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or the past two years, I have called mothers to work at Vaca tion Bible School. I have contacted many, and I have' heard dozens of different excuses. The old adage, “ It takes all kinds of people to make a world,” is really proved to be true. I would like to share with you some of the excuses I have received. During the course of my calling, I always call the mother that is so glad to hear from me. She is feeling so blue and down in the dumps, and she is not at all well. She was hoping someone would call so that she could share her problems. By the time she finishes telling me about all of her problems, aches, and pains, I am feeling so blue myself that I forget that it is a beautiful day. Of course, she is too ill to think of helping. I always call one home where the little boy answers the phone. For the life of me, it is impossible to get him to understand that I would like to talk to his mother. Finally, after the warning buzzer sounds, mother comes to the phone. She tells me what a big boy he is and that he is such a dear child for helping her out by answer ing the phone! She would like to help at Bible school, but she has no place to leave the little boy. He’s so young, and he just wouldn’t be a bit happy in the nursery. There are those mothers who just can’t get their spring housecleaning done in time to take two weeks out. They seem to forget that I am calling them in April, and if they would care to plan their time right, they could be done well in advance' of the first two weeks in June. Every year, at least one of the mothers has the excuse that someone she knows is going to have a baby, and she is going to take care of the children left at home. The new baby isn’t to arrive until the middle of July, but she just wouldn’t feel right about making plans for fear that something might happen, and the new baby would arrive early. Several are just not able to get around by nine o’clock. The man of the house doesn’t leave for work until eight, and there are innumerable chores to be done before they can leave the house. It is usually about ten before they can get started be cause it takes them quite a while to really get awake. I always call at least one conver sationalist. She always talks about everything but the Bible school plans,
and hops from one subject to the next so fast that I almost forget why I have called her. She is a great talk er, but she feels that she is not cap able enough to help. She claims that she is tongue-tied when she has to get up in front of a group. Some never want to be the teacher. They will be glad to be a helper or to help out in any other way that they can, but they don’t want the responsibility of planning a lesson for every day and seeing that the material is covered. Don’t forget, they will help in any way they can, but don’t give them any responsibilty. I always talk to several mothers who helped last year, and they feel that it is someone else’s turn this year. They never stop to think that year after year there are a few that never fail and are always on the job when Bible school starts. Oh, you do find one now and then who accepts your invitation to work, but she has. so many stipulations in her acceptance that you wish you could say that you really don’t need her after all. She is forever remind ing you that she is doing it under stress, and it is a great sacrifice on her part to help this year. Some mothers are pretty sure that they will be able to help, but they want to think it over for a couple of days. They say that they will call me if they change their mind. I wait and wait for their call, and after a couple of weeks, I call them again to check. They have decided they would not be able to help and just didn’t get around to calling me back. Another excuse I have heard is that the husband just won’t allow his wife to take on any more activities. He has told her that she never knows when to say no, and if she doesn’t cut out some of the extras, she will be ill. She thinks this is a good place to start saying no. After I have exhausted my long list of names and still have several places to fill, what do I do? I call the small group of faithful mothers I can always depend on to say yes. They help every year, teach Sunday school every Sunday, sing in the choir, have at least two children, be long to and are active in several clubs, always work on community projects. These are .the mothers who can be depended on to get the work done, will accept responsibility, and see to it that the year’s Vacation Bible School will be a big success.
by Mrs. James Smith
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