King's Business - 1964-03

Farm laborers line up to hear the Gospel during their “siesta” period.

missionary. Some participants have been on as many as four “ caravans.” Several months of preparation go into each “ caravan” for each individ­ ual who takes part. Special testi­ monies are worked out for simplicity of translation. Object lessons are de­ vised which will communicate with clarity the message of Christ to young and old alike. Songs and choruses in Spanish are memorized. The resident missionary in Baja, California, flies up to California to take part in train­ ing sessions before the trip itself is made. The young people are chosen carefully for participation in the pro­ gram. They must go through a per­ sonal interview with their youth pas­ tor, giving sound reasons why they want to take part in the trip. On the scene itself, the young peo­ ple take on tasks immediately under the supervision of Rev. Mr. Long. House - to -house calling, children’s meetings, evangelistic services, and messages for farm laborers are just As missionary Loran Long puts it; “These young people are not on the outside looking in. They are inside seeing for themselves. Poverty, filth, heartbreaking setbacks, hours of labor with no great results, and weeping in prayer are all a part of their experi­ ence.” What a magnificent thing it is to know that some of these young peo­ ple, as they consider the mission field full-time in the future, will already have had a taste of the price it costs in personal sacrifice, and know that great things for God do not come easily! Children the world around love to play games. H ere’s “ London Bridge” Baja California style. samples of the kind of efforts which have brought a harvest of souls in the past months. A recent caravan group took as its banner the phrase, “ Labor at prayer and then watch God work.” And work He did. Young and old alike found Christ as personal Saviour and Mexican Christians dedi­ cated themselves to telling others of their great joy and peace in this Salvador —Jesus Christ.

'Suffer the little children to come unto me.”

Jesus said,

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emotionally, that they have ever done. In the last year and a half, 214 young people have made this arduous eight-hour trip below the border to spend a minimum of four days, and most often a full week, presenting the claims of Christ to the people in this land of great natural resources but spiritual poverty. Twenty-seven different churches have sent their young people on these unusual efforts a total of 12 times so far. Usually the groups number about twenty at a time, composed of high school and college young people accompanied by four or five adults and the resident


MARCH, 1964

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