statements contained in the four Gospels regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ statements of fact or are they fiction, fables, myths? There are several lines of proof that the statements contained in the four Gospels regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ are exact statements of historic fact. Internal Proofs This argument is thoroughly conclusive, but we shall not assume anything whatever. We shall not assume that the four Gospel records are the true history; we shall not assume that the four Gospels were written by the men whose names they bear, though it could be easily proven that they were; we shall not even assume that they were written in the century in which Jesus is alleged to have lived and died and risen again, nor in the next. We will assume absolutely nothing. We will start out with a fact which we all know to be a fact, namely, that we have the four Gospels today, whoever wrote them and whenever they were written. We shall place these four Gospels side by side, and see if we can discern in them the marks of truth or of fiction. The first thing that strikes us as we compare these Gospels one with another is that they are four separate and independent accounts. This appears plainly from the apparent discrepancies in the four different accounts. These apparent discrepancies are marked and many. It would have been impossible for these four accounts to have been made up in collusion or to have been derived from one another. There is harmony between the four accounts, but the harmony does not lie upon the surface; it comes out only by protracted and thorough study. It is precisely such a harmony as would exist between accounts written or related by several different persons, each looking at the events recorded from his own stand point. These accounts must be either a record of facts that actually occurred or else fictions. If fictions, they must have been fabricated in one or two ways— either in dependently of one another, or in collusion with one another. They cannot have been fabricated independently of one another; the agreements are too marked and too many. It is absolutely incredible that four persons sitting down to write an account of what never occurred, in dependently of one another, should have made their stories agree to the extent that these do. On the other hand, they cannot have been made up, as we have al ready seen, in collusion with one another; the apparent discrepancies are too numerous and too noticeable. The next thing we notice is that each of these accounts bears striking indications of having been derived from ey e witnesses. The account of an eye witness is readily distinguish able from the account of one who is merely retelling what others have told him. Any one who is accustomed to weigh evidence in court or in historical study soon learns how to distinguish the report of an eye witness from mere hearsay evidence. Any careful student of the Gospel records of the resurrection will readily detect many marks of the eye witness. Some years ago when I was lecturing at an American university, a gentleman was introduced to me as a skeptic. I asked him, “What line of study are you pur
suing?” He replied that he was pursuing a post-graduate course in history with a view to a professorship in his tory. I said, “ Then you know that the account of an eye witness differs in marked respects from the account of one who is simply telling what he has heard from others?” “Yes,” he replied. I next asked, “Have you carefully read the four Gospel accounts of the resurrec tion of Christ?” He replied, “I have.” “ Tell me, have you not noticed clear indications that they were derived from eye witnesses?” “Yes,” he replied, “ I have been greatly struck by this in reading the accounts.” Any one who carefully and intelligently reads them will be Struck with the same fact. The third thing that we notice about these Gospel narratives is their naturalness, straightforwardness, art lessness and simplicity. The accounts, it is true, have to do with the super natural, but the accounts themselves are most natural. There is a remarkable absence of all attempt at coloring and effect. There is nothing but the simple, straightfor ward telling of facti as they actually occurred. The weight of this kind of evidence is greatly increased and
THE RISEN ONE Cruel was the cross where they nailed Him, Now all His anguish is o'er. Lonely was the tomb where they laid Him, But He's alive forevermore. Vainly had they posted their warders, Dawn found the stone rolled away And an angel watcher proclaiming, ''Come, see the place wherein He lay." Harder than the rocks of His prison, Once was this cold heart of mine, But the risen Jesus has touched me, And raised me by His power Divine. Now with Him I dwell in the heavenlies, As one alive from the dead, Drawing all my life every moment From Him, my glorious living Head. Daily let us watch for His coming, Soon shall the days roll away, O that He may find us all watching And hasting on that glorious day.
— A. B. Simpson
reaches practical certainty when we have several indepen dent witnesses of this sort, all bearing testimony to the same essential facts, but with varieties of detail, one omitting what another tells, and the third unconsciously reconciling apparent discrepancies between the two. This is the precise case with the four Gospel narratives of the resurrection of Christ. Dr. William Furness, the great Unitarian scholar and critic, who certainly was not over much disposed in favor of the supernatural, says, “Noth ing can exceed in artlessness and simplicity the four accounts of the first appearance of Jesus after His cruci fixion. If these qualities are not discernible here, we must despair of ever being able to discern them any where.” The next thing we notice is the unintentional evidence of words, phrases, and accidental details. It oftentimes happens that when a witness is on the stand, the unintentional evidence that he bears by words and phrases which he uses, and by accidental details which he introduces, is more convincing than his direct testimony, because it is not the testimony of the witness, but a testimony of the truth itself. The Gospel accounts abound in evidence of this sort. Take, as the first instance, the fact that in all the Gospel records of the resurrection, we are given to under-
MARCH, 1964
“ Be still,” and there was a great calm: so now again in this sublime, this awful moment, He does not excitedly tear the napkin from His face and fling it aside, but absolutely without human haste or flurry, or disorder, He unties it calmly from His head, rolls it up and lays it away in an orderly manner in a place by itself. Was that made up? Never! We do not behold here an exquisite masterpiece of the romancer’s art; we read here the simple narrative of a matchless detail in a unique life that was actually lived here upon earth, a life so beautiful that one cannot read it with an honest and open mind without feeling the tears coming into his eyes. But some one will say, these are little things. True, and it is from that very fact that they gain much of their significance. It is just in such little things that fiction would disclose itself. Fiction displays itself as dif ferent from fact in the; minute; in the great outstanding outlines you can make fiction look like truth, but when you come to examine it minutely and microscopically, you will soon detect that it is not reality but fabrication. But the more microscopically we examine the Gospel narratives, the more we become impressed with their truthfulness. There is an artlessness and naturalness and self-evident truthfulness in the narratives, down to the minutest detail, that surpasses all the possibilities of art. Circumstantial Evidence The third line of proof that the statements contained in the four Gospels regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ are exact statements of historic fact, is circumstan tial evidence. There are certain proven and admitted facts that demand the resurrection of Christ to account for them. Beyond a question, the foundation truth preached in the early years of the Church's history was the resurrec tion. This was the one doctrine upon which the Apostles were ever ringing the changes. Whether Jesus did actual ly rise from the dead or not, it is certain that the one thing that the Apostles constantly proclaimed was that He had risen. Why should the Apostles use this as the very cornerstone of their creed, if it had not been well attested and firmly believed? But this is not all: They laid down their lives for this doctrine. Men never lay down their lives for a doctrine which they do not firmly believe. They stated that they had seen Jesus after His resurrection, and rather than give up their statement, they laid down their lives for it. Of course, men may die for error and often have, but it was for error that they firmly believed. In this case they would have known whether they had seen Jesus or not, and they would not merely have been dying for error but dying for a statement which they knew to be false. This is not only incredible but impossible. Still further, if Jesus had not arisen, there would have been evidence that He had not. His enemies would have sought and found this evidence, but the Apostles went up and down the very city where He had been crucified and proclaimed right to the faces of His slayers that He had been raised and no one could produce evidence to the contrary. The very best they could do was to say the guards went to sleep and the disciples stole the body while the guards slept. Men who bear evidence of what happens while they are asleep are not usually regarded as credible witnesses. Further still, if the Apostles had stolen the body, they would have known it themselves and would not have been ready to die for what they knew to be a fraud. Another known fact is the change in the day of rest. Nothing is more difficult of accomplishment than the change in a holy day that has been celebrated for cen-
stand that Jesus was not at first recognized by His dis ciples when He appeared to them after His resurrection, (e.g. Luke 24:16; John 21:4.) We are not told why this was so, but if we will think awhile over it, we will soon discover why it was so. But the Gospel narratives simply record the fact without attempting to explain it. If the stories were fictions, they certainly would never have been made up in this way, for the writer would have seen at once the objection that would arise in the minds of those who did not wish to believe in His resurrection, that is, that it was not really Jesus whom the disciples saw. Why, then, is the story told in this way? For the self-evident reason that the evangelists were not making up a story for effect, but simply recording events pre cisely as they occurred. This is the way in which it occurred, therefore this is the way in which they told it. We find still another instance in the fact that the recorded appearances of Jesus after His resurrection were only occasional. He would appear in the midst of His disciples and disappear, and not be seen again perhaps for several days. Why this was so, we can easily think out for ourselves: He was evidently seeking to wean His disciples from their old-time communion with Him in the body, and to prepare them for the communion with . eye witnesses give i n f til lable p roo f o f the resurrection o f Christ. ” Himself in the Spirit that was to follow in the days that were to come. We are not, however, told this in the Gospel narratives. We are left to discover it for our selves, and this is all the more significant for that reason. It is doubtful if the disciples themselves realized the meaning of the facts. If they had been making up the story to produce effect, they would have represented Jesus as being with them constantly, as living with them, eating and drinking with them, day after day. Why then is the story told as recorded in the four Gospels? Because this is the way in which it had all occurred. The Gospel writers are simply concerned with giving the exact representation of the facts as witnessed by them selves and others. One more important illustration: In John 20:7 we read, “And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.” How strange that such a little detail as this should be added to the story with absolutely no attempt at explaining. But how deeply significant this little unexplained detail is. Recall the circumstances. Jesus is dead. For three days and three nights His body is lying cold and silent in the sepulchre, as truly dead as any body was ever dead, but at last the sleeping and silent clay. In that supreme moment of His own earthly life, that supreme moment of human history, when Jesus rises triumphant over death and grave and Satan, there is no excitement upon His part. With that same majestic, self-com posure and serenity that marked His whole career, that same Divine calm that He displayed upon storm-tossed Galilee, when His affrighted disciples shook Him from His slumbers and said, “ Lord, carest thou not that we perish?” and He arose serenely on the deck of the tossing vessel and said to the wild, tempestuous waves and winds,
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