The “new mathematics”?
and spiritual impact. Heart-decisions are the result of sufficient exposure to God’s Word. Hence, two weeks of Vacation Bible School result in more decisions for Christ than almost any other church effort. For maximum spiritual results in your VBS, plan now for two full weeks of this important ministry. For maximum pupil-appeal, clear Bible teaching, and strong evangelistic emphasis, select Scripture Press’ timely course, “MAK ING TIME COUNT for Christ!” Start today! Get these timesaving VBS planning helps:
YES! 1 + 1 can equal 4 . . . or may be 5 or 6! Two weeks of well-planned Vacation Bible School, backed by much prayer are bound to result in much more than two times the effect of a one-week school. There is, of course, no spiritual slide rule to cal culate the life-changing results of each additional day of VBS. But VBS re ports indicate that many more deci sions for Christ are made during the second week of VBS than the first. An effective VBS, where the Bible is taught prayerfully day after day, ex periences a buildup in pupil’s interest
• FREE VBS Guidebook“ — 24 colorful pages with Planning Timetable . . . preview of 1964 VBS courses . . . exciting new pub licity ideas, handcraft, and teaching tools . . . all "tim e d ” to the new theme. “ MAK ING TIME COUNT for Christ.” Ask for your copy. • New VBS Filmstrip— dram atically illustrates the evangelistic im pact of VBS . . . stirs church members to prayer and action in this effective m inistry. Ask fo r a FREE showing soon! • Introductory VBS Kit— teachers’ and pupils’ manuals and handcraft for 5 age-groups (Nursery through Young Teen) . . . 8 new publicity pieces . . . and indispensable VBS Guidebook— a $7.50 value for only $5.50! *Guidebook and manuals include suggestions for a one-week school, for those who find it impossi* ble to have two weeks of VBS.
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MARCH, 1964
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