128. Brighten the Corner-Famous White Sisters in a spirited album containing favorites like I'm Going Higher, Near to the Heart of God, No One Understands, 9 more.
127. K o re a n O r phan Choir on Tour Young ambassadors sing: Sweet Hour of Prayer, God Be With You, How Great Thou Art, The Lord is My Shepherd, 11 more.
117. His Name Is Wonderful— Haven of Rest Quartet: Nearer My God, Precious Lord, Old Account was Settled, Blessed be the Fountain, 13 all-time favorites.
80. P in n a c le s of Praise — Bill Pearce, and Dick Anthony Duets with the Concert Orches tra of London: Saved, Saved; Only Jesus; Jesus Led Me; 8 others.
121. The Mickelson Touch— Paul Mickelson and his Orchestra, deeply spiritual music: Beneath the Cross of Jesus, My Task, Swing Low, 8 more outstanding favorites.
129. Lord of Glory —The far-famed Revival- time Radio Choir, with piano and organ: Under His Wings, Wonderful Savior, Great Physician, 17 soul-stirring hymns.
106. To God Be The Glory — Tedd Smith — Piano. Don Hustad—Or gan, heard regularly on the Billy Graham broad cast:^ God BeThe Glory, God of our Fathers, etc.
S y m p h o n y I n B r a s s
uttMftimun« m minurun SALVATIOitUMT t miaun 126. Symphony in Brass— The Salvation Army, N.Y. Staff Band and Male Chorus: Onward Christian Soldiers, Just as I am, To God Be The Glory, many more.
33. H is Eye Is on the Sparrow — Ethel Waters sings: His Eye is on the Sparrow, Deep River, In His Care, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Stand By Me, 6 more.
130. S p iritu a ls — Frank Boggs: Lily of the Valley, Go Down, Moses, Climbin’ Up the Mountain, Jacob’s Ladder, Every- time I Feel the Spirit, 14 all-time favorites.
131. J. T. Adams a n d T h e M en O f Texas— A ringing tenor voice brings new depth to 12 outstanding hymns: WhenTheRol! IsCalled.Up Yonder, Amazing Grace.
92. Chimes At Dusk —Lew Charles at the sil ver-toned Maas Chimes, bearing messages of joy, inspiration in: Living for Jesus, Jesus Shall Reign, Tis So Sweet, 16 hymns.
6 5. Decade of Deci sion-Music from Billy Graham’s film classics featuring Georgia Lee, Redd H a rpe r, E thel Waters. Frank Boggs. 12 more favorites.
6 3 . Y e s te rd a y ’ s Voices— Paul Harvey narrates. Actual voices, sermonsof Dwight Moody, Ira Sankey. Billy Sunday, W. B. Riley, George T ruett, etc.
5 1. B e y o n d t h e River — Melody Four Quartet: I’ve a Home Be yond the River, Coming Again. Still of the Night, Peace in the Valley, When I’m With Him, 7 others.
132. Solitude — The Dick Anthony Choristers, outstanding male voices: Jesus, The Very Tho’t of Thee, Nearer, Still Nearer, Hiding in Thee, plus 9 other hymn classics.
133. Music To Live By —The famous Lorin Whitney speaks through the great Robert Morton Pipe Organ: No Longer Lonely, Art Thou Weary, Only Trust Him, 12 in all.
[ Listen to them in your own home fo r 10 days I ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT OBLIGATION J Five of these favorite albums of Christian music— any five you choose— can be yours to listen to FREE for 10 days.
Without committing yourself to anything whatever—without agreeing to buy any thing at all— you can listen to these valuable recordings in your own home. As you listen, you’ll see for yourself how this wonderful sacred music can lift and inspire you. Then you can either return them to us within 10 days or add them to your record library at the unusually low cost of $2.67. (Regular retail value of the 5 albums is as high as $24.90!) This special offer also brings you, after 10 days, membership in the Family Record Club, with all its wonderful advantages. As a member you get your choice of inspirational records announced in the FREE Monthly Club Digest. And, after you've made your first 5 regular purchases from the Club, you get 1 album free for every 2 you buy. Think of the many hours of listening pleasure and spiritual refresh ment in store for you. Think what these albums of praise, prayer, faith and inspi ration can mean to your loved ones! You’ll have access to recordings of hymns, gospel songs, spirituals and other well-loved sacred music, performed by such dedicated Christian artists as The White Sisters, Ethel Waters, Paul Mickelson, Haven of Rest Quartet, Lew Charles, Don Hustad and Tedd Smith, Frank Boggs, Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony, The Korean Orphan Choir and many more! SEND NO MONEY. Just tell us which 5 albums you want, by number. When they arrive, listen to them for 10 days. During that time, you decide whether you'll keep them or not, and whether you want to continue as a member of the Family Record Club. If your answer is yes, pay $2.67 for 5 albums valued up to $24.90, and your membership will become effective at once. If your answer is no, return the records to us, and all charges will be cancelled. FILL IN, DETACH AND MAIL THIS MONEY-SAVING COUPON! FAMILY RECORD CLUB/WACO, TEXAS Please send me the 5 Word Record albums listed below, for 10 days examination, without charge or obligation. I understand that, after 10 days time, I can either return the records, or pay $2.67 plus a small postage and handling charge (retail value up to $24.90). I also understand that, if I do not return the records in 10 days, I’ll automatically become a member of the Family Record Club, and that I’ll agree to buy 5 albums of my choice (more than one hundred to choose from) during the next 12 months at the regular low retail price ($3.98 for High Fidelity; $4.98 for Stereo) plus handling and postage. There after, I am entitled to get one album FREE for each two I buy through the Club. PLEASE SEND ME THE FOLLOWING f 5 ALBUMS: (list by number) L (please print) NAM E___ Enroll me in the AD DR ESS □ REGULAR HI-FI □ STEREO DIV. C ITY ZO NE STATE 051034 Regular long playing (33’/3 RPM) players use High Fidelity albums. Stereo players use either. (To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 58)
136. Easy Listening —A thrilling sermon in music by outstanding or ganist, Les Barnett: He Leadeth Me. God Be With You, Blessed Assurance. A treasury of favorites.
134. In P e rs o n — Alan McGill sings a new challenge to seek and worship Christ: Lead Me Gently Home, Jesus Paid It A ll, The Unveiled Christ, plus 9 favorites.
135. Old Time Reli gion —The unforgettable voice of Bob Daniels, sup ported by the Ralph Carmichael Orchestra and Chorus. 13 all-time favor ites from by-gone days.
1 0 7 . H a n d f u l s of M usic —Joe and Marion Talley with the DickAnthony Choristers: I Never Walk Alone. When The Saints Go Marching In, SavedbyGrace, plus11.
86. P r a i s e T h e A lm igh ty — Lutheran Hour Choir: The King Of Love My Shepherd Is, 0 Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly, Jesus Lover of My Soul, 9 others.
137. B eside S till Waters — Lew Charles At NBC Pipe Organ: Old Rugged Cross, Sweet Hour of Prayer, 16 hymns for reflective listening, music for meditation.
6 8 . G reat Stories From th e B ib le— Wendell Loveless relates familiar Bible stories for children. Inspiring, en tertaining, enlightening. Realistic sound effects.
1 0 4 . H y m n T i m e Sing-A long —Jerry Barnes and Kurt Kaiser Singers: 18 fa m ilia r hymns for family singing: Blessed Assurance, Won derful Words of Life.
9 8 .1Found The An swer-Jack Holcomb, favorite tenor of hymn- loving people, sings: Open Your Heart, I Found The Answer, If I Gained The World, 10 popular hymns.
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